Saturday, October 12, 2024

Hanover Von Sporcken

After being called away for familial duties for much of the week, I return not too much worse for the wear.  Well, I am a bit fatigued and have not seen action on the bike for a week.  I will change that later today once the temperatures rise and the bike and I hit the road for a meaningful workout.  With these trips south becoming more regular, the 800+ mile round trip drive is becoming a little less daunting.  Armed with a number of multi-episode lectures to listen to, the long hours spent confined in the car passed more easily.
On the hobby front, there is much to catch up on.  The same holds for the home front as well.  Besides two battle reports to tap out, several topical discussions have cropped up needing further explanation.    
To help come back up to speed, off the table today is one, 23-figure Hanoverian infantry regiment for the 18mm SYW project.  The regiment musters out as Von Sporcken.  Figures are Old Glory infantry led by a Eureka mounted colonel.  At the beginning of the month, I expected October would see a respectable number of figures mustering out.  With a week away from the painting desk, those expectations have been dashed to bits.  Hopefully, I will get back into the swing of things soon.


  1. Very nice Jonathan, back at the brushes myself but no big plans going forward.

    1. Thanks, George! Restarting is challenging even with only little time away from the brushes.

  2. Great looking regiment Jon, and you can't go wrong with Hanoverians my favourite army in the SYW.

    1. Thanks, Donnie! Hanoverians are your favorite SYW army? They were quite a way down on the list of the armies I wanted to field. Hanoverians do look good, though!

  3. A very fine looking regiment, they certainly look like they can do the business.

    1. Much appreciated, Neil! When under my command, I sure hope they can fight.

  4. Nice to see you back Jonathan.
    Fine regiment of Hanovarians!
    Hope to see you back on the VWC some time.

    1. Thank you, Neil! Once winter takes a turn for the worse, Saturday morning attendance at VWC is more likely. Always much to do here on Saturday mornings.

  5. As always a great unit coming off your painting desk Jon. Hope things settle down on the home front and look forward to seeing your AAR's etc.
