Saturday, September 21, 2024

Now for Something Different!

After a productive August at the painting desk, I hoped to carry that momentum into September.  Well, the month began with good progress and good intentions but quickly ground to a halt.  Too many other distractions to make it down to the painting desk for any meaningful painting sessions.  Cycling and other outdoor activities, scenario study and design, and gaming all contributed to snatching away much of my free painting time.  
Vicenti Infantry Regiment
Despite these pulls on my time, I did manage to muster out two regiments of infantry for the 18mm SYW/WAS project.  Today's release features an army not often seen on the wargaming table, Genoese!  These two, 23-figure regiments represent the Vicenti and Biembo Infantry Regiments.  Foot figures are Old Glory lead by Eureka mounted colonels. Flags provided by David at Not By Appointment
Biembo Infantry Regiment
This week (Wednesday) saw the first game of refighting the Confederate attack on Sherman at Shiloh.  With a little luck, maybe a battle report can be hammered out in a few days.  The game was a long one but one featuring some surprise, jubilation, despair, and a lot of laughter.  All good fun.  A rematch is in negotiation.  
Rebels advance!
On cycling, weather has been absolutely perfect with warm, sunny days and a slight breeze.  A real pleasure to be out on the bike in such conditions.  A handful of photos from recent outings follow.

I will be back on the bike later this morning once the thermometer climbs about 25F.


  1. Two very nice regiments Jon, the OG figures have a good sense of movement to them, nice uniforms. Some stunning scenery on show, lovely.

  2. Those are two superb additions to your collection Jon. Looking forward to seeing the battle report

  3. Great work on those two new regiments Jon and always good to see something a bit different:). The Shiloh games looks good and await the AAR with interest. Love the shots of your recent bike rides, which would certainly spur me on to get out on two wheels. Sadly weather and real life have meant I've not been out for ages:(.

  4. While I can't imagine cycling distances to see it, the landscape looks lovely with that touch of autumn colour/fall color. That barn is classic Americana too.

  5. As an inveterate terrain builder I love that old barn; wonderful inspiration.

  6. Fine figure additions and the game looks very inviting look forward to reading and viewing the report of it. Uplifting outdoor shots too
