As long as men remember Dixie, they will recall the 5th Virginia!
-- Chris P., June 8th 2023.The Battle of Young's Branch sees action again on the table. Battle begins with the same situation as seen in the earlier game (see: Young's Branch 21 JUL 1861). This time, five players take part in the remote game.
Players (and their blogs) are:
Players chose to see Battle Briefings for their own army only with limited details on the enemy they faced. As a reminder, the table looks like this.
Battlefield layout |
Let's get straight to battle!
McDowell effectively steals a march on Beauregard and makes a flanking move against the Confederate left. Hunter's Division storms out of the north at Sudley Mill to advance south toward Matthews' Hill. Burnside's Brigade leads the way with Porter's Brigade not far behind.
Getting word of Federal movements against the Confderate left, Evans quickly dispatches his two regiments from the Stone Bridge (off table from the eastern end of Warrenton Pike) to Matthews' Hill. Remaining at the Stone Bridge is a detachment of skirmishers. Johnston, likewise, sees the danger and sends Bee and Bartow's Brigades north from Henry Hill in support of Evans.
Bee and Bartow quickly march to reinforce Evans. |
Evans forms up on Matthews' Hill joined by Lynchburg Artillery. |
Evans does not wait long before the long lines of blue coats appear to the north on Sudley-Manassas Road. Burnside deploys to the left of the road while Porter moves up on Burnside's right.
Burnside sends one regiment around the eastern slopes of Matthews' Hill while the remainder of his brigade concentrates on the Rebel positions on the heights to its front. In the firefight, Burnside succeeds in driving off the 4th SC. As Burnside presses forward in the advance, Evans pulls the 1st LA and guns back from the crest. Bee deploys his Rebels in front of The Stone House as Bartow swings one regiment out to the east to cover the bridges over Young's Branch. One of Bee's regiments is called to Matthews' Hill to protect Lynchburg's guns. His second regiment advances to occupy Matthews' House before Federals can take the position. In heavy fighting in the woods north of Matthews' House, Federal infantry are ejected and flee.
Hunter deploys his division in front of Matthews' Hill. |
Seeing one of his brigades destroyed, Burnside orders the remainder of his brigade to take Matthews' Hill before Evans can be reinforced in strength. Two of Burnside's regiments move forward. Deploying into line right, Porter sends his brigade forward spreading out to the west to cover the Federal right.
With Burnside advancing upon their front, Bee's infantry on Matthews' Hill and Lynchburg's guns fail to recognize the threat to their flank. Porter pushes one regiment and a few guns down the road to the western slope of Matthews' Hill.
Rebels fall back from the northern crest of Matthews' Hill. |
Caught in a crossfire in the woods at Matthews' House, the 71st NY is destroyed. |
Burnside and Porter press forward. Rebel positions on Matthew's Hill look untenable. |
Under serious threat of being outflanked, Bee and Lynchburg fall back to The Stone House. Bee brings up one regiment and Wise's artillery to the Warrenton Pike. The guns unlimber and fire on the Federals moving down on Sudley-Manassas Road.  |
Bee gives up Matthews' Hill falling back to Stone House. |
As Hunter brings more of Burnside and Porter's Brigades into action, the Rebels begin retiring to the Warrenton Pike-Young's Branch line. Only the 7th GA and 1st LA remain north of the pike. Securing Matthews' Hill, Hunter orders Burnside and Porter to bring up more guns. As Federal guns unlimber and fire pours into Rebels positioned around The Stone House, Bee searches for safety on the south bank of Young's Branch. |
Federals control Matthews' Hill. |
With Matthews' Hill secure, Hunter brings up more guns and infantry. |
Bartow's Brigade and the 1st LA find themselves increasingly under pressure from the Federals on Matthews' Hill. As the firefight intensifies, the 1st LA scatters. Evans' Brigade is broken. Near The Stone House, Bee's Rebels are taking a pounding from artillery and musketry. Bee's Brigade is broken with three out of four regiments shattered. With the exception of Bartow, all Confederate troops are back on the south bank of Young's Branch. Federal guns continue to pound Rebel positions along the stream. Reports filter to the Rebel front that Jackson's Brigade is coming up from the south. Hooray! |
The Rebel center weakens as the Rebel left falls back. |
Johnston and Jackson reach Henry Hill as Burnside and Porter move against The Stone House. Burnside takes heavy casualties as he advances within range of the Rebels lining Young's Branch. Burnside is broken. At Matthews' Hill, the 8th GA is destroyed defending the ground. Bartow is broken. The Rebel front line is crumbling.
Showing careful attention to detail, both Burnside and Porter rotate badly damaged regiments out of line replacing them with fresh regiments. Beauregard reaches the battlefield leading Hampton's Legion and Staunton's artillery. Beauregard takes up position at Henry House on Jackson's left. |
Federals move against the Stone house.
