Sunday, February 2, 2025

Walloon Guard

After a few battle reports and a couple of thought pieces, time to return to parading some recent units mustering out from the painting desk.  January saw another productive month at the painting desk.  More than 100 figures marched off of the workbench.  At the photo booth, a logjam forms with a large number of units awaiting their turn.  Notice in the sidebar that I managed to reduce The Lead Pile by 945 figures in 2024.  Great result!  Expect a broader discussion on the painting front when I publish year-end review of figures painted.  
Anyway, into the photo box today are two units comprising the Spanish Walloon Guard.  These two units are made up of 46 figures with Old Glory foot led by Eureka mounted colonels.  Flags are by David at Not By Appointment

Why the Walloon Guard?  Well, if I am going to refight the 1743 Battle of Campo Santo, Walloon Guard need to be on the table.  This is a first but necessary step.
On the gaming front, Monday sees a second playing of the Adobe Wells gunfight.  That action will feature a completely new cast of characters as six of Postie's Rejects take to the field.  Should be fun as they try their hands at Triggeronometry in the Old West.