Friday, April 26, 2024

Skythians on the Loose

The past week has seen a major interruption in service on the wargaming front.  I am not sure there has ever been a week between blog posts nor between work outs on the bike (well, besides COVID and broken leg).  Well, for now, I am back at the keyboard and planning for a return to a Fornovo replay or two possibly beginning next week.  If you are anticipating a rematch, keep an eye on your Inbox.
Luckily, I still have a unit or two lined up at the light box for photos before I return to the painting desk to pick up the brushes.  Naturally, there are a number of domestic chores to catch up on first.  Still, there is hope.
Off of the painting desk today are two, three-figure stands of Skythian horse archers.  Figures are Wargames Foundry.  Nice figures.


  1. indeed nice figures and painting! cheers!

  2. Lovely work there Jon, with a common muted paletter to tie everything together. Nice touch with the pattern on the yellow tops:).

    Fingers crossed with our son having moved and most of the paperwork done (famous last words when dealing with local government!), I might be able to get back on the bike again, albeit with a knee brace, plus start on converting his old bedroom into my games room...

    1. Thank you, Steve!

      I do hope you get your dedicated wargaming space soon and you return to your bike. For me, even being off the bike for only one week was a hardship.

    2. I think I've only got out on the bike once or twice this year, due to the wettest Winter on record, spraining my knee (somehow) and parent carer duties. Even getting out for a walk has been impossible!

    3. Steve, I hope your workload eases and your knee recovers.

  3. They are lovely, I really like them a lot, the way you have positioned them is creates a great sense of movement.

    1. Thank you! Pleased you like both figures and basing. I agree that this scheme lends a sense of motion to the stand.

  4. Now I LIKE those. Only trouble is I can see spots before my eyes when I look at the pic with yellow top guy.

    1. Thanks, Chris! Those spots you see are not imagined.

  5. I was gonna give you three more days before I emailed you to see if you were alright, as I noticed the interruption. 😀
    Glad you weren’t eaten by wild animals during a bike ride. Hobbies often get interrupted by real life.
    Good thing you had painted stock all ready to go. Nice job. 😀

    1. Very good to see someone is looking out for me! I had to make a quick, unplanned trip south to care for ailing parents.

    2. Ah. That can be a rough gig. I was my father’s caretaker for about 2 months when he lived with me (everything but feeding really) before I got him settled in somewhere.
      I sometimes look at my children and wonder what I am in for.

    3. You last sentence sent shivers up my spine.

  6. Nicely done Jonathan. I have a unit of Pechenegs mounted in a similar manner for my Byzantine Collection.

  7. I always like the way you base your horse archers Jonathan. Very effective as usual.

  8. Hope your parents are OK Jon, my latest post mentions the passing of my mother in law midweek, so I can emphasize with your situation. I too had noticed your absence from the blogosphere and wondered....! As to the latest figures, they are excellent work as always, and I really like the way you base these too.

    1. I see Steve has leap frogged me to top commenter again, by engaging in multi part conversations with you....sneaky 😆

    2. Well, they are both frail and 85 so "OK" is about as good as it gets. Sorry to see the passing of your mother-in-law. It is a tough time.

      Glad you like the figures and basing!

    3. As for leapfrogging, two can play that game! I am approaching 50,000 comments which seems a lot to me. I may offer a contest to celebrate the reaching of this milestone that I value greatly.

    4. Meanwhile I have climbed to number 7. 😆

  9. Neat job Jonathan, a nice choice of a bright but muted colour palette.

    1. Thanks, Phil! I tend to stick to a pastel palette for these armies.

  10. Very nice Jon as usual. Where do you find the time?

    1. Thanks, Mark! Well, I did not find any time this week! Maybe this weekend I can return to the painting desk?

  11. Beautifully painted as always and the basing of them certainly gives the impression of light manoeuvrable cavalry.

    1. Thank you! The basing does lend itself to swirling archery attacks before pouncing upon the enemy.

  12. I agree with Peter. The mounting scheme certainly evokes the "Parthian Shot" scheme (even if these are Skythians).

  13. Fantastic looking figures Jonathan and their layout on the base makes a great diorama.
    Sorry to hear about your parents and hope they are well.

  14. What wonderful and evocative figures , in style and execution! Terrific work. Remind me of the novel “ Winter Quarters “ by Alfred Duggan, one of my favourites.
    Alan Tradgardland

  15. Those figures are super Jonathan, a grand addition to the Ancient hordes!

    1. Thanks! These half-dozen are a grand addition, indeed.

  16. What a brace of stands, a wonderful choice of of showing movement. Sorry to hear your parents are not better than ok. It is the natural order of things, my father in law said as he aged and became frail.
    Still, it's good you can cycle again,and get back to hobby stuff. I will try to chip in towards your goal of 50k comments. I rather enjoy the comments on the blog myself.

    1. Pleased you approve of the presentation, Joe! It is the natural order of life but not one I relish.

      As always, I appreciate your continued commentary and encouragement. You certainly help the count continually increase.

  17. Splendid looking Sythians , lovely basing too! Sorry to hear about your parents.
    Best Iain

  18. Nice work Jonathan. Sometimes you need a great from blogging.

  19. The animation on those figures is lovely and the way they are based allows that sense to be fully captured - nice.

  20. Everyone needs a break from blogging now and again, even you!
    No female "Amazon" Skythians?

    1. No Amazonians.

      My blogging absence was a forced hiatus as I was away with limited connectivity. What was strange is that it felt that not returning to the blogging routine would have been easy.

  21. Amazing paint work Jonathan.
    Absolutely loved the way you have based them.

  22. Great looking Skythians, Jonathan. The way they're based really captures the movement.

  23. Nice work Jon hopefully things settle down a short break can provide lots of added motivation

  24. Splendid work Jonathan…
    Sorry to hear about your parents and I hope things are/have improved with them .

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you, Aly, and especially for the well-wishes.

  25. Those look terrific Jon, really looking forward to a rematch...

  26. So few figures on a base and it's looking very authentic. Great work, Jon!
