Saturday, May 15, 2021

Prussian Musketeer Regiment #34

The 18mm SYW project has not seen much in the way of attention over the last six months.  My plan prescribed working on a French army in the New Year.  That plan has not survived collision with other projects.  The main Project Interruptus has been building out a few Battles for the WotR in 28mm.  I did manage to field a handful of Bavarian and Irish regiments late last fall but the production line has been silent since.  Until now, that is.
Off the painting desk today is a 23 figure battalion from Prussian Musketeer Regiment #34. The figures are all Eureka Miniatures and the flag is one I made myself.  With David from Not by Appointment recently publishing his flag set for Musketeer Regiment #34, I will likely reflag this unit with one of his superb flags once I get enough of his flags together to print an entire sheet.

Also off the painting desk is a pair of German trucks in 15mm.  With Graham's recent SCW games loaded with transports, I figured I ought to do something about my own WWII transport situation.  To that end, two more Zvezda Opel Blitz trucks make their way off from the workbench.  Nice little models.
Finally, on the remote gaming front, I took to the skies Tuesday in the next instalment of our WWI aerial combat campaign.  The two German pilots added two more kills to their totals and returned safely to base.  Hurra!

Later today, I join Ross and friends for a playtest of one of his planned games to be presented at Virtual Huzzah on May 22.  We will be playing a French Revolution game using his MacDuff to the Frontier rules and 54mm figures.  I used an earlier version of these rules more than 25 years ago to fight both colonial and French & Indian War battles.  I wonder if I will remember any of it?  No matter.  Should be fun.    

In the category of It's A Small World, I signed up to take part in another virtual game on May 22 with the authors of the newly released WotR rules, Test of Resolve.  I did not make the connection to Ross' playtest and the Test of Resolve game both being a part of Virtual Huzzah until re-reading Ross' email and writing this post.


  1. Handsome Prussians...and these trucks are superb!!

  2. Excellent Prussians Jonathan!

  3. The Prussian are very nice.
    Your schedule sounds pretty busy with games coming up. Enjoy!

    1. Joe, I am keeping busy on the hobby front, no doubt.

  4. Nice addition, those figures are very nicely proportioned. I will be interested to hear of your experiences with the Test of Resolve rules.

    1. Thanks, Norm! I expect a report-out will be on offer after the event although I am not sure how much insight I can offer after one playing.

  5. I love the Zvezda trucks. They are nice models and they go together so well.

    And you can never, ever, have too many trucks.

    Or wagons and baggage.

    1. I thought you would approve of trucks rolling off the production line!

  6. Great SYW Prussians Jon and the Zvezda trucks look very nice too - enjoy your many and varied virtual games!

    1. Thanks you, Keith! My view from the venue will be from my office window and not from the beautiful lakeside you often visit.

  7. Nice mixed bag this post - I like the trucks@ Enjoy the test game with Ross - the first draft was fun.

    1. Mixed bag, for sure. Are you attending the second playtest today?

  8. Lovely to see you doing some more of your fabulous looking Seven Years War figures Jonathan.
    Regards, James

    1. Glad you like the SYW stuff, James! I ought to devote more time to working on French for this project.

  9. Great looking Prussians Jonathan and Zvezda do make very nice miniatures.


  10. Splendid new toys Jonathan... as always.

    You are certainly keeping yourself busy...

    All the best. Aly

  11. Good to see the units keep rolling off the painting desk, even will all your other virtual wargaming activities.

    1. Peter, my painting output has slowed but still turning over units.

  12. Great looking Prussian musketeers and trucks, Jonathan. Lot’s of hobby activities on these weekend. No time to rest:)

    1. Thank you, Sir! Yes, trying to stay busy on the gaming front.

  13. I look forward to making your virtual acquaintance on the 22nd. 6 players via zoom will be a challenge. We are having a trial game this Monday including 2 people who have never played before. Covid restrictions are being eased a little here in Scotland so I can go over to Tim's house to assist him. We have been soley on zoom since March 2020!

    1. I look forward to the game and meeting you too! If you want another Guinea pig for Monday's test game, let me know. We have been running Zoom games with 4-6 people and it can work very well.

    2. 6 players is fine, as long as the umpire knows what he's doing, and the players all allow everyone else the time they need. You may find having 2 players run it slows you down if you have to consult on anything before feeding back to the players.

  14. Great to see another SYW finished and David's flags are too good not to be used. Frankly you can't go wrong with Zvezda models!

    1. Looks like a thumbs up all way around! Thank you.

  15. Great looking SYW Prussians and also Opel trucks, Jonathan. Ooh, I'd love to see Ross' 54mm French Rev game too!

    1. Thank you, Dean! I am sure if you wanted to look in on the game, you could

  16. A great addition to the collection Jonathan.

  17. Musketeers look excellent Jon! Youve managed to pick out great detail on such small a scale.

    Zvezda models are nice affordable kits. Your trucks came out just fine. How many more do you need?

    1. If you're asking how nany more trucks do you need, you obviously don't get the "you can never have too many trucks" mantra.

    2. Thank you, Dai! I cannot parse your last sentence and Google Translate is no help. Trebian is having difficulty with it too...

  18. Now they are proper soldiers worthy of Old Fritz

  19. Lovely looking Prussians and nice trucks!
    Best Iain

  20. Great work on the Prussians and the trucks. You really have embraced virtual gaming Jonathan, and I am enjoying the insights into the new rule sets.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence! Yes, the possibility of remote Wargaming has swung me from painter to gamer. For now, at least.

  21. Another impressive addition to your collection(s). The gaming schedule is enviable as well. Seems that the Caesar Award slipped in somewhere among all this activity: well deserved!

    1. Thanks, Ed! As for the Caesar, I was one of the three nominees but Roll a One won. Maybe next year?

  22. Beautiful as always, Jon. I look forward to seeing them on the table!

  23. Fine additions to the forces there! 'Project Interuptus', now that really made me smile, I may borrow that if you don't mind.

  24. Nice unit Jonathan and good to see plenty of gaming going on 👍

    1. Thanks! You have a big hand in the plenty of gaming.

  25. Fine additions there Jonathan, the SYW battalion in particular looks very impressive.

  26. My index finger hurts scrolling down to get to make a comment Jonathan. Another excellent paint job on the troops, especially at 18mm, well done.

    1. That is funny, George! Glad you made it all the way to the bottom to leave comment. Thank you for your perseverance!

  27. A lovely unit of SYW Prussians Jonathan. I like subtle variation of head and arm position.

  28. I do love these SYW Musketeers, Jon... eben if they aren't French! :-)

    "See" you this Saturday!

    1. Thanks, Peter! Looking forward to Saturday’s game. Will I receive Zoom details before game?

  29. Nice painting on the infantry! You’ve got a lot on your schedule; good thing it’s all fun stuff. 😀

    1. Thanks, Stew! Good thing it is all fun stuff, indeed!

  30. Your new Prussians are looking excellent. It's nice to see you continuing your 18th century project.

    1. Thanks! I still have much to do on my 18th century projects but I am easily distracted.
