Tuesday, July 30, 2024

A New Project and a Game

Given that June saw good production at the painting desk with nearly 150 figures crossing over to the "Painted" side of the ledger, July has been a letdown.  With games, planning for games, research, scenario development and summertime activities, painting production took a precipice drop in July.  I did manage to complete one, three battalion regiment of Prussian infantry, though, and I started a new project.
Well, "New" in the sense that I have finally overcome the inertia of expanding my 1859 project to bring in Prussians for the 1870 conflict.  These 48 figures represent the first of hopefully a serious attempt at fielding a small Prussian Army for the FPW.  The figures have been in The Lead Pile for years.  Time to do something productive with them.  The problem is that I have not felt much like painting of late.  I keep getting distracted by other calls for attention. 
Anyway, these figures are 15mm Lancashire Games.  Great figures that paint up quickly when I sit down at the painting desk for a meaningful painting session.  The regiment still needs to collect its flags.  Perhaps I can find some suitable flags on the internet?  In July, those meaningful painting sessions were few and far between.  With luck, August will see a pick-up in productivity.  At least this is a start to a Prussian Army!
Cheriton Battlefield
Photo courtesy Gridbased Wargaming
On the gaming front, I joined Matt on Sunday to resurrect our AWI campaign.  A nail biting and unexpected finish.  I am sure Matt will provide an accurate chronicle of the action at Fort Anne.  The first game in Peter and my home-and-away series of Battle of Cheriton replays is on deck for later this week.  Peter is hosting (see Remote Game Preparation) the first round and then I will host the second.  Both games will be played remotely using different scenarios and different rules.  We completed a similar exercise before with Lake Trasimene.  It was great fun and we both learned a lot about the battle in these refights.  I wonder what insights might come out of our Cheriton refights?  Research for my game is still in progress.  Battle layout nears completion.  I am sure I will pick up some useful tips after having played Peter’s interpretation of Cheriton.


  1. Don't fret the lack of painting Jon- what you miss on this month, you can make up for next month! Good luck with the new project- one that is on my bucket list. Looking forward to watching the FPW forces grow!

    1. Thanks, John! No fretting especially if I can catch back up in August.

  2. Looking good Jonathan! Still busy I see - all these wargames - what a terrible way to spend retirement (not)! ☺

    1. Thanks, Neil! Yes, there are many worse ways to spend retirement.

  3. Excellent work, l look forward to seeing more…
    Alan Tradgardland

  4. Paint or play. First world problems. I admit FPW without Prussians is difficult to pull off.

    1. Yes, Prussians are definitely needed for a FPW project. Since I have French, Sardinians, and Austrians for the 1859 war, adding Prussians allows an expansion into both 1866 and 1879 conflicts. Seems an efficient solution.

  5. It's always nice to be ticking off units newly painted, Jon, but the gaming is the actual point of all the painting, and on that front, you are well ahead of almost everyone, I would imagine, so as Jon say...don't fret!
    FPW looks good so far and I am certain you can source perfectly adequate flags for free, via the net...Mark at 1866 may even have a source for them, given the hundreds of 28mm figures he has done for both sides in this conflict!

    1. You do not paint for the sake of painting alone? Hmm. I have some investigation to do on sourcing flags.

  6. That's a nice backdrop for your table. Self-made or bought somewhere?

    1. The Cheriton photo is from Peter's table and it is hand drawn.

  7. Excellent looking Prussians, there is only so much time in a day and gaming seems to be filling up yours, not that bad!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! True. There are only so many hours in the day.

  8. A great start on the Prussians, Jon. i'm sure you'll have several divisions painted up in no time at all!!!

    1. Thanks, Ray! I hope you are correct on the painting front!

  9. 'Only' 3 battalions painted up? I wish I could be as 'slow' as you! They look great, and I do look forward to the Cheriton game reports.

    1. Thank you! Well, I hope you can make one of the Cheriton games! I am still in the planning and making more hedges phase.

    2. Thanks Jon, count me in.. I did Cheriton myself (Germanicised as 'Kirchendorf' for 30YW ) with In Deo Veritas and 'Twilight' rules, late in 2022, so it will be interesting to see your take on it.

    3. Hopefully my take on Cheriton meets with your approval.

  10. A fine start to the Prussians. I usually find the summer is a drain on painting time, July has been quite productive as the summer only appears to have arrived in the UK this week.

    1. Thanks, Phil! Cannot compete with your fine work but, for me, the results work. Wish we could send you some of our Hot Summer. Expected to hit triple digits (in F) again this weekend.

  11. I always seem to struggle with summer painting, seems to be too many other things to do. Your Prussians look great and not seen too much of Lancashire Games figures and these ones look very nice indeed., looking forward to seeing your army grow.

    1. My painting productivity drops in mid-summer and I have the analysis to prove it! For me, the multitude of outdoor activities pull me away. Glad you approve of the Prussians! Lancashire make many solid ranges of figures. The 19th Century infantry are some of my favorites from any manufacturer. Besides, Alan is a very nice guy.

  12. Fine work and good to see you start on the Prussians

  13. A fine looking regiment Jonathan!


  14. There is nothing quite like starting a new project to provide that extra bit of impetus. They look great Jonathan, as does the Peter's Cheriton table.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence! Peter always sets a very handsome table. I enjoy seeing his artistic flair with backdrops and table layout.

  15. The new project has got off to a good start with those painted Prussians.

    1. Off to a good start; I hope it stays that way with more action at the painting desk.

  16. Great start with a new project Jonathan !

  17. Nice to see some Prussian units there Jon and mine, like yours, are awaiting flags. However as mine are very much ImagiNations based, I have carte blanche in my choice! Painting has been intermittent here as when suddenly in the mood to do it, a mini-heatwave has hit leaving us all rather tired and listless come the evening. Looking forward to reading the AAR's from both games and your replay too of Cheriton:).

    1. Steve, the summer painting doldrums have taken hold here. We are expecting another heat wave this weekend so maybe inside activities will include some painting. I do need to prepare for next week’s Cheriton battle. I’m sure there will be BatReps following each game.

  18. Good work on the Boche Jon!
    I must take a look at Peter’s layout for Cheriton. It’s going to be interesting to see how the different iterations compare.

    1. Thank you! Seeing how we each approach the battle will be interesting, for sure.

  19. You saying that you painting slowed down is like an Olympic sprinter saying they didn't run that fast. 😆
    good luck on your new-old project.
    You seem to have lots of gaming going on though, and that's the whole point of painting anyway. so success!

    1. I am no Olympic sprinter but sometimes slow and steady can win the race. But this is not a race, is it?

      Lots of gaming with another one up on deck for Thursday.

  20. The Prussians certainly caught my eye. Very impressive!

  21. The new battle is looking very inspiring. Nice table and I hope to read a very exciting report.

    1. Game was played on Thursday. I am sure Peter will post a battle report in a day or two. I may post something short as well.
