Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Cycling the Palouse

Fall is one of my favorite times of year to cycle on the Palouse.  Days can be sunny and warm, winds are calm, and rain unlikely.  Gone are the scorching hot days of summer and the rain of late spring and early summer.  Very enjoyable time to be out on the bike.  This past weekend was no exception.  Daytime temperatures reached the low 60s F, sunny, and wind was almost non-existent.  

While the temperature was in the low 50s F when I departed for a two and a half hour ride, I knew that both the air temperature and I would warm as the morning progressed.    Temperatures were expected to reach into the low to mid 60s F before I returned.  With sun and no cloud cover, the morning chill would be overcome quickly.

The planned route would consist of a 40 mile loop over both rural roads and urban bike paths.  Most of the urban cycling would hug the Spokane River as it winds its way through downtown Spokane.  With rolling hills and a few steep ascents, total elevation gain would be about 2,000 ft. 

Below is a selection of photos snapped from the GoPro camera mounted on the stem at about three feet above ground on this late October day.  My wife insists I always take the camera as an insurance policy in case of mishap.  I did have a few close encounters but nothing out of the ordinary.  


  1. Very jealous, I did manage to get out on Sunday but the Cumbrian winter is closing in and going to require a lot of motivation to get out.....but that is the plan 🙂

    1. Matt, looks like you put in some good cycling while you were exploring the ACW Western Theater battles. I was quite envious of you!

  2. Good on you, what's next the Tour de France?

    1. If he does he can pop into mine for a cuppa!

    2. To old to compete but perhaps watching in person would be fun especially if TJBM joins.

  3. Wonderful pictures! I 've made a small search for Palouse and I really loved this place. You're lucky
    to live there ;)

    1. Glad you enjoyed the photos and especially pleased that you made the effort for an internet search on this corner of the USA. We like it here!

  4. Looks like a great route. Your wife is right about the GoPro. I'd forget to clear the memory though.

    1. My wife is ALWAYS right....

      One of my pre-ride rituals is clearing the memory card and recharging the batteries. I have failed to get the small memory card seated properly into the device, though, and returned with an empty card. That would have done no one any good. Well, except for the perp.

  5. Lovely. Thanks for sharing the interlude. As far as the GoPro, excellent idea, indeed. I look forward to someday seeing your footage of a meteor strike or bigfoot gamboling across the frame. Close calls, indeed!

    1. Glad you enjoyed the photo interlude, Ed!

      No meteor strike or Bigfoot caught on camera yet but I frequently capture wildlife crossing my path as well as a number of traffic violations.

  6. It must have been crazy this weekend in the Moscow-Pullman area with those two big events. I was rooting for Oregon in the Saturday football game. I made the mistake of wearing my Oregon Ducks jersey on the Friday ride. I received a tongue lashing by three young guys in a pickup questioning my allegiance and lineage. At least they did not run me off the road.

    You have a good eye! I was on the west side of Spokane in those photos. The Centennial Trail goes as far north as Nine Mile Falls.

    I have ridden Fish Lake Trail many, many times. That is a route Nancy will do since it is mainly flat. You can ride from the trailhead on Government Way all the way to Cheney if you are willing to make a detour around the unfinished portion of the trail.

    We are quickly running out of time for a rendezvous at Plummer for a Trail of CDA ride.

  7. Looks like you had a great ride on a beautiful day...he says looking out the office window as the gray clouds roll in.

    1. Yes, the weather has been very pleasant. Perfect for cycling.

  8. Lovely photos, great countryside!
    Best Iain

  9. Just lovely veiws. Makes me almost miss cycling about in Wales where i grew up. But then I remember just how hard that was with all the steep steep inclines.

    1. I can understand "almost missing" the steep, steep inclines but "almost missing" cycling? Cycling gets into your blood.

      Appreciate your comment!

  10. Looks like a great day for a ride - Bravo!

  11. Beautiful weather you're enjoying there, Jonathan. We're starting into the rainy season (albeit a bit later than usual) here near the Sound.

  12. A nice way to spend a couple of hours. Your wife is right about the GoPro, too! Great shots and good insurance.

    1. Indeed! One of my favorite ways spend a couple of hours when the weather is good. Aren't wives always right?

  13. Looks like a lovely ride. I also love riding in the fall - though it's been a lot colder a lot earlier around here - and a fair bit of rain (or snow!)in September - which has left some of the dirt trails damp and muddy well into October. There have been a couple of really nice days in the last week or so, but I've only managed to get out for shorter rides.

    Are these stills from video that you shoot with the GoPro?

    1. The rain moved in to the Pacific NW yesterday. Hopefully, just briefly. Snow in September? Is that a harbinger of the winter ahead?

      The photos are from stills. The camera is set up to take a snapshot every half second.

    2. Snow in September in Saskatoon? It happens sometimes, it rarely sticks. A few years ago there was snow around the 23rd of October and it didn't fully melt until late April... But that's pretty rare. The next year we did't have snow until December...

      That's a LOT of stills to have to go through!

    3. Facebook memories is reminding me this morning that we had snow on they day 8 years ago and 11 years ago. Thankful there isn't any this morning and we have a forecast high of 12°C. Might have some next Tuesday - as the long range forecast suggests - but it will be of the sort that melts as soon as it hits the ground.

    4. We often get the first snowfall here around Halloween. It does not usually stick until December. We have had snow on the ground from Thanksgiving until late February, though. That is no fun.
