Monday, December 2, 2024

Sumerian Reinforcements

Over the last two weeks, I have actually made some progress on the painting front. If you glance at the counter on the right sidebar, the counter shows that I have painted 834 figures in 2024. November was a very good month compared to some others and just over 100 figures passed across the painting desk. While December may not see such productivity, I am off to a solid start.
Off the painting desk today (well, in November) are two units of Sumerian Javelinmen.  One unit is a four-figure skirmisher stand and the other is an eight-figure unit of massed, light infantry javelin.  Today's offering is the first of two such pairings in work.  Figures are Newline Designs. 
Besides the Sumerians, lots more in work.  FPW Prussians, SYW Bavarians, and WAS Spanish are all making progress through the production line.  As is often the case, painting production picks up as the year draws to a close.  Once the books are closed out for 2024, I plan to revisit the painting seasonality analytics to see if this year saw unusual painting activity.
On the gaming front, Monday witnessed a four-player refight of the 1542 Battle of Azukizaka with Postie's Rejects.  Very good game, hotly contested down to the last charge.  Great fun!  Details another time.


  1. Very nice additions to your Sumerian collection Jon, they look grand, I like the Newline Design figures they paint up really well.

    1. Thanks, Donnie! I agree that Newline figures are easy to paint, especially Biblicals.

  2. Great work Jonathan and nice to see and end-of-year upswing in output. I tend to slow down noticeably as Christmas parties and socialising starts to take a toll on my leisure time.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence! My painting mojo picks up year-end because my social life is not as active as yours and the days are short and dark.

  3. Those are lovely Sumerians, very nice indeed.
    Alan Tradgardland

  4. Your Sumerians are amongst my favourite part of your collections. Your painting output continues to impress set against the background of how much other stuff you are doing. I have a very small order with a commission painter just to see how that goes and to give me a ‘leg up’ on a 2025 project.

    1. Norm, I am pleased to see that the Sumerians are among your favorites. For me, painting is a relaxing and satisfying endeavor, a task I would not hand over to another. That is, until I cannot see well enough. What project are you jumpstarting for 2025?

    2. It will be napoleonic / Prussian within the setting of St. Amand village (1815 - the Ligny battle)

    3. Interesting. With all of your replays of this battle, I should have guessed this might be the direction you are headed.

  5. Fine work on those Sumerians Jon, but those javelins look just right to prick ones fingers during a game! Looking forward to seeing some more 18thC figures and of course the Samurai AAR.

    1. Thanks, Steve! Yes, the steel spears are a dangerous weapon if wielded by the unwary. Horizontal placement is much less hazardous than vertical placement. I know. I have the wounds to confirm.

  6. I do like the Sumerian units. A nice mix of poses.

  7. Very nice Jon, what paint/s do you use for the skin tone?

    1. Much appreciated! The skin tone is Ceramcoat Bambi Brown with Minwax stain as a wash.

  8. I like the look of those Summerians

  9. These are very nice figures, Jon and you have, as always, painted and based them up very effectively! Looking forward to the AAR on the Rejects latest tussle in the Land of the Rising Sun!

    1. Thank you, Keith! Monday's game was another exciting battle in the Land of Rejects.

  10. Tease!
    You are doing much better on the painting front than me. All I have managed in the last month is to clean up 50 Landsknechts.......

    1. Cleaning 50 Landsknechts is progress! With a little luck, I might be able to put out a Batrep by weekend. We will see.

  11. Hundreds! I slink back under my rock to weep. Truly looking forward to more posts showing the new guys in battle.

    1. No slinking necessary. We all work at our own pace.

  12. Splendid additions, the days of Sumer have not gone I see.

    1. Quite right. The Days of Sumer have not yet vanished.

  13. Great looking Sumerians, and good gaming as always, Jonathan!

  14. A very fine addition to your collection Jonathan!


  15. Marvellous looking Sumerians Jonathan. Very impressive.

    1. You are too kind! You missed out on a bloody battle yesterday. Hope you are feeling better.

  16. Well done on the productivity front Jonathan AND they do look great. Was at Warfare in Farnborough, UK chatting to a pro painter who had finished his League of Augsburg army (at least 1,000 28mm figures) in about 3 months... I was part tempted to hire him on the spot but then thought I do like painting; give it time and I will get there.

    1. Thanks, Andrew! There is something satisfying about painting your own soldiers and watching your armies take shape. Takes time but it is an enjoyable journey.

  17. Very nicely painted little troublemakers.

  18. Lovely Sumerians Jonathan…
    Your butterfly is certainly on good form at the moment…🦋🦋🦋

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks! My butterfly has strong wings and a healthy cardio system.

  19. over 800 miniatures is totally CRUSHING IT by any metric.
    I'm the opposite, hobby and painting production almost completely stop as the year draws to a close. I'm gonna do my best to paint 5 miniatures this month. 😁

    1. Surely you can find time to paint five figures this month?

  20. Two great looking additions to your ever growing collection Jon. I look forward to blooding these figures in the field of battle one day!
    834 figures in a year isn't bad going at all Jon, trouble is you've gotta beat that number next year!
    Looking forward to the report on Mondays game!

    1. Thanks, Ray! We will bring the Sumerians back out to the table again. The last time we had them out in battle was great fun. My figure painting trend is headed in the opposite direction, I think. Numbers completed are declining.

      Monday’s game was great fun! The way in which you opened the battle by smashing the enemy left was awesome. Not sure Dan would agree. I have yet to sit down to hammer out a report. Hopefully soon.

  21. Excellent additions to the biblical hordes!

    1. Thanks, David! This collection has definitely become a large horde.

  22. Splendid looking Sumerians! I have finally finished painting a unit, even away from home, I've just been assembling and prepping figures since August I forgot how much pleasure I got from painting!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471


    1. Thanks, Iain! Good to see that you have returned to painting figures after a long hiatus.

  23. Your painting output continues to amaze me! They look good- I have just one Newline Designs figure, of Alexander The Great in 20mm. I need to get him painted.
    I look forward to the battle report, with the Rejects playing it will be exciting stuff, no doubt!

  24. Love the Sumerians, I went 15mm with Museum with my Sumerians, slowly working my way through the pile.
