Wednesday, September 18, 2024

12 Years and Still Here!

The Palouse Wargaming Journal (PWJ) sees another annual milepost crossed.  The milepost on my path today reads, 12 Years Blogging.

This experiment began twelve years ago with my first post here.  Times have changed in the intervening dozen years but much remains the same.  While the early years saw many posts on figures painted and few on games played, recent years have seen a shift to gaming and reporting on those games.  

Writing about wargaming and reading about the wargaming exploits of others remain a constant place in my daily routine.  On the writing front, I still manage to hammer out about ten posts per month.  At my current rate of publication, the total post count may not reach what has become a standard 120 posts per year but the ending count will be close.  Looking back to January, a reduction in frequency was foretold.  Still, my pace remains consistent and steady.  I have yet to run out of topics to consider and chronicle within these pages.  Hard to believe that even after a dozen years pounding away at the keyboard, I have neither lost inspiration nor motivation. A bit surprising really since having sufficient content was one of my concerns when I first began all of those years ago.  As mentioned in last year's marking of time, I am convinced that I actually could spend all of my time simply writing scenarios, hosting games, and writing battle reports.  There are times when I wonder if the results justify the efforts.

My gaming schedule continues on a robust pace but there has been a switch to hosting more games than I attend.  New gamers continue to find themselves seated at the remote gaming table often with one or two games per week.  I am even seeing a pick-up in F2F gaming.  There remain several distinct groups that regularly take up my offers for a game.  So far, they are all willing to keep returning for more.  Remote gaming opens up my connection to many more likeminded wargamers than I thought possible even a few years ago.  I always look forward to our games.  All are considered close friends and solid gaming companions.

What about blogging statistics?

Well, wargaming blogs have come and gone but I remain still standing.  The PWJ is up to 1,698 posts (1,579 posts at this time last year), 51,551 comments (45,318 last year), and 331 Followers (322 last year).  The number of followers does not move much but I have seen a few new names joining in lately.

As I wrap up this brief commemoration, I am grateful to anyone who stops by for a quick read or a long linger and doubly grateful for those readers who regularly offer up a comment or two.

Thank you for your patronage and friendship.

Another remote game is on today's docket and a return to regular programming soon.


  1. Jonathan, congratulations on 12 years! I started my blog in 2009 well behind the popular curve of blogging, but couldn't get the hang of it! It wasn't until 2020 that I really started using it as a record.
    I find it useful to keep a routine of posting, otherwise a month can go by without an update.
    I have not explored using the blog to discuss wargaming issues as many successfully do ( including you); why? probably fear that I wouldn't get a response! nothing sadder than a discourse without reply.....☺

    1. Thanks, Neil! If you were behind the blogging popularity curve then I was WAY behind the curve and riding it down. Still, we stuck with it.

      To which type of Wargaming issues do you refer? I reckon I have touched on many topics.

    2. Well just this year - are wargamers competitive? And what do you like most about wargaming, both of which generated lots of discussion.

    3. The GWS analysis often prompts a robust discussion. I enjoy those interactions a lot and gain important insights.

  2. Happy Anniversary and thanks for all the ideas, games and encouragement that you have shared.

    1. You are welcome, Kim! I have enjoyed following your blog too.

  3. Congratulations! That's a lot of posts, and all interesting.

  4. Well done on 12 years worth of blogging and an impressive number of posts.

    1. That is a large number of posts! Thanks for following along and participating in a number of these games both at “home” and “away.”

  5. Congrats on 12 years Jon! Like you checking Blogs has become part of my daily routine, especially in the morning as it eases me into the day as I have an early start. Sometimes when I've posted stuff, I too wonder whether it is all worth the effort, especially of late when you get so few responses.

    1. Thank you! We are of similar mind although response rate and interactions are such that motivation remains high.

  6. Congratulations on reaching this milestone!

    All the best,


  7. All good wishes, Jon. Quality tells in the long run, no doubt, and I hope it brings its own reward - thank you for working so hard to brighten our lives! I believe you have set the standard for what wargaming blogs can be.

    1. Much appreciated! Having you at the gaming table has been a pleasure.

  8. Congratulations on your anniversary. You have given a lot of effort to amuse & enlighten. May you do 12 more years, with options to renew.

  9. Congratulations on the blog anniversary. 12 years is some going

  10. A worthwhile anniversary to recognise Jonathan - congratulations. While you continue to have the desire and energy to post, I reckon the people will continue to flock to your blog. Richard

  11. Congratulations on this milestone! Thank you for over a decade of entertainment, inspiration and gaming.

    1. Thanks, Chris! It has been a pleasure having you frequently take a seat at the remote gaming table.

  12. Bravo Jon. Always worth popping by here to see what you have to say. Keep it up!

    1. Thank you, Anthony! Happy to have you along for the ride.

  13. Happy Blog Birthday and a double congrats beyond the remarkable longevity but also on the continued excellence of content!

