Thursday, September 5, 2024

Cheriton: Bledsoe vs Freitag

Yes, another battle report in the growing series of refighting Cheriton on the table.  In fact, this week has seen two refights of the ECW clash between Hopton and Waller.

The first game this week took place on Sunday.  Sunday's contest was the first game in a very long time that I hosted a F2F contest.  The gaming table looks a little foreign without webcams on either side of the table, a big screen TV at the far end, and another person in the room!

Today's opponent was Jake from Dartfrog's Adventures in 6mm.  If my memory is correct, it has been since before COVID that I last saw him.  Boy, how time flies and life intervenes.  Since Jake has been away from the table for so many years, much of our time was spent exchanging stories and catching up.  The rules, themselves, have evolved since Jake last played, too, so the game was really a training exercise and a chance to push lead across the table after a too long absence.  Jake opted to take command of the Royalists while I stepped into Waller's shoes.

Since the session was as much about Jake's many travels as actually playing the game, I offer a selection of photos from the action with very brief commentary.
Waller orders his infantry down from the heights...
while Haselrigge brings his cavalry up on the left.
Haselrigge deploys in depth as Potley moves
his Roundhead infantry up in the center.
View from above Cheriton Woods looking west.
Potley's infantry moves up toward the hedge...
as Roundhead cavalry prepare for action
before smashing into Forth's cavalry.
The enemy are sent reeling back!
Commanded shot exchange pleasantries in the woods.
Waller's infantry reach the hedge first!
Potley sends infantry over the hedge
as the enemy runs to the rear!
View from above Cheriton Woods looking west
as Waller's infantry drive deep into the Royalist line.
With Hopton attached, his bluecoats give a volley
and then chase the enemy back over the hedge! 
This is too little too late!
Hopton sees the writing on the wall. 
With his center pierced and his cavalry all but destroyed,
Hopton concedes the field to Waller.
Waller victorious!
Yes, Waller racks up another victory at Cheriton but winning and losing is not important.  Getting together with an old friend is what counts.  Still, the battle was good fun and Jake is right back up to speed with the rules and I am current on what he has been up to over the last four years.

Hopefully, our next game will not be four years in the making.


  1. Good to see another run out of Cheriton Jon and Face to Face as well always good to catch up with fellow gamers 👍

    1. Well, I have one more run-out of Cheriton to go before I switch gears to another topic. Not sure what is up next. Yes, always a pleasure to catch up with fellow gamers.

  2. F2F, catching up with a friend, good looking game. An AAR even I can understand (at 4am no less). Brilliant! Cheriton is fun to watch unfold.

    1. Yes, all good but I apologize my previous AARs are too dense to read. Glad you enjoyed this battle recap!

  3. I will definitely be giving Cheriton a run once I have returned to and completed my ECW cavalry. A fun way to catch up with an old gaming friend.

    1. Definitely give Cheriton a go when you get your ECW collection out on the table. We found that this is a tough battle for Hopton.

  4. Nice for you to have an F2F game for a bit of a change Jon, catching up with an old friend is a bonus, and winning the game, the icing on the cake! Notch up yet another win for Waller!

    1. Nice change, indeed, especially after such a long absence. Yes! I actually won a game! Hoorah!

  5. A very entertaining game Jon! Also good to see you playing a face to face game too!

    1. Glad you enjoyed the report, Ray! Yes, getting in a F2F on home turf was fun.

  6. Sometimes the beauty of wargaming is being able to catch up with friends

  7. An ECW cavalry wing, always a delight to see.

    1. Exactly! An even better sight is seeing that cavalry wing clear all opposition before it.

  8. An another entertaining encounter and a win! Good days gaming with an old friend, very good way to spend some time.

    1. Happy to see that this brief recap was entertaining, Donnie! Yes, it was very good to catch up with a long lost friend.

  9. You won at your own house??!! LOL
    Glad you got to see an old friend and mix it up with a F2F game. all kinds of games are valid. It is strange how time flies.... 😁

    1. Winning on my home turf is almost unbelievable! All advantages were with me, though, so perhaps not so sporting.

  10. Great for you to see and old wargaming buddy Jon.
    Well done on the win.

  11. A face to face game must seem like quite a different experience after all the remote games. Waller and the Roundheads continue their winning ways.

    1. Very different although I enjoyed a F2F game last week too.

  12. Sounds like a fun day where the catch up was more important than the toys -hard to believe! 😂

    1. Yes, the catch up was much more important than the game.

  13. Another great game there Jon, with lots of eye candy shots, but most importantly great to get some FtF gaming in with an old friend:). What's not to like?!

  14. I’m beginning to wonder if this is actually winnable for Hopton / Forth. A very entertaining scenario none the less.

    1. Maybe not outright winnable but I give Hopton the nod in the event of a draw. On paper, the forces are similar. If Waller remains on the high ground, Hopton’s task looks tough. Fortunately for Hopton, Waller has ordered his army down from the heights every time. I bet you could pull victory out of the hat.

  15. Another great looking game and yes it's always going to be tough on Hopton, well done and was that a challenge you directed at Mark above?
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

    1. Thanks! Perhaps it is a challenge? It will have to be taken up another time, though. Moving on to something new.

  16. Nice looking game Jonathan. Somtimes a good old chin-wag is just as good as the game...especially if it is people we haven't seen for a long time.

  17. A fine looking game (as mare all of your Cheriton series), but so glad to see you and Jake face off in person once again!

    1. Thanks! It sure was good to catch up with Jake after all of these years.

  18. Oh, I really want to give this a go Jonathan, great looking scenario.

    1. Doug, too late for this round of Cheriton replays. I one more game to report but attention turns toward ACW. Interested? I may haul Cheriton back out for an encore presentation later.

  19. A cracking looking game Jonathan …
    And a splendid way of catching up with an old friend.

    All the best. Aly

  20. Congrats on (another) victory for Waller! The table looks great, and nice that you were able to play 'F2F' and catch up with an old comrade..

    1. Thank you, David! I still have your Cheriton BatRep to hammer out. I am presently distracted by cycling and plotting for Shiloh. Painting has gone off the rails a bit too.

  21. A lovely table indeed Jonathan and the commentary was fun to follow.


  22. Splendid, this highlights the fact that although we may spend a lot of time sitting in a room all alone planning, making and painting it is above all a highly social activity.

  23. Beautiful looking game and so nice for you to be able to catch up with a friend. Just what wargaming is about... good times and good friends.
