Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Hanoverian Dragoons and Back to Biblicals

While October has not witnessed my hoped-for uptick in painting output, October monthly totals will see a small increase over September.  I still have one week to go, however.  Year-to-Date totals show that I still have a shot at reaching 1,000 painted figured for 2023.  I may need to pick up the pace.  

Summarizing monthly totals from the Painting Log saw mishap nearly causing a calamity.  As I entered in October completed units, I decided to separate out the Sumerian entries to create their own table culling them from the Biblical collections.  Well, I cut and pasted the Sumerian entries into a new table.  Taking a quick glance at the results, all looked good.  Only later when summarizing monthly and yearly totals did I notice that something looked strange.  Returning to the newly created Sumerian table, my heart sank when I noticed that the new table did not have the Painted Date field.  I lost that important statistic on all of the Sumerian entries.  Sigh.  Before panic and despair set in, I looked for a backup. Fortunately, a recent backup existed.  Copying and pasting the backup entries back into the DB solved my problem and all monthly and yearly totals were back as expected.  Whew!  My recommendation?  Always ensure a recent backup is present.
Anyway, off the painting desk today is another regiment of Hanoverian cavalry for the 18mm SYW project.  Today's dozen troopers muster out as Hanoverian Dragoon Regiment Busche.  Figures are Eureka Miniatures.

On the gaming front this week, Thursday and Friday see a return to Biblicals.  Really, it seems like they never left.  They did not.  Chariot clashes have only been interrupted by Saturday's Cannae four-game marathon.  
On deck are another pair of Egypt v Hatti clashes.  This time, I throw in some terrain for the armies to negotiate.  Both games are remote and I get to both umpire and command one of the armies.  My record is not good of late when I wear both hats.  Perhaps my fortunes will turn this week.  Thursday sees an Australian opponent.  Friday sees a UK opponent.  Wish me luck.
As a note on the blogging front, I see that Blogs Followed thumbnails have returned for all and the Insert Image interface received a new facelift.  Are the two connected? 


  1. Those cavalry look great, as ever, I really like those blue coats (fairly unusual?). Hmm... do I need a Hanoverian contingent, I wonder? And good luck with Biblical bashes - presumably the terrain makes things trickier for chariots!
    Interesting about the blogger changes, I had noticed the thumbnails thing, and Rob at The Eastern Garrison is having problems with uploading images, which you say has been changed too. I wonder if that's the root of his problems?

    1. Thanks, David! These fellas are whitecoated with blue cuffs and lapels. I think you may need a Hanoverian contingent for your collection.

      I suppose one way for you to confirm if adding terrain makes a difference is to give the battle a try yourself!

      On inserting images changes, that may be Rob's root cause. I notice that uploading images takes longer than before.

  2. Lovely looking new cavalry, nice save with the backed-up data and good luck for the two upcoming games, Jon!
    I too just noticed the changed way of loading images onto Blogger - it seemed to take slightly longer and when it reverted back to my post......nothing happened straight away. "Damnation", quoth I, it will be the same problem as Rob (mentioned above) ...... and then, the images appeared - PHEW!
    I likewise noticed and commented to someone (might even have been Rob) that I noted my first picture has recently returned as a thumbnail to all the places where people such as your good self are kind enough to list me as a "Followed Blog"......Blogger is an enigma wrapped up in a mystery, for sure!

    1. Thanks, Keith! Yeah, there were a few moments of panic when I thought the Painted Dates were lost on all of the Sumerians. For me, that would have been a blow to the accounting system. Good to see everyone's thumbnails return.

  3. By the way, I hope you did not vote for this bozo??

  4. Good news on recovering your data and looking forward to the game.

  5. The Cavalry do look great Jon, think I need to take a leaf out of your book and back up some files!!

  6. Nicely done Jon on the cavalry……I’m still pondering Russians in 10mm but perhaps not yet something for the future. Chariots again looks fun, I certainly did nothing to bring the thumbnail back ?

    1. Thanks! Russians would be a useful addition to your collection. Le me know when you are back into fighting shape for a remote game.

  7. I love the blue of the cuffs etc.. Excellent work. Good luck for the mighty forces of the Hanoverian ruler!

    1. I agree. The blue on white is a pleasant combination.

  8. More fine fellows for the table! And, always have a back-up...

    1. Thanks! Yes, I ALWAYS have a backup. I just did not know how current it was. Luckily, it was recent enough that no data were lost.

  9. Nice addition to your lovely SYW collection, Jonathan. I have to say my lack of computer skills keeps me from running into the issues you have (and get resolved). Best wishes on your upcoming GM duties too!

    1. Thanks! GMing is easy. It is playing and GMing that poses a challenge for me.


  10. Looking forward to seeing how much difference a bit of terrain makes.

  11. Packing it all in there Jonathan. Nice work on the dragoons 👍

    1. Yep. A little bit of everything today. I should have included my most recent boardgame purchase.

  12. I like the look of your Hanoverian cavalry. Also can't wait to see the outcome of the biblical games

    1. Thank you! The white with blue trim is s handsome combination. I am looking forward to this week’s pair of games too. Hopefully, my luck will improve.

  13. A very striking unit, beautifully done. Good news on the backup. I keep my painting figure count in a notepad but the pages drop out occasionally, so I probably need to transfer them. I also need to keep better stats on what I have painted, but the completed projects are probably my most important measure. Looking forward to the next round of chariot games.

    1. Thank you, Lawrence! I have been maintaining my Painting Log in a database since 1995. I would sure hate to lose any of it. I would still have the boxes of painting figures but I would have no idea what I have.

  14. Nice crisp figures with good presence. Good spot on the thumbnail thing …. And none of this 500 x 500 type thing! Funny about the facelift because I now have a problem with google on the Mac when I want to access photos for the blog, I keep having to sign in, yet the iPad is fine, so some tinkering must have been going on.

    1. Thanks, Norm! Yes, seems like regular tinkering in the background for Blogger. I am happy to see thumbnails reappear for everyone but importing photos seems to be slower than before.

  15. Super looking cavalry Jonathan. The table looks very interesting and good to look at. I wish I painted enough to warrant keeping a spreadsheet. As for backing up, fortunately that is a long standing habit. Glad you got your data sorted.

    1. Thanks! Happy to see that you enjoy the look of the table. Ensuring back ups are made is a routine and necessary but often overlooked task.

  16. Great looking cavalry and a super looking game, well done on saving your numbers, I'm mostly an analogue back of the fag packet chap to be honest, I only do spreadsheets if someone is paying me!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks! You only do spreadsheets if someone is paying you? That is a great line!

  17. Lovely cavalry JF- and go the Hatti! Those Egyptians are getting too big for their boots!

  18. Lovely Hanoverian cavalry there Jon, ditto another nice CCA game to enjoy. As for cut-and-paste, I've learnt to try and copy-and-paste to avoid the issues you encountered! Doesn't mean I remember though:(.

    1. Thanks! The Biblical games will be using Basic Impetvs. CCA is on tap for Sunday!

      For some odd reason, your comment wound up in SPAM.

  19. Another cracking little unit Jonathan….
    I’m looking forwards to seeing your Biblical games.

    I have to admit that my heart sinks when I see that blogger have ‘improved’ things 🙄

    All the best. Aly

  20. Cavalry blues look good Jon. I presume there'll be plenty more units of horse to come?

    Good luck on the gaming front. Remember to take pictures! :)

    1. Yep. Plenty more units of horse in the pipeline. I remembered to take photos. The BatRep is a long one.
