A few weeks' ago, I began laying down some thoughts on conducting a wargames' campaign (Thoughts on Selecting a Wargame Campaign). Keeping the operational/strategic aspects of the campaign simple was key in selection. A second key criterion was that the scope of the campaign should remain small. Finally, I needed to have a majority of the troops required already in hand and battle-ready.
After some time spent in contemplation, my choice for this trial will be the French & Indian War. To govern the operational activities, the DTP effort, Montcalm & Wolfe will be utilized. Luckily, there is an excellent VASSAL module available and in many ways provides a much more handsome tool than the original game. Oh, the module is free as well!
The campaign begins in May 1755 with monthly game turns. All units begin deployed in set positions with the exception of three French regular regiments. These variable regiments are placed, one each, in Fort Duquesne, Fort Niagara, and Isle aux Noix. With these deployments, Fort Duquesne can be defended from a possible stab north from Braddock, the upper reaches of Lake Champlain can be protected, and allows a possible strike against the British garrison at Fort Oswego at the start of the campaign. Only the larger engagements will be transferred to the game table for resolution with miniatures. Hopefully, this exercise will generate a few interesting encounters to play out on the table.
Situation May 1755 |
Looking over the OBs for both sides, the number of militia units may outstrip what I have painted. While I have a number of colonial units that can be pressed into service for the British, only a handful of militia units for the French are service-ready.
To remedy that shortfall, I placed a small order to 1st Corps. Now, I have not purchased from 1st Corps in several years but I do field several of their British and French units in the FIW collection. The 1st Corps figures come in at the larger end of model size compared against Old Glory and Dixon. Painted and deployed on the table, most of these size differences vanish.
What I ordered were two dozen figures from the Coureur de Bois and French in Campaign Dress SKUs. The order arrived within two weeks and are primered and ready for the brush. Painted, these will provide the foundation for two more French militia units wearing a mix of dress.
French militia from 1st Corps |