Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Picking Up the Pace

Painting output picked up in June finding me now ahead of my painting goal of 750 figures established back in January.  With June counts formally entered into the Painting Log, YTD counts stand at 470 figures painted.  These counts show 386 foot, 68 horse, and 4 chariots.  Good to be ahead of schedule.  Can I maintain this pace through the summer months?  Well, we will see.  Mileage on the bike has been ramping up as temperatures rise.  It will be a hot one this holiday weekend as highs are expected to hit and possibly exceed 100F by early next week.  That's hot!
In the quiet coolness of the morning, four regiments of 10mm ACW Confederate infantry muster out from the painting desk.  A small addition in size but a big addition for the annual count.  Figures are Old Glory.  I do not enjoy painting these little 10s as much as I once did but I do enjoy the mass effect of these little guys on the gaming table.  Still quite a lot more of these figures in The Lead Pile.  I picked up a bagful of 10mm ACW Blaze Away cavalry in Lancaster Games' year end sale.  These little fellas are really impressive sculpts and make Old Glory figures look shabby in comparison.  I look forward to putting a few of these fine figures into the painting queue at some point.
Tuesday witnessed another rip-roaring Sumerian battle fought out in a four-player remote game.  The game featured great fun and high drama in great company.  Perhaps I can scrape a report together over the weekend?  Until that time, below is a teaser highlighting some of the action.  In this case, we see one battle car crashing into the flank of the enemy's battle car.   
Finally, another photo of Spokane Falls as I passed through downtown on a recent bike ride.  The photo looks toward the Lower Falls with the Monroe Street Bridge spanning the gorge.  As soon as the temperatures rise a bit more this morning, I will be heading out for another spin.


  1. Great work on those ACW chaps Jon:)! As you know I enjoy painting 10mm figures (well maybe enjoy is pushing it a bit) as you can get a great massed effect with relative ease and in my case, I don't worry too much about those bits you can't see. Still sometimes I try to paint them, much to my chagrin!

    1:1 scale painting has hit all wargaming related activity, aside from planning, ditto on the cycling front, but then the weather has been up and down, with down the order of the day for the next week at least:(.

    1. Thank you, Steve! I do enjoy the massed effect but I am not enjoying the Old Glory sculpts as I once did. Switching to painting a few Blaze Away 10s may help with the project.

      Hope you can clear off your 1:1 painting activities but if one of those tasks is painting your new game room then all is good. Good luck getting back out and onto the bike. Cavendish scored #35 in today's TdF! Still a beast.

  2. Those 10mm chaps look good. Must admit I struggle to paint 10mm figures, but the mass effect looks great on the table

  3. I must admit I rather like the 10mm OG range and you have done a fine job on them, they look very decent indeed, look forward to seeing a battle report form the Sumerian clash.

    1. Thanks, Donnie! I like the 10mm OG ranges too and they produce serviceable armies, cheaply. Not tired of Sumerian BatReps, yet?

    2. Not at all Jon, I don't really do ancients so always interested in seeing what others do and the Sumerians I know nothing about!

  4. Lovely look to those massed troops.

    1. Thanks, Richard! One can never have too many ACW infantry!

  5. Jonathan, I am envious of your painting output; mine seems puny in comparison.
    I have some 10mm Pendraken League of Augsburg, but have not been brave enough to attempt them yet!

    1. Thanks, Neil! Painting takes perseverance and time, that's all. I think you should crack on with your LoA figures. After your Italian Wars' flats, of course.

  6. The tiny Rebs look great en masses Jon...personally, I have never painted or played with anything smaller than 15mm but I can definitely see the attraction and advantages of this scale. The river looks impressive again!

    1. Thank you, Keith! Perhaps your next, new project ought to see something in 10mm?

  7. Great stuff Jonathan, and the pace certainly appears to be picking up. I bought a lot of Kalistra 10mm ACW figures which I hope to get around to at some point, but those Blaze Away figures look great. I'm off to have a look at their website.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence! I would like to see the results of your Kalistra 10s. The Blaze Away 10s are really fabulous sculpts especially to the more workmanlike OG strip figures. Lancaster is holding a summer sale NOW!

  8. Lovely set of pics Jon. The bridge looks grand.
    100 degrees f sounds too hot for physical activity!
    Happy Independence Day for tomorrow.