  14. Congratulations Jon. The consistent quality of content is quite a feat.

  15. Happy blog birthday, difficult teenage years lie ahead, so let's enjoy this last calm year! Seriously always fun and entertaining!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you! Oh, I never considered the trying teenage years…

  16. Well done you. Good to see you have evolved over time in what you write about. There's been some discussion in the UK recently about the importance of friendship groups and talking to other people for strong mental health and that blokes aren't that good at it. Meeting for wargames on line or face to face is good for you!

    1. Thank you, Graham! There is similar discussions on this side of the pond about the loss of networking and friendships as one ages. As you note, this is especially true for men.

      Without your inspiration and encouragement, my remote gaming may not have evolved to where it is today or even begun. I certainly owe you one!

    2. Paid in full. You improved our gaming experience over COVID. BTW Your Basques made it on to the table in the Guadalajara game, but didn't see any fighting.

    3. At least the Basques were in the TOE! Maybe one day we can return to an occasional remote game.

  17. Congratulations on a really impressive milestone. I enjoy reading your blog and long may that continue, heres' to the next 12!

    1. Thanks, Donnie! I appreciate your engagement with the blog and enjoy seeing you climb up the Leader Board.

  18. Congratulations on 12 years blogging Jon. Your blog is one of the first I look out for when logging on. Keep up the fab work!

  19. Congrats on 12 years, Jon! Yor blog is brilliant, of course, I don't know how you fit it all in. It's an honour to be invited to your games, I'm looking forward to the one coming up later!

    1. Thank you, David! You are most kind but the honor of having you take a seat at the gaming table is all mine.

  20. Well done Jon, like Ray, yours is a blog I am constantly checking for new content and other people's comments, in fact, I use the Blogs Followed section as my "index" for regular checking of other blogs too!
    I didn't start my blog till 2016 and literally the first 18 months, I probably had a total of 10 comments! Looking back, I am quite surprised I continued! I just hope technology or social media does not reach a stage one day where Google just turn Blogger off, I would really miss this aspect of the hobby now! It is DEFINITELY worth all our time to carry on blogging!

    1. Thank you, Keith! Very pleased to see that the blog offers some value to a small cadre of regular readers. I really appreciate your support and encouragement, always.

  21. Jon - Well done; keep it up! Longevity seems to be a challenge for blogs so admiration for keeping at it. I do like the variety of posts although contrariwise the multi-battle fights (if that is the right way of putting it) are also a treat. Andrew

    1. Thanks, Andrew! Another round of multiple refights of a particular battle is coming up soon. Game #1 of Shiloh was fought this afternoon.

  22. Twelve years is quite an achievement Jonathan. There is always something interesting to read. Battling through all the vicissitudes of Blogger during that time is equally as impressive.

    1. Much appreciated, Lawrence! We all must battle through Blogger changes and features from time to time. It is worth the effort, I think.

  23. Happy blog birthday Jonathan…
    Thank you for keeping us all so well entertained…
    Long may it continue…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you and you are welcome, Aly! Hopefully, more years to come.

  24. Thanks for all your hard work in keeping your blog Jonathan. Like the others have said, I really appreciate it.

  25. Happy blogiversary Jonathan...I see you ventured into blogging a mere four months ahead of me, but you post far more frequently than me...maybe when I retire I might edge up towards your level of activity.

    1. Thank you, Mark! Retirement opens up many possibilities although you already are a painting machine.

  26. Big congrats on the 12 year anniversary of blogging. That's a LONG time. Almost as long as I've been married.
    I've enjoyed our online friendship and interactions through blogging and emails and such. I'm glad that you haven't reached the point of diminishing returns. 😁

    1. Thanks, Stew! I am happy to have not reached the point of diminishing returns too. Oh, your name came up in yesterday's Shiloh bash.

    2. Oh That’s why my ears were burning. I thought I had a rash. 😀
      I just assume my name ALWAYS comes up at an ACW game.

  27. Congratulations Jonathan, keep 'em coming.

  28. Well done, Jon! You do a great job of frequent posting while still keeping up interesting topics.

  29. Happy Blogiversary, Jon! Checking my own it seems I started about 1.75 years before you did, which is had to believe. While Social Media seems to have taken over some of the role of blogs, I much prefer blogs to same! It definitely takes time and work to keep at it, but IMHO it is well worth it!

    1. Thank you, Peter! Like you, I much prefer this media as well. For one, I don't use any others! Blogging requires work but the efforts are not without rewards.

  30. Jonathan -
    Congratulations are doubly due to your successfully maintaining a high volume of quality output for all this time!
    I could never have achieved that rate of publication. Well done, sir!

  31. Congratulations on your anniversary! Thank you for all you are doing. You are an inspiration for me.

  32. Congratulations Jonathan on maintaining such a high standard of content and writing style with such consistency over the 12 years.

    1. Thank you, Richard! This blog was my ticket into The Rejects!

  33. Happy Blogiversary Jon! Looking forward to your next twelve years!

  34. Congrats on twelve years! And still gaming with Kevin and Jake - have not seen those two in decades now...

    1. Thanks! Yes, still gaming with Kevin, Jake, and Scott although Jake has been otherwise engaged for the last four years
