Thursday, March 6, 2025

Archaeology In The Lead Pile

Digging down through the various strata of The Lead Pile recently, I came across several packs of horsemen for the 30mm ECW project.  Now, there remains not so many leftovers to paint in this project so I pulled out three packs and pushed the nine figures into the painting queue.  
From my perspective the ECW project is mostly complete.  Only some odds and ends and enough cavalry for one more body of horse.  Looking back at the Painting Log, the last time any units mustered out was December 2022, a little over two years ago.  Still, adding one horse unit and cleaning out a few packs of figures was worth the time and effort, I thought.
The figures are from The Assault Group and were picked up many, many years ago.  Many of these nine horsemen are wearing older style helmets more suitable to 30YW but they will do for service in my ECW battles.  Nice figures.

On the gaming front this week, Peter (Grid based Wargaming) hosted me in a remote, Medieval game using Arrowstorm.  My first time with the rules and I must admit I was soundly thrashed in Game #1 but made some progress in Game #2.  Still, in Game #2 I fell to Peter's clever tactics.  Perhaps I will get him next time?  We are discussing a rematch. 
Peter has also challenged me to bring my WotR collection to the table for its first outing.  Not able to resist a challenge, I am working on rules for the period for presentation soon(ish).  With some luck, I hope to see the collection on the table within a fortnight.


  1. If at first you don't succeed....No matter what, you have some newly ready ECW horse from this week. Nicely done, as well.

    1. Yes, I will try, try again! Peter is a cunning opponent, though.

  2. Lovely unit of horse Jon, TAG figures are very nice and you have done a great job on them.

  3. I too really like TAG figures and you have done a great job on them here Johnathan. Sounds like you are making progress with the new rules. The first couple of games against an opponent who actually knows them is never easy.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence! After two quick games, I see how the rules work. Now, I just need some more practice.

  4. A nice looking regiment. Always good to go back and add units to existing collections

    1. Thank you, Neil! Always good to go back and finish things off.

  5. A good addition and satisfying to unearth and complete a unit from the store cupboard. I like the TAG stuff but have bought mainly for Eastern Europe.
    I completed a game yesterday where one sides figures were painted 50 years ago, The I was a student, now retired but the miniatures are still working.

    1. Thanks! Enough extra horsemen were uncovered to field one more cavalry regiment. Very good to get your old figures back onto the table!

  6. I like your basing. Green makes sense to me to blend in with the tabletop. I see a lot of basing that is mostly earth or rock coloured with a few tufts and flowers which on a green mat or cloth seem to stand out in the wrong way. Don't get me wrong, it's clever and attractive stuff [sometimes more eye catching than the figures] but to draw the eye to the figures and not the ground seems a strange approach. Perhaps someone has a tabletop into which these bases blend more seamlessly.

    1. Happy to see that you approve of the basing! some of my projects have green, some light brown and some more coarse brown depending upon the period. Basing and aesthetics are a personal matter.

  7. Nice to see some ECW figures Jon and I like the mix of headgear, with the morion helmet being one of my all time favourites:). I've heard of Arrowstorm; is that another Dan Mersey title? As for some WotR action, I can't wait to see what you come up with for us to enjoy.

    BTW, am I the only one who thinks of War of the Ring when I read WotR, instead of War of the Roses?

    1. Thanks, Steve! Yes, Arrowstorm is another Mersey design. Not being a fantasy gamer, WotR only means one conflict to me.

  8. Very nice additions Jon, I am also a fan of TAG, a lot of my Border Reivers collection came courtesy of their ranges!
    For you Steve J, yes, I think you probably are the only one who thinks that!

    1. God, amybe I'm a dyed in the wool fantasy gamers after all, masquerading as a historical one all these years;)! I blame old Shakespeare, as IIRC, at the time it was known as The Cousins War...?

    2. Thanks, Keith! The TAG figures are very nice but quite expensive unless grabbed on sale.

    3. Steve, you may be showing your true colors!

  9. I do love your very simple painted riders. They remind me of the look of a friend who is a dragoon (just compare the figures with photos on my blog). Great work!

  10. Lots to like. I agree all green bases can have a great look (though mine tend to be brown/green). Jon shows us how to make it interesting with different colours and textures. Certainly looks like Yorkshire rough pasture.
    WotR - Steve is not the only person who thinks this. I don't think it is immediately obvious to non-UK gamers and certainly not fantasy players.
    I look forward to Jon's further reports on Arrowstorm.

    1. Thank you, Anthony! After a few more games, I may put some thoughts together on Arrowstorm although Peter (Grid based wargaming) already has a good overview.

  11. They're a fine body of men and will do great service for either side I've no doubt!! Be good to see some of your WotR collection on the tabletop too. Not heard of Arrowstorm rules before either?

    1. Much appreciated, Ray! For an overview of Arrowstorm, check put Peter's blog referenced above. Getting the WotR collection on the table is my next task.

  12. Nicely done ECW/TYW horse. I think they'll do fine for either. I'm curious about the size. Are they (or were they) actually sold as 30mm or are they just "big" 28mm?

    1. Thank you, Ed! I label the project as "30mm" because the bulk of this collection is made up of Redoubt and Renegade figures. These guys are monsters and really more like 32mm but listed as 28mm. If I listed them as '32mm ECW" some might think this a mm too far.

  13. Very nice unit Jon, it’ll be cool to see your WOTR stuff on display too.

    1. Thanks, Mark! WotR armies on the table next (I hope!).

  14. The ECW cavalry look splendid and are being urged along by their drummer. Looking forward to trying out your WotR rules.

    1. Thanks, Peter! I am thinking about rules and making progress.

  15. Great looking figures Jonathan.

    Peter's move to NZ must have made your games easier time wise.

    1. Thank you! Yes, the time zone change is a positive side effect.

  16. A fine unit there Jonathan that certainly warrant their turn in the painting queue.

  17. 30mm ECW?! Wow, your various collections and scales is bewhildering and impressive, Jonathan! Very nice figures as always.

    1. Thanks, Dean! While most of the figures are listed as 25mm, the Redoubt and Renegade figures are giants. Since they don’t match well with other 25/28mm figures. I list them at their more accurate size.

  18. Spendid looking unit of horse! I did do a double take on TAG being 30mm as I always thought they were more of a match for Perry 28mm but the comments have sorted me out! WOTR I'm with Steve it is very confusing , but I'm looking forward to you getting the figures on the table!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! Actually, the TAG cavalry are a bit smaller than the larger Redoubt and Renegade figures but fit well into my '30mm' project.
