Saturday, July 6, 2024

Still Sumer Time!

Back to the Sumerian battlefield once again.  In this encounter, the same armies face off as in the earlier clash (Sumer Time) but this time, with a whole new cast of four players.  In today's fight, fought 02 July, Mark and Chris take command of the Blue Army (blue and black dice) while David and Tony pick up the reins to the Red Army (red and green dice).  Player commands are distributed as shown on the battle map below:
Army and Player dispositions

Let's drop right into the action to see how Tuesday's battle unfolded.

As the battle opens, both armies advance to close the distance to bring themselves within missile range.  With skirmishers screening both battle lines, missile fire is ineffective.  Tony leads his red battle car up on the right plugging the gap between his bowmen while David holds back both green and lugal battle cars.  Dust cloud trailing Tony's car shows that it is in motion.  Both armies anchor their lines upon the rocks on one flank and the oasis on the other.
Battle lines close.
Red battle car moves smartly up on the right.
With flanks secure, the battle begins!
Tony gets the battle rocking as he drives his car into the enemy line.  Mark lets loose a volley of arrows as the car closes but missile fire is ineffective.  The battle car reaches the enemy line but the bowmen, with limited support from friendly skirmishers, manage to drive the battle car off in disorder.  Oh my!  Tony's car veers off to return back from whence it began.  The difference this time is Tony exposes a rear to the enemy!
Tony tests the waters...
and finds the going too hazardous.
With his battle car now in motion, Chris launches his blue battle car into the enemy line.  The skirmishers in his path are overrun.  Chris continues in pursuit.  The car's pursuit carries Chris into a position similar to Tony's earlier exploits.  Chris faces massed archers and skirmishers blocking his path to the enemy's rear.  Like we saw with Tony's attack and repulse a few minutes before, Chris' battle car is driven off.  The car clumsily veers off to the right.
Chris attacks with the blue battle car!
Pursuit carries Chris into the enemy line.
Realizing his battle car can get into trouble more quickly than it can get out of it, Chris finds himself in a jam.  Unable to quickly extricate himself from this tight spot, the enemy lends a helping hand.  David brings up his green battle car striking Chris' car in the flank.  Disordered by the impact from his flank, the fight is uneven.  David dispatches Chris' car but fails to pursue.
Chris' pursuit stopped cold.
With his battle car gone, Chris turns his attention to getting his heavy infantry into the fight.  He sets them in motion toward the enemy line.  The heavy shielded spearmen face a volley of arrows as they close.  Disordered and taking hits from the missile fire, the heavies march on into the enemy line.  Disregarding losses and disorder, Chris' heavy infantry push the enemy aside.  Some break and run.  Chris' heavies continue their pursuit into the enemy's center.  Has the blue spear block outmarched its support?  
Spearmen attack...
and the enemy recoils!
Chris' spearmen are in hot pursuit!
While earlier regretting his decision to attack into the enemy line with his battle car, Tony reconsiders that decision when he sees Chris' spear block dead ahead.  Coming in on the flank, Tony makes an attack.  Again, the defenders drive Tony away!  Tony!  
Tony attacks!
Chris' spear block is not out of danger yet.  David brings up his car to make his attack.  He sees more success than Tony experienced moments before. The clash causes the spearmen to lose half their number.  The remnants of Chris' heavy infantry are driven back.  David pursues!  At this point in the battle, it looks like the Red Army has gained the upper hand.  While the battle rages to his right, what are Mark and his wing doing?  They are advancing methodically up through the palms to bring Tony's right under pressure.  
David crashes into the spear block...
and pursues the vanquished...
as the enemy is driven back.
Mark stealthily moves up through the palms.
With Chris' spearmen falling back, the Blue Lugal moves up to plug the gap and take on the enemy car.  David's car loses the exchange and veers off in retreat.  Blue Lugal pursues.  The Lugal's pursuit carries into the path of Tony's battle car.  Hit from behind, Tony does not have much of a chance.  His car routs away with Chris in pursuit.  Cutting a wide swath through the enemy's battle line, Chris and his Lugal pursue deep into the enemy's rear, scattering skirmishers as he goes.  Blue Army's deep penetration into the enemy has split Red Army's line.  These vigorous actions bring the two Army Breakpoint clocks back into balance.  The problem for both armies now is that both teeter near the breaking point.
Blue Lugal counterattacks!
Tony's car is destroyed as Chris' Lugal rampages on.
Tony caught from behind!
Breaking through, the enemy backfield is open.
The Red Army's battle line is split!
Sensing the time is right, Mark brings his heavy spear block forward to engage the enemy.  In the melee, Tony's spear block is cut down to half size.  The loss of those men is just enough to break the Red Army.  Victory to Chris, Mark, and the Blue Army! 
Mark delivers the coup de grace!
What a bloody and very exciting battle!

While this was the first game for these fellas to try their hands at running battle cars and Sumerian armies, tactics evolved as the battle wore on.  I reckon they all have a much better idea of how to handle these unwieldy cars when we next return to this period.     

Again, the battle saw much ebb and flow throughout with victory only settled with Mark's final attack in a spear-on-spear fight to the death.  Watching the players jockey for position while bringing their battle cars into the fight was tremendous fun.  Attempting to extricate the cars from harm was even more fun to watch.  Play was fast and furious with the contest lasting about two-and-a-half hours.

My condolences to David and Tony in defeat but, really, everyone played an excellent game. 

Good fun and thank you!

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Picking Up the Pace

Painting output picked up in June finding me now ahead of my painting goal of 750 figures established back in January.  With June counts formally entered into the Painting Log, YTD counts stand at 470 figures painted.  These counts show 386 foot, 68 horse, and 4 chariots.  Good to be ahead of schedule.  Can I maintain this pace through the summer months?  Well, we will see.  Mileage on the bike has been ramping up as temperatures rise.  It will be a hot one this holiday weekend as highs are expected to hit and possibly exceed 100F by early next week.  That's hot!
In the quiet coolness of the morning, four regiments of 10mm ACW Confederate infantry muster out from the painting desk.  A small addition in size but a big addition for the annual count.  Figures are Old Glory.  I do not enjoy painting these little 10s as much as I once did but I do enjoy the mass effect of these little guys on the gaming table.  Still quite a lot more of these figures in The Lead Pile.  I picked up a bagful of 10mm ACW Blaze Away cavalry in Lancaster Games' year end sale.  These little fellas are really impressive sculpts and make Old Glory figures look shabby in comparison.  I look forward to putting a few of these fine figures into the painting queue at some point.
Tuesday witnessed another rip-roaring Sumerian battle fought out in a four-player remote game.  The game featured great fun and high drama in great company.  Perhaps I can scrape a report together over the weekend?  Until that time, below is a teaser highlighting some of the action.  In this case, we see one battle car crashing into the flank of the enemy's battle car.   
Finally, another photo of Spokane Falls as I passed through downtown on a recent bike ride.  The photo looks toward the Lower Falls with the Monroe Street Bridge spanning the gorge.  As soon as the temperatures rise a bit more this morning, I will be heading out for another spin.