Sunday, December 29, 2024

Year-End Prussians

Back in midsummer, I set out an intermediate goal to complete one Prussian infantry division for a planned expansion of the Franco-Austrian War project to include Prussians for the Austro-Prussian and Franco-Prussian Wars before year-end.  Without any mounted figures in The Lead Pile, my goal was really to only field the infantry and artillery components of a division.

With a few days remaining, I can claim that this mission is accomplished.  The foot components of the division consist of 208 infantry and four batteries with 16 crew.  A good start to this expansion.
Out from the painting desk today are two units to complete this division for a total of another 64 figures.  The first unit is 93 IR of three, 16 figure battalions.

The second unit is one, 16 figure battalion for the 4th Jaegers.

All figures are 15mm Lancashire Games.

Remaining on the gaming table is the Agnadello scenario.  With a game scheduled for Monday, the table needs to be reset and readied for battle.  The photo below shows an overview shot of the game room prior to last week's Agnadello game.  While the game, itself, takes up a little over half of the twelve-foot table, the remainder of the table space is consumed by all manner of gaming paraphernalia.
The back half of the table could use a good clear off.  Notice my painting desk in the left rear, some of my collections stacked in boxes in the right rear (many more stacked under the table), and the large monitor positioned at the end of the table for keeping an eye on the two webcam views.

Looking forward to Monday's game in which I try my hand at leading the French to victory. 


  1. Congratulations on reaching your painting goal for the Prussians and very nice they look as well. Nice to see the whole division. should look the business when they go to war. Best of luck on tomorrows game.

    1. Thank you, Donnie! Looks like I may actually break the 100 Figures Painted barrier two months in a row.

      Given that the French hold the advantage at Agnadello, I may need less luck than usual in Monday's game!

  2. Indeed! And those Lancashire 15mm figures look like lovely castings. Were I ever to indulge in the mid-19th century, I'd certainly look into using these for my armies. What is the make of your river sections, please?

    Kind Christmas Week Regards,

    Stokes (Michigan, USA)

    1. The Lancashire figures are very nice especially their mid-19th Century ranges. As for the river sections (ditches here), I have had these for many years but vaguely recall JR Miniatures may have been the source.

  3. Nice looking Prussians Jonathan. Good to see the division on parade.

  4. Well done on completing the Division to wrap up the year. The Jaegers look particularly nice, I think its the uniform colour combination of red and green.

    1. Thanks! Jaegers in most armies have a smart yet utilitarian uniform.

  5. Very nice FPW additions, Jon.
    Unused tabletop space tends to accumulate clutter. It is one of my ongoing unkept resolutions to do something about mine!!!

    1. Thanks, Peter! I should do something about my table clutter too!

    2. You guys should see the clutter on my table, and it isn't even mine!!!

  6. Excellent work on the Prussians and good to see the Division en parade:). Luckily for many engagements, you need very little cavalry as I think I've mentioned before, so less urgent need for them as far as I can see. Looking forward to another Italian Wars AAR and nice to see a glimpse of your hobby space too:).

    1. Thank you, Steve! Very little cavalry are needed but I need to lay in an order for some cavalry and mounted leaders. Something for the New Year so as not to spoil my purchases count for 2024. I am likewise looking forward to Monday's game. My generous opponent has offered to take the Underdogs in this refight.

  7. A completed project, done in time for the new year, a well crafted division of Prussians to boot! I have a table in the cellar of doom, completely filed with the detritus of 50 years of gaming, your sprawl is manageable if you act quickly! Otherwise.... well, it's too scary to consider. Still, nice to see your high tech headquarters.

    1. Yes, completed in time and under budget! I may tackle a Bavarian Division next. Stuff piles up quickly on the unused portions of the table. One way to force a clean-up is to host a game requiring twelve feet of table space. Perhaps a New Year's Resolution to tidy up a bit. The Lead Pile is a complete mess.

  8. You have completed your painting mission in fine style Jonathan.

  9. Great to see you got there Jonathan. Very nicely done, and with a couple of days to spare.

  10. Great to see your Prussian division completed. I've ordered some of the Lancashire figures, hoping they match with the Outpost figures in my collection

    1. I hope Lancashire figures make a good match for your Outpost figures.

  11. Great work, achieving the aim, Jon! Nice to get a look at your gaming space too - maybe I will give a glance at mine in an upcoming solo game - it is somewhat less inspiring!
    Hope you have a good game and have a happy new year when it reaches you way out there in the far west of the known world!

    1. Thanks, Keith! Gettig a glimpse of others' gaming space is an insightful look behind the scenes. I am sure Monday's game will be fun no matter the result. Happy New Year to you when it rolls around!

  12. Well done on the Prussians (and the goal). Very interesting to see your remote set up: good to see how it's done!

    1. Thank you! You get a small glimpse behind the curtain.

  13. Nice job, the Lancashire Games sculpts look to have some very nice raised detail, good looking figures.

  14. Like all the figures but the jaegers look especially smart. Good luck with the game!

    1. The jaegers do look smart. I have many advantages in today’s game. I command the larger army and it’s my birthday.

  15. Great looking troops again, Jonathan! Have a great game too!

  16. Jonathan,
    What rules are you using for the Prussians? I have two bagged armies from 19th Century Miniatures. Originally, I was going to go with They Died For Glory. But this will wind up being a solo project. I do like the look of your Prussian division...

    Best of luck in 2025!


    1. Thanks, Eric! I use a version of Fields of Honor. For me, they work well especially for remote games. If you ever want to see them in action, let me know.

      Happy New Year!

  17. I'd expect nothing else from a Prussian Army than to be ready on time 😂
    Great looking figures Jonathan and good to know that my untidy tables are no different to anyone else's .

    1. Good one! Yes, Prussian efficiency model at work. We are likely not alone in having untidy game tables and I won’t mention my painting desk. Yikes!

  18. As ever Jon, your painting output is nothing but impressive. Congrats on meeting your deadline.

  19. Excellent looking Prussians and nice to see your gaming space!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

    1. Thanks, Iain! Good to show the space from time to time.
