Sunday, October 27, 2024

Back to Sumeria

After wallowing in painting 15/18mm horse and musket figures over the last five months, something different finally pushed across the painting desk.  That something different sees a brief return to Ancient Sumeria in 28mm.
Today's offering shows 26 figures in four units.  These units comprise two stands of four skirmishers and two stands of nine massed bow.  Figures are all 28mm Newline Designs.
The brief Sumerian distraction will be followed up by more FPW Prussians and the first of SYW/WAS British cavalry.  Yes, looks like I finally begin work on a British army for this period.

On the gaming front, today sees a return to the very long-running AWI campaign with Matt as he rolls out the Battle of Bennington.  Matt and I have experienced a very long hiatus in this campaign so it will be a welcome return to old.  Monday sees a rematch of Shiloh in a remote game with Postie's Rejects before I clear the table of ACW and plan for the next series of games.  Since the 15mm Feudal Japan armies have not seen action in a very long time, that period is where I am headed next.

Finally, a panoramic photo of the Spokane River Gorge, the Monroe Street Bridge, and the Lower Falls taken on a loop walk on a mostly sunny and warm Saturday afternoon.
Now, time to refresh my memory on Rebels & Patriots before this morning's action with Matt.


  1. Nice figures and a great photo of the river!

    1. Thanks, Scott! Yesterday was a good day for a walk.

  2. Sumerians are looking lovely, nice brushwork to complement nice sculpts. It will be good to see another AWI report.

  3. Fine Sumerians there Jon, with a nice colour palette which really makes the armoured cloth over the left shoulder stand out:). Some good games lined up for sure, ditton on the painting front. Lovely view of the falls and our daughter is just back from NY where it was 25C and like Summer!

  4. Nicely turned out chaps there Jonathan, Sumeria is not over it appears.

  5. Great to see more Sumerians ready for the wargames table

  6. Lovely looking toys Jonathan….
    And a very nice scenic picture…

    All the best. Aly
