After seeing the above book mentioned on Peter's blog (see A New Book...) and listening to the authors' podcasts, I placed an order. Book arrived quickly and was read just as quickly. I won't repeat the contents of the book since Peter did that and Table of Contents can be seen on Amazon.
What I do want to discuss is the authors' wrestling with the renaming of the gaming aspect of the hobby that we enjoy. Many of us likely refer to this hobby as miniatures wargaming or playing a miniatures game. Really, I lump all facets of the hobby simply into the catch-all, wargaming.
The authors' take a different tack, however. They state their rationale for first dismissing the use of tabletop games, then dismissing miniatures games, then dismissing miniatures wargames, before settling onto the term of non-discrete miniatures games.
The name, non-discrete miniatures game is chosen since the authors argue that,
- Games are not necessarily about war.
- Spatial relationships between miniatures and terrain are crucial.
- Any physical object can be introduced into the game and have meaning in game terms (non-discrete components).
- Movement and positioning are not limited to fixed increments or grid spaces (non-discrete positioning).
Non-discrete is an interesting term to choose and returns me to the days of studying mathematics. Typically, one sees a bifurcation between discrete and continuous but not between discrete and non-discrete. I suppose if the term, continuous was utilized as in continuous miniatures game, readers might conclude that we game non-stop!
Moving on, the authors define these games by their unique spatial characteristics in that,
- Precise physical positioning matters. That is, movement and placement are analog (and continuous) and not grid-based.
- Players can bring any object to the game table and game systems must accommodate an infinite variability of components.
In later chapters, the authors relax the condition for non-griddedness. Games having gridded movement or zoned movement may fit into the structure of building a non-discrete miniatures game as long as the focus on the design remains on the spatial relationships within the game and the infinite variety of components. Given that discrete positioning and movement criteria are later relaxed, the grid vs non-grid distinction should be dropped from the definition altogether.
With the argument for excluding gridded games jettisoned, what remains the focus of non-discrete miniatures gaming? What remains constant is the reliance upon the external components brought into the game system.
What distinguishes many boxed miniatures games from the non-discrete miniatures games that the authors describe? The difference is that the former is self-contained with the rules and all of the components necessary for play while the latter is similar to a toolkit with a programmed game engine requiring any number of external inputs provided by the player(s). These external inputs could include figures, terrain, army lists, dice, measuring devices, etc.
Is the classification still between discrete vs non-discrete miniatures games or is a better fitting distinction between endogenous vs exogenous miniatures games? I suggest that the latter terminology may be a better fit if one agrees with the authors that the deciding attribute is bringing external inputs into the system. Still, it is all wargaming to me.
There is much more to be pulled from this book of interest to wargamers and wargame designers whether focusing on non-discrete miniatures gaming or not. I have only brought up the main thesis of Chapter 1! With so much to consider, I may non-discretely dip back into this text on occasion.
Must confess I've never really thought about the name of our varied hobby. I just kind of lump it altogether as wargaming
ReplyDeleteNeil, I have not given this topic or naming convention much thought before either.
DeleteI'm not sure this definition scheme of whether you have integral playing pieces or can bring in external components entirely works. Take for example C&C. As I understand it, it can be played with game blocks or you can substitute the blocks for figures. Has it changed it's fundamental nature by the substitution?
ReplyDeleteLike Schrödinger's cat, can a tabletop miniatures game be both discrete and non-discrete simultaneously? I play C&C both with blocks and miniatures. Has the game changed fundamentally? I say, no, but is a block game a miniatures game?
DeleteI’ve always referred to it as “playing with toy soldiers” which satisfies the none enquiring minds of those that know me. Just “playing with toys” would probably do if covering all the potential none soldier variables. The potential quantum state of my models has yet to concern me.
ReplyDeleteNancy calls what we do, "Playing with Army Men." If you are not spending time pondering the possibilities of the potential quantum state of your games, well, you need more idle time.
DeleteMust admit I wargame and that does for me, I don;t think too deeply into it that's for sure!
ReplyDelete"Wargaming" does it for me too although I give these topics some thought.
DeleteNon-discrete is one that would have caught my eye too, Jonathan.
ReplyDeleteThe thing that makes me chuckle the most about University degrees is that there is usually a basic statistics course involved, and yet after two or three of them nobody can completely and confidently remember the terms involved.
That said, it's all sweetness and light, until someone uses the term 'non-discrete".
With the study and use of statistics, there is a point in either study or career where it all falls into place and one becomes "statistically mature".
DeleteNormally I just use wargaming or historical wargaming if I want further definition.
Reasonable path. I use the term, "historical" wargaming when I want to emphasize that I am not simply playing with toy soldiers!
DeleteSorry to appear rude but it sounds like an exercise in semantics by people with too much time on their hands.
ReplyDeleteI don't think many people refer to a perambulator but will happily know and called it a pram. Whether it's a automobile or a car, we still understand the reference.
For me, wargaming will do nicely. I can then clarify if required if this means a board game and/or using model figures; historical or fantasy etc.
I have said enough!
