Having both a newly fostered interest in gaming the War of the Roses through play tests of Battle Commander and knowing Peter (Blunders on the Danube) for years, I jumped at the chance to participate with him in a remote game of the recently published Test of Resolve (ToR) at Virtual Huzzah in May.
The battle on display for this day's contest was the Battle of Towton. Armed with OB, QRS, and battlefield dispositions, I was ready for the challenge. I would be fighting for the Lancs having been given command of Somerset's Battle on the right. To my front, I was opposed by Warwick.
Somerset's command
The first notion to strike me was the difference in which the rules I have been playtesting and ToR depict a commander's Battle. In Battle Commander, each Battle is depicted as a series of melee lines each having a distinct type (archers in the front line, bills in the second line, and MAA in the third line). ToR, on the other hand, models each Battle as a series of company formations all abreast with an archer screen deployed forward. Interesting. Do both methods model the same fighting formation?
Initial dispositions |
Anyway, after David presented an introduction to the battle and rules, and the battle lines drawn, we began.
David providing an overview |
Lanc battle line |
The Battle for the Lancastrian Right.
While Percy and Dacre step off, Somerset lingers. |
Somerset snaps into action and advances. |
Warwick's archers launch their volleys. |
Almost immediately, Somerset's archers lose their nerve falling back. |
Rather than being shot to pieces, Somerset charges into Warwick. |
An ambush laying in wait. |
The two Battles clash in vicious hand to hand melee. |
The ambush is sprung! |
Oh! There is fighting elsewhere? |
Casualties are mounting. |
"If you lead with this unit, you do not get a flanking attack." |
Some companies see success, others failure. |
A big shoving match on the Lanc right. Notice the ambush was dispatched quickly. Sigh. |
Peter's command is heavily engaged in the center |
One company of Somerset's archers breaks for the rear rather than remain in combat. |
Somerset and Warwick have fought themselves into near exhaustion. Both Battles are at Morale Level 0. Next to take a Battle Morale Test is likely to be done for. |
and that would be...Somerset. Warwick turns his Battle inward toward the center.
After Somerset broke and headed toward safety, couriers caught up with the column to inform Somerset that the battle was lost. Both Dacre and Percy broke when the Lanc right collapsed.  |
The author (Tim) summarizes the battle and thanks all for their participation. |
Even in defeat, that was a very good gaming session. I learned a little about the rules and enjoyed the remote battle. Tim and David performed splendidly as GMs in setting up the game for remote viewing, pushing troops around, adjudicating combat, and educating many of the players on the play of the rules. Chapeau to you all and thank you!