Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Gaugamela with CCA

Scott's 28mm figures
Tuesday saw Kevin and I make our way on an interstate journey to Scott's for a half day of gaming. The game invitation stated that we would be taking to the field for several Commands & Colors:Ancients battles.  The specific battle on deck was not mentioned.  When we adjourned from brief hellos in Scott's living room to the detached game room, the Gaugamela battlefield in all of its 28mm glory lay before us.  A session of round robin games awaited.
Initial army deployments
While the Persian army overlaps both flanks of Alexander's Macedonian Army, the composition of the Greek Army looked formidable.  No chariots or elephants but those heavy phalanxes looked dangerous.  Would the latter-day Darius' find this battle as hard to fight as their historical counterpart?  Well, the answer was not long in wanting.
In Game #1, I took command of the Greeks while Kevin took the helm of the Persians.  With seven banners needed for victory, Alexander walked away with a 7-4 banner count in the opening game by crushing the Persian center and driving survivors back to their baseline.  I was off to a good start!
Swapping sides, I took Persians in Game #2 against Scott's Greeks.  Scott trounced my Persians 7-2.  Ouch!  Game #3 saw Scott's Persians beat Kevin's Greeks 7-5 in a hotly contested match.  In a not so hotly contested match, Game #4 saw Kevin's Greeks embarrass my Persians 7-1.  To end the session, my Greeks bettered Scott's Persians 7-4.

In the final accounting, we managed to play five games in a little less than three hours and then broke for lunch to end the day.  While we did not get to play both sides against all opponents, we came close.

The Greeks won four of the battles to the Persians' single victory.  Gaugamela proved a tough fight for Darius as it did historically.

A great day out for F2F gaming in a change from my more standard remote play.

Next time, a few newly painted figures to parade.


  1. Replies
    1. Agreed! CCA is fast playing, challenging, and fun.

  2. Sounds like a great day. I guess a key question is what did the Persians do to gain a victory? Was it skill or luck?

    1. It was a great day out! Scott saw the lone Persian victory. He is the best player of the three and a wily opponent.

  3. Sounds like a good afternoon. I'm not a massive fan of C&C:A but if it gets chaps together for some face to face gaming I'm all for it.

    1. Great afternoon out and Scott sprung for lunch! CCA is a terrific game loaded with many decision points and much drama. More play may change your mind especially when five games can be cycled through in a short afternoon.

  4. Excellent looking game! Sounds a tough one for tge Persians!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

    1. Games, Iain, games! Five of ‘em. Very tough situation for the Persians. Alexander is a tough opponent to face.

  5. Wow that’s a lot of games in a short time. Congrats on the win though obviously winning and losing doesn’t count for much if your having a good time.

    1. Five games is a lot, indeed especially when compressed into three hours. I ended up 2-2 on the day so not bad. We all enjoyed ourselves.

  6. Lovely set up! I'm glad to see it's not the set up in the book; IIRC it has a disproportionate number of elephants, when at most there were 15 (if present at all).

    1. Lovely, indeed! Scott is a great painter and his armies look fab out on the table. We played the official scenario so this is the set in the book.

    2. Sorry Jonathan, it seems it was the Epic scenario I was thinking of where it has 3 elephant units and only 2 chariots....

    3. With multiple scenarios posted, confusion is easy.

  7. Nice looking game. The number of games in a day makes it epic. Now show us your newest!

  8. Some fine looking armies and sounds like lots of fun was had!


    1. A lot of good gaming played in good company. Who can ask for anything more?

  9. 5 games in 3 hours is great. Who’s Neil Thomas? 😉

    1. Indeed! We nearly accomplished “Half Hour Wargames”!

  10. A great day of no nonsense gaming there Jonathan.

  11. Wow, 5 games in 3 hours is pretty good going! Nice to see you getting some FtF gaming in too Jon:).

    1. Yeah, very nice to get in a day of gaming with the local guys.

  12. A grand day indeed to get 5 games completed in 3 hours. And looks like you had fun

  13. What a great way to spend a day, 5 games is some result and lunch as well!! Nice looking figures, the Persians look especially nice, shame about the result for them!

    1. The Persians look pretty but they have great trouble in the fight against Alexander.

  14. You certainly seem to pack a fair bit in on these Command and Colors days Jonathan. Five games is great work.

    1. We can pack in the games because game-play pace is quick and we do not spend a lot of time figuring out what we are going to next. We get on with it!

  15. A fun packed day battling over a good looking tabletop setup.

  16. Great looking game! Transfering C&C to the table is always fun- and always delivers a great game!

    1. Look of the game is all on our host Scott. Playing CCA in miniature makes a great game even better.

  17. Those figures look good. Reminds me of my victories as Alexander the Great using a friends wonderful 20mm collection.

    1. The figures are really nice when seen in person. With Alexander attached, a unit is quite a potent threat.

  18. A fun looking set up and an interesting approach five games in three hours Is like speed chess !

  19. Fantastic stuff Jon.....must suggest CnC to Jilian again sometime, I generally enjoyed our games, although sometimes the card driven tactical moves can be a bit frustrating....good fun mostly, though!

    1. Give it a try! We always have a fun session when CCA is on the docket. With so many games, a bad run of cards is quickly forgotten as we move onto the next game.

  20. very cool looking armies and everyone loves a game or 5 of C&C. Ancient battles be like "terrain? pfft! who needs it?" 😁😁

    1. No terrain needed in this one. Darius made sure that his chariots had a smooth surface beforehand.

  21. 5 games I 3 hours. You are a lucky lucky boy!

  22. Excellent stuff - you are right, CCA's great advantage is that it allows games to be played out pretty fast. Which make it worse for me as I have a set and have only played a few games.. The Holy Grail is indeed to be able to use it with figures as you guys did - maybe one day!

    1. CCA is a great game especially when played with figures. If you have the set, you ought to bring it out on table for some games.

  23. A splendid day of playing with toy soldiers Jonathan…
    5 games… an impressive session 😁

    All the best. Aly

    1. What is better than a handful of games with friends and toy soldiers?
