Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Shiloh and the Attack on Sherman

Wednesday last, Mark (Blood Mud and Steel), David (The Ragged Soldier), Chris (Horse and Musket Gaming), and Tony (Prometheus in Aspic) joined in to refight the opening stages of the Battle of Shiloh.  For a brief background on the battle, see my post My God! We are attacked!  Mark and Tony took on Sherman's command while David and Chris settled into the roles of the attacking CSA.  When the fighting opens, the general battle situation is illustrated in the map of the gaming table below.  The battle opens at 7:45am when the first wave of Confederate attacks against Sherm at Shiloh Church begins.
Situation at 7:45am.
Before battle is joined, the Federal Army is enjoying a quiet Sunday morning in camp.  Patrols are sending back reports of enemy activity in front of Shiloh Church but these early reports are dismissed.  The 53rd Ohio continues sending reports that the enemy is advancing in large numbers to its front.  Sherman dismisses these reports until he can no longer do so as enemy artillery disrupts morning breakfast and prayers.  The Confederates are attacking!
Quiet Sunday morning at Shiloh.
The Rebels are on the attack and bearing down on Sherman's position.  With high water in Shiloh Branch Creek, Cleburne's Brigade faces a tough time coming to grip with the enemy.  Having his command split by the marsh around the bridge over Shiloh Creek, Cleburne's attack is uncoordinated.  First to taste combat is the 53 OH as the 6 MS emerges from the cover of Shiloh Creek.  Both units take punishing losses as the 53rd falls back to the creek.  The 6 MS does likewise as it comes under Federal artillery fire.  The battle has begun!      
Rebels attack in waves of lines.
Shootout in Rhea Field!
Leading the attack, Cleburne's Brigade steps into the swollen Shiloh Creek in tight formation.  These dense formations attract enemy musketry and artillery fire.  Many are cut down before they can negotiate this obstacle.  Even with two Confederate batteries offering support from the high ground behind, by the time Cleburne emerges from the heavy cover lining the creek nearly half of his effectives are down.  This is going to be a tough fight!  Still, a combination of artillery and musketry forces one of Buckland's regiments to head deeper into the woods.  A gap has opened in the Federal line!  Seeing the difficulty Cleburne faces, Pond pushes his brigade out on the left in an effort to turn the Federal position on the ridge.  Despite Cleburne's heavy casualties, more Rebels are stacked up waiting to take up the fight. 
Cleburne steps into the morass of Shiloh Creek...
emerging with fewer fighting formations.
Pond sweeps out to the left to turn the Federal Right.
A gap opens in the Federal position!

Confederates attacking in depth.
Taking advantage of the opening in Sherman's line, Cleburne pushes the 2 TN forward. Reaching the Federal camp, the Tennesseans stop to loot the now abandoned camp. This is no way to win a battle! With enemy on its flank, Buckland swings a regiment around and Taylor does the same with one of his batteries. The 2 TN comes under tremendous fire.
Rebels gain a toehold on the ridge
but devolve to looting rather than fighting.
Looting Rebels come under close range enemy fire.
With both Pond and Anderson now in the fight, McDowell's Brigade on the Federal Right is under increased pressure to hold the line.  McDowell is forced back off the ridge as the Rebels gain a second toehold on Shiloh Ridge.  McDowell falls in the action.  Taking McDowell's ridgeline position was not without drama, however.  In the confusion, one of Pond's regiments is subjected to friendly fire by Anderson's Texans.  Luckily, no harm befell the Rebels.  Over on the Confederate Right, Cleburne's detached regiments make their way back into Rhea Field.  Hildebrand counters by bringing his Federal brigade down to the creek.        
Hildebrand counters Cleburne's push to the creek. 
McDowell driven back!
As the Federal Right gives way and McDowell disengages, the Federal Right is turned.  Cleburne's Brigade has been wrecked in the process.  With the Federal Right in jeopardy, Hildebrand takes the fight to the enemy as the blue bellies slip into the creek.  Buckland adds one regiment to this operation.  In a hammer and anvil move, Hildebrand catches a Rebel regiment in the creek and sends it scampering to the rear.   Hildebrand follows up.  Now, the Confederate Right has been turned! 
Federal Right is turned...
but Cleburne wrecked in the process.
Hildebrand moves to crush the Confederate Right.
Hammer falls upon the Rebs!
Confederate right is broken!
While the fighting remains hot around Shiloh Church, Raith's Brigade finally joins into the fray to shore up the Federal Center and stop the hemorrhaging.
Heavy fighting around Shiloh Church
but Federal reinforcements arrive just in time.
With the hour very late and few prospects of taking back the ground lost on the Confederate Right, the Rebels concede the battle.  They have had enough!  The Butcher's Bill was high but not uneven.  McDowell's Brigade was broken as was Cleburne's.  Both Hildebrand and Buckland were teetering on the breaking point, but the Confederates simply ran out of time and momentum.  
Butcher's Bill
While the Federal Right crumbled, Hildebrand's bold attack likely tipped the scale in balance to Sherman.  Fascinating game to watch develop.  Seeing the loss, both Confederate commanders wondered what might have been and how they would tackle this problem differently next time.  Next time?  Yes, a rematch might be in order.  First, though, two games are lined up for the next two weeks with two different groups of players.  Let's see if they tackle these challenges any differently.  Both of the upcoming games will feature limited intel for the players.  Will this reduced information set change the battle?  We will see!

Thanks again fellas for another fantastic game.  Very enjoyable.  Game time was about four and a half hours.


  1. Knowing that I'm going to be playing this soon, I don't want to learn things that should be a surprise (fog of war etc.). But I did skip straight to the end to read your closing comment Jonathan. A bloody engagement from the last photo, but it gives hope to a prospective Fed commander.

    1. Richard, keeping your upcoming game in mind, I tried to maintain a certain level of vagueness in the battle report.

  2. Well that was an excellent AAR that gave me enough info to follow what transpired, but vaue enough not to give inof away for forthcoming games (hopefully). Reading it did take me straight back to our BBB game, where the terrain really hampered the CSA, with limited visibility, LoS etc. Cracking stuff and look forward to seeing how the future games pan out.

    1. Thank you, Steve! The terrain is not a friend to the CSA although if they can bring their forces to bear, Sherman could be in a very tough fight. Actually, he was in a tough scrap in this engagement as well. Just look at the casualties. I tried to be a bit vague so that not too much was given up to the forthcoming limited intel players.
