After umpiring three battles of Shoemaker's Bridge, Matt agreed to replay the battle allowing me to command the American defenders. Watching the progression of the prior three games, I thought the defenders might have opportunities to spoil the British juggernaut. Resisting assaults from hardened Redcoats against many untrained militia is a tough task but I figured the Americans were not without options. This, then, is an account of that battle.Heard's Brigade opts for a forward deployment to challenge the British crossing. The Continental Rifles are deployed on the American right with the guns positioned on the hill to the rear. From their vantage point, the guns should be able to cover the bridge in support.
All four of Heard's militia line the banks of the stream between the bridge and Shoemaker's Hill. All militia have carefully loaded muskets and are placed on HOLD orders to react to British initial movements.
As lead elements of the British column reach the battlefield, Heard springs into action. The rifles cross the stream and threaten the British left while Heard's brigade wades across the stream. The Americans will take the fight to the British!
The militia unload their muskets into the Redcoats but few casualties are suffered. Can Heard get more than one volley out of his militiamen before they retire?
With word of Nixon's Brigade on the way, Heard prepares his speed bump at the stream. The Redcoats are coming on thick. Dense formations are prepared to brush the rebels away with cold steel.
Give 'em cold steel! |
That is exactly what the Redcoats do! The Rifles are overrun and one militia is scattered. The long British columns continue their march to the bridge. |
"Disperse ye damn rebels!" |
As lead elements of American reinforcements reach Shoemaker's Hill, Heard's militia fall back across the stream. Have the militia bought enough time to establish a defense? The Redcoats storm across the stream but not without cost. One regiment takes heavy casualties and balks at crossing the stream. No fear! Two British Guard regiments push their way across in the face of the enemy.Two more American regiments are scattered as the British charge home. This engagement may be over before it gets started! Nixon's Brigade is hurrying to stop the British advance as Parson's Brigade reaches the field. As the British struggle across the stream and brush, the American defense begins to form upon the heights at Shoemaker's Farm. Heard's militia continue putting up a good fight at the base of the hill and on covering the American left.  |
Action looking from the south |
The battle is not completely one-sided, though. The 1st Guards are destroyed while a second regiment takes heavy casualties while scaling the heights. The American defense is beginning to stiffen! Unfortunately, a third militia regiment from Heard's Brigade is scattered. |
British advance on the left |
With Rebel lines forming up on the heights, British march into a hail of lead. Two British regiments are destroyed in the advance including the 2nd Guard Regiment. Lord Percy is killed!Seeing the carnage to their front, three British regiments linger in the dead ground below the American positions. The "dead" ground takes on a new meaning.While the British assault upon the hill has stalled, the Redcoats attack the Rebel right. Even though reinforced by the timely arrival of support from a regiment of Continentals, can the militia hold the field?  |
View of battle from south |
Redcoats charge into the field |
In the field on the American right, the Redcoats charge home and the rebels are evicted from the field. On The American left, two British regiments assault Shoemaker's Farm and its militia defenders. The Redcoats seize the farm! The Rebels launch a vigorous counterattack. On the American left, the position has collapsed as militia are streaming toward the rear. The Rebel guns on the hill, turn to face their new threat.  |
Rebels counterattack! |
With seemingly little effort, the guns at the farm are overpowered and captured. The American right has truly been turned and the Rebel line of retreat is in peril.
Fighting hard to retake Shoemaker's Farm proves fruitless. The stalwart British fail to be evicted as the battle winds down. In a daring maneuver to retake the bridge, the Rebels are thwarted by the timely return of interlopers.
The battle ends.
Casualties on both sides were very heavy. Of the four games played, Game 4 definitely witnessed the most bloodshed. What about the Butcher's Bill?
Butcher's Bill |
The British lost six regiments and two officers to the American's eight regiments. That is a very high body count. What about Victory Point tally?
For Victory Points, the count was British 28 to American 22. Another convincing tactical British victory. Congratulations to Matt for a second win at this battle! With four games in the books and a final fifth game later today, I plan a retrospective on lessons learned in this battle.
Could the Rebels have pulled out a victory? It was close, very close. By holding either the gun hill or Shoemaker's Farm and retaking the bridge, the Americans would have gained a tactical victory by one point. Close but no cigar.
Thanks again to Matt for a riveting game. Perhaps I will get him next time?