Richard, no appearances of rudeness at all. Here, you are (mostly) free to say whatever you wish. Since the book is catering to an academic setting (I think!), perhaps having the power to redefine offers some "street cred" in that world.
DeleteAn interesting exercise. At any point does the author ask the fundamental question, is it fun and entertaining? For myself I refer to it all as gaming.
ReplyDeleteIs it fun and how to make it fun are topics for other book chapters and, perhaps, other blog posts.
DeleteIt's interesting to pick up on your introductory comment about many referring to what I do as MINIATURE Wargaming, Jon. I would suggest that this is another example of the difference between N American (I don't know for about Canada?) gamers and the rest of the English speaking community....I have never heard anyone I know call the hobby MINIATURE(S) Wargaming....only Wargaming. If we look at some of the "founding documents " from the 60's and 70's, we can see some of the original pioneers referred to it as Battlegaming.
ReplyDeleteI suspect that once again, this reflects the difference between America and the rest of had a lot of boardgames in your early "wargaming experience, most of us did not. I for one consider the term wargaming to refer to tabletop games with model soldiers and vehicles etc...SPI etc are boardgames that simulate large scale military operations.
As for " non-discrete miniatures game" the "Gulf of America", I don't think it will catch on for general usage!
Thanks for your feedback, Keith!
DeleteThe authors of this book are both English and the terminology of "miniatures gaming" is one of their constructs to distinguish between other gaming mediums. Like you, I stick to a more generic "wargaming" term since most of my gaming centers upon warfare whether in miniature or hex-and-counter. As for "Miniatures Wargaming" being more of North American origination rather then UK/European, the first time I recall seeing the term was in Miniatures Wargames magazine, a distinctively UK publication.
"Non-Discrete Miniatures Game" may not catch on but it may be too early to discount "Gulf of America."
Yes - ironically enough, I visited the Gripping Beast site shortly after making my comment, and noted it describes itself as a supplier of figures for Miniature Wargaming - so perhaps my impression that this is a more US term is mistaken!
DeleteIn terms of using the phrase to distinguish games involving figures from those that do not, its reasonably logical.
When you start looking, you often find!
DeleteI have to say the discussion seems like a waste of print space in the book to me.
ReplyDeleteI certainly will not be referring to what I do as "non discrete". Well maybe there are those near nekkid Ancient Libyans; they aren't particularly discrete! :-)
Well, this chapter in the book is a short one at only three pages. The term, "non-discrete" does not work for me either. As for the Libyans, I agree! They are not discrete in their battle attire. Reminds me that I ought to add Libyans to my Biblical armies. Something for 2025 perhaps?
DeleteWell, you clearly need Libyans, Jon! :-)
DeleteOne thing I haven't found for them is chariots, which they used later in their long tenure, although I suppose you could just evict the occupants of some other contemporaneous cultures vehicles. For now, I just use some old Canaanite chariots for the job!
I might just take you up on your suggestion!
DeleteAll I can add is that I wonder how monopoly would play if you moved your marker each turn up to your roll in inches 😁 Would that then make monopoly a non-discrete wargame - as long as someone is using the battleship? 😂
ReplyDeleteYes, if moving in inches up to a max move, that would be non-discrete only if you also bring external pieces into the game.
DeleteI’m with some of the others above; that whole discussion sounds like someone writing a book who is getting paid by the word. I do not think I would even finish that chapter. Maybe the rest is better? 😀
ReplyDeleteThe authors made the claim that the book is 100,000 words. My recap here is only of the first three pages. There is interesting content in the book. More topics for additional posts.
DeleteMy brain hurts...I think I discretely need to get out my H.G.Wells, Featherstone and Grant books and move some toys around on the kitchen table...😄😂🤣
ReplyDeleteApologies for the brain hurt. Getting the toys out on the table may ease the pain.
DeleteWhen someone says “like Warhammer” I will say ‘no, Historical’ but normally it is Wargaming for me, always has been, George plays with wee sojers for my family. I am not keen on using ‘miniatures’ or the awful ‘mini’s’.
ReplyDelete“Wargaming” for me too.
DeleteWell I can't pretend to understand the subtle differences in terminology, nor do I want to frankly! To me it is 'playing with toy soldiers' or just 'wargaming'. 'Miniatures Games' could easily be applied to games such a Subuteo, as there is no reference to the 'war' side of it. Hope this makes sense?
ReplyDeleteThanks, Steve. I agree that Subuteo is a miniatures game but does not quite fit into the author’s description of non-discrete since all of the playing pieces are included in the box.
DeleteSubuteo is an interesting one to raise, because although I understand why it is not a non-discrete miniatures game, it isn't, in my opinion, a board game either, so now we have a third possible game type to define.....or not!
DeleteBy the authors’ definition, I reckon this would fall under a discrete miniatures game played on a non-gridded table.
DeleteHmmmm . . . I am tempted to refer to the Bard and suggest that this division between non-discrete and discrete in terms of the hobby is "Much ado about Nothing." Then again, I have almost always found it helpful when having important discussions to define and understand the terms that are being used. To be certain, more often than not, these terms are understood based on a number of shared factors or variables, but there is also room for further definition and even disagreement. (Hopefully civil and not the other kind!)
