Sunday, September 8, 2024

Saving Me From Myself!

Yes, occasionally, the Hand of Fate must reach in to keep my plans on track.  Today witnessed one of those timely interventions.  Not the outcome I wished but, nevertheless, one of my 2024 goals remain mostly unblemished.

Which goal remains intact?  Well, my goal of reducing the Lead Pile.
At the beginning of the year, I set out to reduce The Lead Pile by painting more figures than I purchase.  As the graphic above illustrates, 636 painted figures have gone out from The Lead Pile while only a mere 114 unpainted figures have slipped into inventory.  Good progress, for sure, but I really have not even managed a slight dimple into the size of this beast.

Thinking I have shown respectable restraint, several recent lots on eBay tempted me to stray from this goal.  Several lots of 18mm SYW figures containing mostly artillery showed up in my eBay feed.  With low starting bids, I placed bids for both the British and French lots.  I ended up winning both lots for a song on Saturday.  

Now, I had a little regret about blowing up my goal of purchases but who can pass up such bargains?  Well, certainly not me!

After receiving a combined shipping invoice from seller and making payment immediately, imagine my surprise on Sunday morning when the seller issued a cancellation of my purchases.  The reason given was "Out of stock or damaged."  Really?  The photos look fine and in stock.  What do you suppose happened?  I have my hunch but will give the seller the benefit of the doubt..

Anyway, this cancellation has helped in keeping my painting goal on track, for now.  While these lots contain more artillery than realistically needed, I would have enjoyed thinking about a box of lead inbound.

Sometimes, the Hand of Fate delivers a heavy but necessary blow.


  1. Sold to a higher bidder…? Surely not?! Natures way of telling you to stay on track you naughty lad.

  2. My guess is they may have 'changed their mind', but at least it allows you to stay on track

  3. Sounds rather dodgy and pretty annoying, Jon, but I guess the end result was to your long term benefit!

    1. Pretty annoying, for sure. The cancellation does help my bottom line.

  4. Eureka figures as well, with no visible signs of damage. That is a real shame Jonathan. I hope it hasn't created an itch now, which is what I find normally happens with me.

    1. No real itch created. I stillhave plenty of figures to work through and probably more than enough artillery already.

  5. Just take it as a blessing in disguise I suppose……..

  6. I suspect they didn't achieve the price they wanted.
    I've only had something similar a long time ago; a very low bid, nothing arrives, contact seller who issues refund with alacrity!
    If it was genuine, they would contact you to explain the situation in my experience.....
    Good that you can take it as a positive outcome!

    1. I suspect you’re right, Neil, or someone made a better offer after the suction closed. Since I have enough unpainted lead to meet current requirements, it is hard to feel loss over something never had.

  7. Not sure I'd be as happy as you seem to be about not adding to to the leadpile.

    1. Ray, if you saw the size of my Lead Pile, you might feel differently.

  8. Congratulations on keeping to your goal, but commiserations for missing out on a bargain.

  9. A bit frustrating to say the least, very annoying when something like this happens. A nice lot as well, but you never miss what you never had I guess.

    1. Frustrating, for sure, but who needs that much artillery?

  10. A bit annoying indeed, but you are perhaps right to be philosophical. Sometimes you don't need to buy something, just because it's a bargain..😀
    One crucial piece of information seems to be missing, though? If the 'lead pile' reduced by 600+, what is the resulting total?

    1. David, you sum up the situation well. Still, I have difficulty walking by a bargain without stopping for a look. The size of the Lead Pile is uncountable...

  11. My lead pile is considerably smaller but my painting slower. What you've achieved this year would take me 5-6 years. However so far this year I have largely resisted buying more figures but this month sees an influx of Vikings pushing my finished versus pending piles in the wrong mathmatical direction.

    1. Stephen, this is the first time I have attempted to track inflows. This activity, alone, has helped curb impulse purchases. I will likely carry this forward into 2025 to see if I can keep this Lead Pile reduction moving forward.

  12. A close shave! Pity about the eBay bargain, but as you say, maybe fate was dropping a hint.

    1. Pity but you are correct, maybe fate is sending a subtle hint.

  13. Bad luck Jonathan. But maybe the funds saved can be used elsewhere to grow the lead pile even higher.
    I presume Mrs. Freitag was suitably supportive, unless you forgot to tell her you won the auction😁

    1. Ben, it is fortunate that The Lead Pile is stored underground. Otherwise, the weight might cause serious structural damage. If the packages never arrive on my doorstep, then I say, no harm, no foul.

  14. Whilst positive in one respect, rather annoying to say the least in the other, with the items listed as out of stock, which is stretching the limits of credibility to the limits! I've had items bought on the 'buy now' basis, only to have the same thing happen, then somehow relisted later at a higher price😠.

    1. I agree that this stretches the limits of credibility. Seeing an item cancelled and then relisted at a higher price would be very annoying as well.

  15. Very annoying, but glad that you are finding a way to put a positive spin on it!

  16. you've reduced your lead pile by 600ish figures (nice job, crushing it!) and can't see a difference?
    That's a BIG pile. You probably need the help from fate....LOL

    1. The pile is larger than a reasonable person can imagine.

  17. Que será!
    You had a brush with temptation but your guardian angel has given things a nudge to keep you on the straight and narrow.

    1. The Guardian Angel did not quite keep me from temptation but kept temptation from being realized.

  18. Odd and vexing ebay instance. At least you know to avoid thar seller in the future...unless you want to be "saved" again!

  19. You certainly didn’t need those figures Jon 😂 I suspect they were sold off line to somebody else, it has occasionally happened to me. What you need to do is cancel all those automatic ebay searches you have setup ! Strangely I sometimes bid on stuff that is really cheap and then am quite relieved when I don’t win !

    1. "Need" is a slippery notion to define. I have trouble with the concept frequently. Cancelling automatic Bay searches seems a drastic step.

  20. Sounds like you got the right result, even if it wasn't the one you wanted!
    Best Iain

  21. Never pass up a bargain Jon. You may not paint it up immediately - but some day down the road you will- and use them too! It's fate when you get them for a song!!

    1. But I did not get them, John! The seller cancelled the order.

  22. A defeat from the jaws of victory there, or is it?

    1. Good question. Still, I would have enjoyed adding these to the Lead Pile.

  23. Deus Vult, amigo….🙃. Saved from adding to the Pile of Opportunity. 😁

    1. Three languages in one comment may be a record. Pile of Opportunity or Pile of Shame?
