A very long time has passed since the last Feudal Japanese unit mustered off the painting desk. Looking back at the Painting Log, the last unit marching off the workbench for this project was in February 2018. A very long time, indeed. The lack of activity at the paint table is not surprising. First, most of the figures have moved from The Lead Pile to the painted box. Second, the collection has not witnessed action on the table in almost three years. For a collection that I enjoy and a Commands & Colors game system that is so fun, the long hiatus is embarrassing, really. Hopefully, with the end of busy summer schedules, time will be found this fall and winter to pick up the katana once again.

Until then, 19 Peter Pig levy teppo march out from the painting desk. Peter Pig's Samurai range of figures is one of my favorites. Solid sculpts that are easy to paint and look good when finished. This collection is one of the few that actually receive a satin finish rather than flat finish. Something about lacquered armor calls out for a bit of sheen on the figures.
I recent Peter Pig sale saw me stock up on a few more packs of figures to complete a number of partial units lingering in inventory. A unit of mixed foot Samurai will be the next unit seen emerging from the painting desk for this project. The Samurai have not reached the painting desk yet but they will in good time. So many units are in line ahead, it may take a month or two before the Samurai see the light of day.
Seeing the finished product, I am motivated to pull the collection out onto the table for a quick solo game. With only a third of the gaming table in use at present, an 8'x6' section remains open for use.