ReplyDeleteI wonder if some kind of biological or similar field or structure might be applicable here? For example, I am a wargamer, but would be entirely comfortable with the label "battlegamer." Further identification of my species or sub-species would be, perhaps, historical wargamer, then historical wargamer with a focus on the ancient era(s).
For as much as I have thought about it in the last five minutes, perhaps this is just another one of those instances of "horses for courses"?
As always, food for thought, even though some might not really like the flavor of this particular dish.
Much ado about nothing seems a reasonable takeaway. It also may be a solution searching for a problem. Perhaps we need a more robust taxonomy for describing our hobby and its many types of games? Perhaps "gaming" is simply good enough?
DeleteGaming and gamer are useful shorthand but they do go wider than wargaming (or conflict gaming). We've already used the examples of Monopoly and Subuteo, and there are many others.
DeleteSince there is a such a broad range of games and game types, I returned to the lowest common denominator of "gaming." This term really does not provide much useful information, does it?
DeleteIndeed. But the point has been made by an anonymous contributor above that they are following the usual practice of defining terms before making arguments based on them. You or I or others here might have defined differently. And, as i said earlier, you will tend to have the problem of games that cross lines. If I were to talk about analogue games, with physical components and/or physical interactions, for example, I'll still fall foul of playing a ruleset designed for miniatures but on a virtual platform like vassal.
DeleteThe Discrete/Non-Discrete distinction may have sounded reasonable in theory but we see that once the authors start trying to apply this bifurcation in practice everything becomes a bit fuzzy. Then, the beginning position must be bent to fit the narrative.
DeleteThis process is not unlike rules' writing...
ReplyDeleteHow many Angels fit on the head of a pin? Discuss.
Go there if you're bored and want a lot of time burned.
As long as my wife doesn't vacuum up my toy soldiers, I will abide by her strictures on the non anatomically correct painting half naked female castings.
Also: I don't want another Gulf of America, we have too many self inflicted gulfs . ( Left handed thanks to Jackie DeShannon and Burt Baccarach and Hal David )
Not sure I know how to respond...
DeleteJonathan, The pin trap means no one is likely to change the way they think on what to call the hobby.
DeleteAs for all the discrete terminology, it really seems that the term discrete simply means objects/concepts are not related even if they share attributes.
The middle paragraph was funnier at 5 am, shows 'it s the best of times, it's the worst of times' to try to use off brand humor. Although it does reflect a fifty year old stand off domestically.
As to the third paragraph, see lyrics to "What the World Needs Now" from the '60's,
Man, being ADD and old is fun. I should have labelled the reponse.
I guess as long as those in the hobby have a name for what they do, that may be all that matters unless we are trying to actively recruit. The Discrete vs Non-Discrete still has some ambiguity.
DeleteI lot of ideas sound great at 0500!
Thanks for your comments!
I think discrete or non-discrete terms will probably never catch on across the hobby. Just too much of a mouthful and certainly not terms the teens of the current GW hobby (That obviously has greatest sway in the hobby in general) will take on.
ReplyDelete"Tabletop wargaming" is pretty my catchall and one I'll likely cling to as it's pretty obvious to even outsiders of the hobby what its name implies. At least in my mind.
In my mind too, Dai!
DeleteNot so much , much ado about nothing, more sound and fury signifying nothing? What's that Billy Joel song, It's still rock and roll to me? My wife is planning on a dog walking bench with the epitaph * he played with little men" I'm with Joe, lots if things sound better at 5am until you wake up properly!
ReplyDeleteBest Iain caveadsum1471
Your wife must be careful how she words your bench plague! Perhaps a wargame by another name is still a wargame…
DeleteInteresting discussion, though I'm not sure I'd go along with it. Consider this statement: 'Precise physical positioning matters. That is, movement and placement are analog (and continuous) and not grid-based.' Well, actually, movement and placement might very well be grid-based instead of 'analog'. In such games - very much my own metier these days - all movement and placement is precise, each grid cell representing, as it were, a 'quantum'.
ReplyDeleteBut it is possible I have misunderstood something...
Being drawn to grid-based games often, this distinction between discrete and non-discrete did not work for me. Notice that I mention the authors relax the non-gridded constraint later. One could argue that the footprint of a single figure or stand of figures actually comprises a grid.
DeleteWargaming does it for me 👍
ReplyDeleteMe too!
DeleteI tend to think that most of what we do is battle-gaming as we're mainly playing / fighting battles. Whether we use figures or counters doesn't matter. I tend to think of wargaming more as campaigns but I'm fine with the general usage. I think 'historical' and 'fantasy/SF' are more useful terms but I regard 'Warhammer / the Games Workshop hobby' as something else entirely!
DeleteInteresting that ‘Wargaming’ brings up notions of campaigns but ‘battle-gaming’ is positioned to describe fighting battles. Honestly, I never heard of the term, ‘battle-gaming’ until my exposure to the UK Wargaming scene. Fantasy/Sci-Fi/WH is definitely a different beast to me too!