Sunday, November 12, 2023

Spain's Reina Dragoons and Cavalry

With rules' and scenario preparation occupying most of my time for this week's upcoming pair of Spanish-American War games, a brief lull allows a chance to catch-up on recently painted figures.  While a number of units are finished and awaiting photos, two units muster out in today's installment.
Off the painting desk are the first Spanish cavalry regiments for the 18mm SYW/WAS project.  While perhaps a little monotonous, I begin with two Spanish horse regiments in red uniforms.  The regiments are Reina Cavalry and Reina Dragoons.  A third Spanish cavalry regiment is finished but that can wait for another time.  The 24 figures are from Eureka Miniatures. 
What else is in the photo queue besides the Spanish regiment mentioned above?  Well, the table to my left holds Hanoverian cavalry, Swiss and Irish infantry regiments in Spanish service, a pair of Spanish artillery pieces, one Austrian artillery piece, and two units of 25mm Babylonian archers.  Quite a collection is stacking up with all but the Babylonians destined for the 18mm SYW/WAS project. 

Downstairs in the game room, two 18mm Hanoverian infantry regiments are in work at the painting desk as are two 25mm Sumerian battle carts and crew. 

Current painted figure count stands at 936 figures for the year.  Looks like hitting 1,000 figures by year-end is within reach.

Oh, and the blog reaches 1,600 posts.


  1. Fantastic work Jonathan! You have been very productive this year.

    1. Thanks! Number of figures painted is good but painting points total will be low since I focused on 15mm figures.

  2. Great looking Spanish cavalry, Jonathan. Sounds like you have a lot of projects lined up - perfect for the weather this time of year.

    1. Thanks, Dean! Yes, I always seem to have a lot on my plate. As you say, perfect for a long winter although I need to get busy with figure priming.

  3. They look outstanding Jon and by my calculations, you only need to paint about 10 figures per week by the end of the year, to crack the 1000 figure total - surely a mere bagatelle to a man of your productive abilities!

    1. Thanks, Keith! I certainly expect to churn out the remaining figures to reach 1,000. Still, one never knows. Some of my totals during summer were pathetic.

  4. Beautiful work Jonathan. Looks like 1000 will be easily within reach.

  5. The uniforms of the period are wonderful. Great work Jonathan.

  6. Very nice! Up to your normal level of productivity!
    Will we see the other unit in yellow? It seems to be a common colour for Spanish cavalry and a good excuse to paint this seldom seen colour...

    1. Thank you, Neil! Spanish cavalry in yellow is, indeed, the third Spanish on the painting table.

  7. Lovely work on the cavalry, 1000 figures looks more than likely now

  8. Nice paint work! A 1000 painted figures is a good effort this year with all your gaming activities.

    1. Thank you, Peter! I reckon 1,000 painted figures is a good effort any time.

  9. Very nice. Excellent sculpts and plenty of pop.

  10. Lovely work and hooray on close to the 1000 mark.

  11. Splendid looking Spanish mounted men! Sounds like it's already a productive year on the painting and gaming front!
    Best Iain

    1. Glad you like them! A productive year but one in which I did not feel chained to the painting desk. If I reach a thousand figures, it will be a bit of a surprise especially given my summer doldrums.

  12. Excellent work as always:). Rather jealous that you have a painting area and a games room! Weather here still incredibly mild and still no frost to speak of, which is very unusual.

    1. Thanks, Steve! For me, dedicated painting and gaming spaces are requirements for a happy and productive Wargaming life.

  13. Nice figures, and congrats on keeping so much content flowing!

    1. Thank you! I never imagined cranking out so many posts.

  14. Very fine painting and productivity Jonathan.

  15. The volume AND quality of your output is impressive! Not small figures either.
    Am in two minds about doing another white coated army, but…..

    1. Thanks, Chris! I actually enjoy painting whitecoated armies.

  16. I don't know much about it compared to the others, but there is a definite attraction to the "other" army of the 18th Century (the Spanish)--colorful uniforms, foreign regiments, there is very much to like about it!

    1. Ed, I suggest you start building a Spanish Army and find out. I am working on a Piedmontese Army too.

  17. Lovely stuff Jon, and very inspirational - I must get some more SYW figures into the painting queue.

  18. Great units up to your usual high standard.

  19. Very nice indeed Jonathan….
    And given your already busy schedule very impressive 😁

    All the best. Aly

  20. Nicely done on the new additions! Always like a bright red cavalry troop - dashing colour for a charge and a great target for long-ranged fire! LOL

  21. Very nice work, Jon. Good to see lots of progress on your 18th century armies. :-) I have looked at the Spanish MS (whose link I sent you) but annoyingly the standard of Reina is not at all clear, or I would have a go at it. If you have a better image, please do let me know!

    1. Thank you, David! Yes, the 18th Century projects are seeing some additions. It looks like I may be ready to tackle the Battle of Madonna dell'Olmo soonish.

  22. More Spanish cavalry it's fine. Maybe needed for Piacenza too. But the Spanish troops should have small units in my opinion.

    1. Hopefully, Spanish cavalry can see more action! If not, well, they may see battle as French.
