Monday, March 3, 2025

The Week That Was...

While not as vigorous as six games in seven days as seen a few weeks ago, I did manage four games over the past seven days.

Three of the games saw a return to the 203 BCE Battle of Po River using CCA and my 6mm armies.  Like the other two sessions (we fought the battle a total of nine times), Carthage came out the victor in two of the three battles.  Great fun although time to find another, equally entertaining scenario. Po River may be my favorite battle played.  Even though the Carthaginians wound up winning six games to three, the Romans seemed in the fight until the last banner fell.  Very well balanced and a fun challenge for both armies.

The fourth game of the week was a remote game with Matt (wargames in the dungeon) where we fought the opening moves of the AWI Battle of Brandywine Creek.  This session saw the British and Hessian attacks at Chadd and Brinton's Fords.  I only have screenshots but Matt will likely have a detailed expose of the battle soon.

I leave the battle account for Matt to spin!  This week, only one game on the docket for Wednesday.  Of course, that may change.

On the painting front, the brushes have been moderately busy with February seeing 70 figures cross the painting desk.  Weather has improved enough to prime figures too.  Painted units are stacking up at the light box so I need to get a move on.

First up are two British regiments for the SYW/WAS project.  These are the first of hopefully many British units to march out from the painting desk in 2025.

The two regiments muster out as the 1st and 2nd Foot Guards.  Each regiment has 22 Blue Moon foot figures led by a Eureka mounted colonel.  Only two regiments but it is a start.

Finally, weather improved enough to get out for a pleasant afternoon bike ride.  Oh, it is good to be back outside.  Very nice change of pace from a winter spent indoors on the trainer.  I am feeling the difference between trainer and actually cycling outside in the body today.


  1. I like the look of your Brits and the foot guards are a perfect regiment to start with