Johnston and Beauregard reach the battlefield atop Henry Hill. |
As the Federals press on, the Rebel Young's Branch line crumbles. |
To add misery to the Rebel situation along the pike, Sherman's Brigade of Tyler's Division is seen marching toward the Warrenton Pike from a recently discovered ford across Bull Run. Not be unmatched, Cocke's Confederate Brigade has arrived as well. It is noon. |
Sherman arrives on the Federal left! |
Cocke arrives from the southeast. |
Hunter's Brigade in and around The Stone House. |
Federals hold Matthews' Hill. |
Confederates hold Henry Hill. |
Johnston (Jackson) and Beauregard on Henry Hill. |
After about three hours of play, we agree to halt the action and reconvene in two days to resume play. During the intermission, commanders could reassess the situation and prepare for battle continuation. Rosters and army situation were provided.
Battle situation at noon. |
When battle is rejoined, the Federal command structure has been rejiggered a bit to allow each player to take command of one division. Chris (as McDowell) takes Hunter's Division, Tony takes Heintzelman's Division, and David takes Tyler's Division.
Back to the action!
As Sherman approaches the bridge over Young's Branch, he takes hot fire from Evans' skirmishers. Sherman deploys to the left on the pike to bring more rifles to bear. Jackson, from his position on Henry Hill, occupies Robinson House and pushes infantry into the woods lining the stream. In the center, Heintzelman brings Franklin up to relieve Burnside's battered and broken brigade. Franklin occupies Matthews' House and the woods to the east.
On the Federal right, Porter is sent across the stream in pursuit of Bee's remnants. Bee's single remaining regiment and Wise's artillery make a stand on the high ground a few hundred yards to the south of the Sudley-Manassas bridge.
Sherman makes contact with the enemy |
and fans out along Young's Branch. Jackson counters by pushing infantry up. |
The Federal army controls the Young's Branch line. |
Porter crosses Young's Branch. |
Still more Federal reinforcements come up. Keyes follows closely upon Sherman crossing at the ford Sherman earlier discovered. With more Federal reinforcements coming up and most of McDowell's Union army poised along the banks of Young's Branch, Sherman attacks! |
Keyes Brigade reaches the battlefield. |
Howard's Brigade marches down the Sudley-Manassas Road. |
Sherman splashes across the stream intent on smacking Jackson at Robinson House. First, he clears the woods to his front of the 33rd VA and then orders fire upon the Rebel guns at Robinson House. Under a hail of lead, Rebel guns are forced to retire. With the path clear to Robinson House, Sherman storms ahead.
Sherman crosses Young's Branch. |
Rebel guns are cleared away at Robinson House. |
Sherman reaches Robinson House. |
At the head of two regiments, Sherman assaults the heights at Robinson House. He meets no enemy opposition until he runs into the end of the 5th VA's line. Surprised by the sudden appearance of Federals rushing from Robinson House, the Virginians cooly wheel to bring the enemy to bear. Suffering mightily at the hands of the Virginians, Sherman and his blue coats tumble back down the slopes of Henry Hill. Sherman is shocked. The 5th Virginians' stand will go down in the annals of history.
Sherman leads the charge! |
Sherman is repulsed with heavy casualties! |
Despite Sherman's setback, the Federals keep coming. Beauregard throws in Hampton's Legion to slow the enemy. They are cutdown in an instant. Cocke's Brigade arrives across the Sudley-Manassas Road and is fed into the fight. Bee must be saved! Unfortunately, on the Rebel left, Federal troops are massing while Rebels are fed into action piecemeal. First, Bee's outpost of infantry and guns are scattered at the hands of Porter's boys. The Federal line looks unstoppable. Then, one by one, Rebel infantry from Cocke's Brigade waver and head for the rear.
Federals massing for the attack! |
Cocke feeds his brigade into the action piecemeal. |
Federals pound Cocke's Brigade. |
The Thin Grey Line gets thinner. |
Although the Confederates still have three fresh brigades to bring up, the Rebel commanders discuss their next moves. With three brigades broken and Jackson teetering on collapse, the Rebels decide (after much deliberation and the lateness of the hour) that discretion is the better part of valor and call off the fighting. The Rebel armies retire.
The Rebellion may be over!
Congratulations to the Federal commanders on a well-executed victory! My condolences to the Rebels commanders. All played a brilliant game as they came to grips with the rules, scenario, their enemy, and the umpire.
For me, great fun as these large, multi-player battles prove time-after-time to be.
Thanks to all of the fellas for an entertaining and insightful two-day battle.
Until we meet on the battlefield again.