    1. Thanks, Chris! The Monroe Street Bridge is a grand bridge, indeed. Built in 1911, it was the largest concrete bridge in the USA. The bridge is decorated with ornamental bison skulls.

      100F is damn hot so cycling must begin early. Looks like we will make at least one more Independence Day celebration.

  9. You know my thoughts on the smaller scales Jon so I can only agree when you mention the nice mass effect of these 10’s. So nice going and keep ‘em comin’!

  10. They really do give that mass effect. Very nice Jonathan!


  11. Pah-Lease. baby weather you havin.
    In my parts it's been over 100 for the past 4 days. As I type this right now it's 104 outside. no lie. Too crazy.

    Now THAT is some painting that I can get behind. Nice job. a fine addition to the ACW collection. I sometimes wish I had an ACW collection in 10mm, and 28mm for that matter.
    And an impressive year to date paint total.
    Also important, I'm back on top of the commentator list.
    So high up I can barely see Keith below me. 😁😜

    1. That's hot, Stew! Our expected heat wave is set to strike this weekend.

      I went with a 10mm ACW project because most of my local friends had either 15mm or 25mm collections and i waned to fight even bigger battles. I did paint a Federal Brigade in 28mm and still have it. I think it has seen action exactly one time in 20 years.

      You are back at the top of the list! I think I mentioned in an earlier post that having dropped off the list entirely, you rocketed back to the top in no time flat. You have left Keith and the others in your wake.

  12. Busy times. The 10mm ACW look really good all grouped together.

    1. Thanks, Peter! I should plan on bringing the ACW collection to the table again. Our last game was quite good.

  13. Great looking figures Jonathan. I am a great fan of 10mm even though I can't paint them as well as you. I really like having lots of figures on the table.

    Looks like the engineers for the bridge used the plans for the Golden Gate Bridge but upside down 😂

    I am looking forward to the Sumerian report.

    1. Thanks, Ben! Upside Golden Gate? That’s a good one! Maybe I can pound out a BatRep over the long but busy holiday weekend? We will see.

  14. Ramping up to warp speed there Jonathan, splendid stuff all round.

    1. Thanks, Phil! Not quite warp speed but well underway.

  15. That’s some output and target Jon. I have just about managed double figures with 6 more on the way.

    1. Seems like you have painted much more than that.

  16. Good to see you are still keeping up the pace Jon 👍

  17. Wonderful work on the figures. I still can't believe that they come out so good. The mass effect is very cinematic in battle photos. We had our own heatwave ending 10 days ago, not quite 100 but too close for comfort or outside activities. Be careful biking in that weather.

    1. Thanks, Joe! In very hot weather I am out early and back before heatstroke has a chance. Stay cool! The heatwave out West seems to have originated in the southwest and moving slowly northwards. See Stew's comments of his heatwave in northern California. Those temps are drifting my way.

  18. 10mm looks great, and you are continuing your usual cracking pace with the painting, while also getting games and biking in. I salute you!


  19. Nice looking ACW. If I wanted to do a new project with mass armies I think I'd move up to 10mm as I struggle a bit with 6mm now. Pendraken have a good reputation for the quality of the sculpts and casting and a big range. That's a spectacular bridge, enjoy the cycling.

    1. Thanks, Brian! I agree (of course, I would) that 10mm is the perfect scale for fighting large ACW battles. Are you considering a 10mm ACW project? enjoyed a pleasant ride this morning with little traffic due to the holiday.

  20. You painted the ACW as colourful as possible. Great work. I'm currently trying to paint 8 figures - which I don't need and which are very detailed (Maison du Roi). I'm thinking about to show my whole colection of French troops. But they don't fit on my table...

    1. Thank you! I look forward to seeing your parade of Frenchmen. Perhaps you need a larger table?

  21. Very nice indeed, and I have had lots of dealings with Lancastrian Games, and been very happy with the price and quality (some of their 15mm are a bit fragile at the ankles, but just get a few spares with the order and it's all good).

    I really like 6mm, and find it very easy to get painting results I'm happy with. But everyone locally seems to be wedded to 28mm (there are a few weird Rapid Fire holdouts still playing in 20mm...) so that is what I am largely collecting in.

    And now I think about it, yes, I do have a bunch of 10mm for WW2.

    1. Thanks, Doug! I have been a regular at Lancaster for years and some of their sculpts are my favorites especially the 15mm 19th Century European Wars' ranges.
