Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Arquebusiers for Great Italian Wars

While trying to maintain a focus on 15/18mm painting outputs, my painting activities keep being drawn back towards the completion of 28mm figures.  In particular, my recent attention has turned towards augmenting the Great Italian Wars project.
The first, in at least three Italian Wars units in the painting queue, is a nine figure stand of arquebusiers for use in Impetvs.  These nine will form a 'T' stand of missile troops of the closer order variety.  Currently, all arquesbusiers in the project are of the skirmisher variety.  It will be interesting to see the impact of close order handgunners on the Renaissance battlefield using Impetvs.
A second stand of arquebusier is under construction to be followed by a unit of mounted gendarmes.


  1. Lovely looking landsknechts nice restrained and realistic colours I'm interested to see them next to your old glory ones, really like the basing and looking forward to the gendarmes!
    Best Iain

  2. I really like the mix of colors. It is fine looking unit and a reminder to get cracking on my own.

  3. WoooW!! Fantastic arquebusier units!

  4. Love their splendid uniforms and your wonderful paint job!

  5. Lovely aquebusiers Jonathan!

  6. lovely work and colors used on these figures...far better than my Renaissance "fantasy" colors....

    1. Thank you, Phil, but your Renaissance figures are little works of art in my eye!

  7. These look great. I really like the colour combinations, they work well.

  8. They are looking pretty splendid.

  9. Very nice work, Jon, with the more subdued palate of colors!
