Saturday, June 22, 2024

Back to the Brushes

With game reports seemingly monopolizing blog posts in June, high time to return to featuring some of the units crossing over the painting desk of late.  While productivity with the brush began the month with a bang, as the days of June tick by, time at the workbench has dropped.  Some of this loss of productivity is within my control.  Some of it not.  Of course, gaming and reporting on gaming consumes my limited time but as the weather heats up cycling moves up the priority list as the mileage increases.

One local highlight is that the Post Street Bridge has finally reopened after a four-year reconstruction project.  Long delayed by COVID interruptions, the bridge is finally back in service.  The original, 1917 bridge has been converted primarily into a pedestrian and cycling friendly crossing of the Spokane River.  The vantage point from the bridge is one we have not seen in, well, four years.  That is, a handsome view of the upper falls and the two foot bridges connecting Canada Island to the north and south banks of the river.  If you look closely, a tiny person can be seen on the footbridge to offer a sense of scale.
Upper Falls from "New" Post Street Bridge
Whoops, I digress.  Back to the painting table.
Off the painting desk today are two, nine figure stands of Swiss crossbow for the 28mm Great Italian Wars project.  Discovering that more crossbow were needed after fighting Fornovo, I placed an order to bring in more crossbowmen.  Figures are Wargames Foundry.  I have an equal number of Swiss arquebusiers to push into the painting queue at some point.  Not yet, though. 

Finally, I received a package this week from Ray of Postie's Rejects fame.  Having recently sent off a CARE package to Richard with some "spare" FRW figures that Ray may be able to press into service as well, in the post was a soft package from England containing the item below and a nice note from Ray.
How about that?

The Rejects have graciously accepted me as a full-standing member of Postie's Rejects (American Chapter, of course).

How cool is this?

Thanks guys!


  1. Nice looking new figures and shot of the Spokane River, Jonathan. The gift from Ray and the Rejects is awesome!

    1. Thanks, Dean! The gift from Ray was most unexpected and well-received.

  2. Another captivating shot of the river in Spokane: there's something about seascapes and waterfalls that is arresting. And being accepted as a reject, if not oxymoronic, it certainly is honorific. Congrats: talk about burying the lede!

    1. I stop at the falls for a brief respite every time my cycling takes me through downtown. Burying the lede is a good way to see if anyone reads the post!

  3. Nice work on the crossbow units, they look great. Lovely shot of the falls and bridges and what a super surprise present from the Rejects, great stuff!

  4. Nice work on the Crossbowmen and a lovely gift from Ray

  5. Pics of the Spokane never cease to amaze. Fine additions on the painting front and an equally fine gift!

  6. Nice looking crossbowmen and view of the very rugged looking Spokane river.
    After the number of games you have hosted for the Rejects, it seems fitting they have bestowed this honor upon you....arise, Reject Jon Freitag!

    1. Thanks, Keith! As Ed points out, it may seem odd to be accepted by Rejects. I reckon there is a Groucho Marx skit in there somewhere.

  7. Nice present Jon and some good looking crossbows.

  8. Foundry do have some nice figures and you have painted them beautifully. That is a nice touch with the tee-shirt.

    1. I am a big fan of Foundry figures. Yeah, the polo shirt is a very nice touch!

  9. Another fine looking unit, very colourful. Good timing getting access to the bridge with the increase in your cycling and the better weather.

    1. Thanks, Peter! Yes, no more detour needed to reach the next bridge across the river and keeps me on the bike trail rather than in the street through downtown.

  10. Great work on the painting Jon.
    Lovely photo of the river. What is the object/tower in the top right corner of the photo? It looks like a suspension bridge but is not the right shape.
    Very kind of the posties to send you the shirt. But I thought the US continentals wore blue, not red. 😂

    1. Thanks! The structure in the background is an artifact from the 1974 World’s Fair. Under that canopy was the USA Pavilion. We are celebrating the 50th anniversary this year.

  11. Swiss look great Jon. Thanks for posting the picture of the bridge, most interesting to see.
    Alan Tradgardland

    1. Thanks! Glad you enjoy a photo of the falls from a new viewpoint.

  12. Lovely work on those crossbow men Jon. Nice to see the bridge has reopened for you all and it makes me realise how small most of our rivers our in comparison to yours on your side of the pond. The river Avon near me looks like a stream in comparison! Nice to see your are now a member of the Rejects, a nice surprise from the chaps for sure:).

    1. Thank you, Steve! Rejecthood was a big surprise although still awaiting details on the secret Handshake.

  13. Good figures and a great shirt. If you die half of it yellow and get some close fitting trousers to match you could kit yourself out like your crossbowmen!

    1. Thanks! Interesting idea on using the Reject shirt to create my own livery.

  14. The Post Street Bridge reopens and you become a fully fledged member of Posties Rejects. The heavens must have aligned! Congratulations on becoming a Reject!

  15. Being accepted as a Reject, now that is a matter for celebration!

  16. Congrats on your being accepted by the Rejects.
    I liked your local color photo set and outline of the scene.
    You are right, it is hard to get too many crossbow units for the Italian Wars. Nice brushwork.

  17. Those crssbows look great, I especially like the guy at the back with a large feather in his cap.. he seems to be looking at the camera ( and maybe thinking 'these guys are behind the times, I'm gonna trade in my crossbow for one of them new fancy arquebuses'..)
    Congrats on being admitted to the Rejects!

    1. Thanks, David! I will wear the Reject shirt with pride. Where? I know not.

  18. Cool figures Jon. We're all chuffed you like the shirt too.

  19. OMG I love the shirt. that's fantastic. well-deserved with all that remote gaming hosting. 😁

  20. Fantastic crossbowmen... and welcome to the Rejects.

  21. Lovely toys Jonathan…
    And a well deserved Red Shirt…

    All the best. Aly
