Monday, February 10, 2025

6 Games in 7 Days

Cooch's Bridge
photo courtesy Matt from wargamesinthedungeon

Last week saw heightened activity at the gaming table.  Action was fast and furious with six games played over the last seven days.  That is a lot of gaming in one week!

Despite the heavy gaming schedule, I managed to get some painting sessions in too.  There will be some new units mustering out from the workbench soon.

Anyway, a quick rundown of the games played this past week.

Monday saw Postie's Rejects hosted in two remote, Old West gunfights in 25mm.  The first game is chronicled at Rejects at Adobe Wells.  The second game awaits its rip-roaring write-up.

Thursday saw three CCA refights of the Battle of Po River in 6mm.  Kevin joined in for an afternoon F2F session featuring a trio of games preceded by a lunch stop.  For this session of three games, we swapped sides from our previous outing.  As in the first triplet of Po River games back in January, Carthage managed to squeeze out two victories to Rome's one. Scores were 7-4, 1-7, 7-4.  With Kevin and I knotted at three victories apiece, a third, tie-breaking session may be needed!

Finally, Sunday witnessed a return to Matt's long running AWI campaign.  The campaign is up to 1777 and the Battle of Cooch's Bridge.  With most of the Americans either dead on the field, captured, or running away, few Rebels remain to tell the tale from the American perspective.  Even the American commander managed to lose his head!  I leave it to the victors to write this history!  After a very long hiatus, good to get back to the table with Matt in a remote game.    
Cooch's Bridge
photo courtesy Matt from wargamesinthedungeon
Cooch's Bridge
photo courtesy Matt from wargamesinthedungeon

It was a busy week on the gaming front.  This week looks a bit more subdued.


  1. That is an impressive game count Jon! I look forward to reading Matt's account of the AWI game...the first British victory in that campaign, as far as I can remember?

    1. Matt's battle account will be entertaining, no doubt. I was not so amused! Matt and I were discussing this very topic post-game. There have been other British victories but none as complete as Cooch's Bridge.

  2. Super busy indeed, crammed a heck of a lot into those seven days, very impressive!

    1. Six games in seven days are a heck of a lot of games! Taking it easy this week.

  3. "And he rested on the Seventh day": Well not quite, but this certainly sprang to my mind when I first read this post! A nice mix of games and finally a British win in the AWI campaign:).

    1. Steve! There have been other British victories in the AWI campaign!

  4. You’re the nearest thing we have to a full-time wargamer Jon!

    1. I will not be as busy as you once your 1757 campaign kicks off!

  5. A mixed bag of games keeping you busy.

  6. I thought I was doing well with three gaming sessions in seven days. Lots of variety in there Jonathan. I'm enjoying the Old West narratives and AWI is very topical for me at the moment.

    1. You will enjoy Matt's battle account of Cooch's Bridge. The Old West games have really been good fun and an enjoyable change of pace from the regular fare.

  7. You have been busy, 6 games in 7 days you lucky so and so!

    1. Busy indeed! If you build it and schedule it, they will come.

  8. Sooo, the secret is out; you don't actually sleep. I only managed three bouts of snow shoveling this last week. Seriously busy gaming week. Did you continue using Rebels & Patriots or did a different set of regulations waylay the two of you?

    1. I sleep but sometimes not so much. Plenty of snow shoveling on the left side of the country as well. Damn cold too!

      We still use Rebels & Patriots. Schedules have been blown up of late so coordinating a game has been difficult.

  9. Busy indeed Jonathan. Time is indeed precious.

  10. Gosh that's a lot, beats my record for the last six months, I guess Matt had to win eventually?
    Best Iain

  11. that is the best example of what is a hectic schedule for a gamer. 😁

  12. A very busy week indeed! Great looking figures.
    Alan Tradgardland

  13. I reckon that you are the ultimate proof that contrary to general wisdom, historical wargamers don't slow down with age--we accelerate (some more than others).

  14. That's a lot of gaming! Really like the AWI.


    1. Matt always sets a very handsome table. Unfortunately, the table was covered in American blood.

  15. What an impressive week of playing with toy soldiers Jonathan…
    Six games in seven days 😱
    It’s a tough job … but someone’s got to do it… Well done.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Quite right, Aly. I am saddled with a heavy burden...

  16. Six games in seven days! I'd be on life support in intensive care!👴🏻

  17. At my current rate Cooch’s bridge will be up on the blog in about 2 weeks, by which time you will have played another 12 battles ?

    1. Your report will be worth the wait. I doubt I keep this pace going. Only one game scheduled for this week. I needed a rest!

  18. Ah the life of a retired gaming hobbyist. Lucky so and so.

    You played as many games in a week that I'll play in a year right now. :)

  19. Impressive as the last years, Jonathan! Where to you store them all!

  20. Very nice photos from the AWI. Very nice buildings. I think that I never painted buildings so expertly. The whole table is looking very well.

    1. Matt always produces a very handsome table. I don't know where he stores all of his terrain pieces.

  21. I'd like to see the results of your test; you *are* a cyclist after all!!
    Amazing. A beaut variety too.
    Regards, James

    1. Sorry Jon, an attempt at humour that was far too cryptic, so missed the mark, by a long way. Your urine test, for banned substances (due to the unprecedented amount of wargaming activity). Hence the mention of cycling. Of course, we know that the dark days of the 90s are behind us and that is clean now. We certainly hope so. Surely they'd pick it up if not?!!

    2. Thanks for the clarification! Violators always seem to be at least one step ahead of the enforcers.
