Sunday, September 1, 2024

A Small Painting Update

Following a very poor painting output in July, August saw a turn up in productivity.  Seeing an increase in painting results offered both a boost to annual counts and morale.  A number of completed units await their turn as I work through the backlog at the photo booth.  With August totals added to the annual painting tally, the count surpasses 600 figures.  With four months remaining in 2024, I should reach my goal of 750 figures.
Off the painting desk today shows a small painting update.  Small in that the figures are 10mm for the ACW project.  Mustering out are two, 30-figure Confederate regiments.  Figures are Old Glory. 
On the gaming front, the Battle of Cheriton is on the schedule for a four-player rematch on Tuesday.  Well, three of the four players are rematching.  The fourth player missed the earlier confrontation.  A few modest clarifications to the rules and QRS are ready for contact with the players.  We will see how they get on.  Later this morning, a long-lost gaming friend returns for a visit to catch up after his long deployment to talk wargaming, wargame projects, and push some lead across the table.
More figures coming up soon or perhaps a cycling update showing recent forays out into the wild including a close encounter with a garbage truck.


  1. I like the look of those Confederates. If I was doing my ACW collection again, 10mm is the way to go

    1. Thanks, Neil! For me, 10mm is the way forward in fighting large ACW battles.

  2. Very nice looking units Jon, and 10mm seems like a great scale.......

    1. Thank you, Keith! For large battles, 10mm offers a good solution.

  3. Great work on the ACW regiments Jonathan. How do you find 10mm compares to 15mm figures in terms of painting speed?

    1. Thanks, Lawrence! Painting 10mm ACW is faster than the equivalent number of 15mm figures. I reckon that painting 10mm Napoleonics would take as long as the same number of 15mm ACW.

  4. Nice, alongside my own painting revival.

    1. Thanks, George! I need to check in on your painting revival.

  5. Nice job Jon. Reminds me of the fight in the woods in Glory (which was on TV last night).

    1. Thanks, Chris! Glory? I have not seen that movie since its release. I recall thinking Broderick did a great job as Shaw. I always thought Broderick would made a perfect McClellan.

  6. That's an impressive total of painted figures Jonathan!
    Those poor elves must be exhausted! ☺

    1. Thanks, Neil! Elves not exhausted yet but they are requesting better working conditions.

  7. Great looking Confederates, even at the smaller scale, my painting output has ground to a halt as I'm working away, still I've brought some terrain to prep!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

    1. Thank you, Iain! My output is entering the fall painting surge.

  8. 700 by year end? Not sure you would be higher just with you present rate of painting. The quality is certainly there.

    1. Yes, my 750 figures goal should fall by year end unless I have more months like July. Maybe I should bump the goal to 850? I would need to average about 50 figures per month for the next four months.

  9. Great looking regiments Jonathan.
    Just the boost to get me to finish my Confederate force I am painting.

    1. Thanks, Ben! Happy to provide a small, motivational boost.

  10. Nice work on the Confederates, I like the OG 10mm figures, I have Marlburian and SYW, they paint up quickly and look great on the table.

    1. Much appreciated! I have been tempted many times by a 10mm Marlburian project.

  11. Fine looking Rebs there Jonathan you are certainly going well on the painting front despite the intervention of "stuff".

  12. Great looking units Jon and good to see you being able to catch up with a gaming chum:). As for the close call with the garbage truck, I shudder at the thought after being knocked off my bike by a bus many years ago:(!

    1. Thank you, Steve! Catching up with an old friend was very good. Hopefully, we can get together more often. With the number of close calls on the bike increasing, I am seriously reconsidering by cycling strategy by removing myself from most shared roads completely.

    2. Sadly most of my bike rides are now on shared cycle paths or side roads which are quieter and generally safer. The shame is it means rather dull rides and not much lengthy stretches to get some decent mileage in, all being rather stop start. The other option is to set out early on a Sunday morning when most sane people are still in bed!

    3. Sane drivers, I worry less about. It is the insane and drunk ones that scare me!

  13. The massed ACW unit looks very nice. Good that you are still on track for your painted figure goal.

    1. Thanks! My January painting prediction may need revision to bump the total up a bit.

  14. Fabulous looking additions Jonathan.

  15. They look great, 10mm could be very tempting if I had the bandwidth! Looking forward to the Cheriton game tomorrow, thank you in advance..

    1. Thanks, David! 10mm is a tempting size for fighting large battles or for those having limited space. I look forward to seeing what you fellas pull out of the hat in Tuesday's Cheriton game too.

  16. Small … But beautifully formed/painted Jonathan…
    750 by the end of the year…😱
    They way I’m going at the moment I will be happy with 7.5 🤣

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks, Aly! You will wind out the year with many more than 7.5 figures painted. I have watched a steady stream of Shiny Napoleonics pass in review on your blog.

  17. nice! Being ACW figures they should really count as two figures each...😁

    1. Thanks! Being 10mm, these infantry only count as one point each on the Painting Points ranking and only one point in the actual figures painted count.

  18. Always impressed by your consistent painting production and quality. A bad month for you would be a good 'un for me! Always good to have an old friend drop bye for a face to face game!

    1. Ed, you are very kind! Yes, having a long-lost but not forgotten friend drop in for a game was a pleasant surprise.

  19. Well I guess you need a few more rebels ?
