Sunday, February 14, 2021

1799 Grenz Duo

Before I really get stuck back into painting Biblicals, two more units for the 1799 project march off from the painting desk.  Yes, the Rivoli battle raging across my game table is still influencing what is seen at the painting desk.  These two units may be the last work on this project for a little while.

The first unit mustering out is one battalion of the Walaisch Grenz Regiment.  Figures are AB Miniatures and are very fine sculpts.  The AB figures from the FRW range are some of my favorites from AB.    
Next up is a battalion of Grenz Battalion, Walaisch 17.  Instead of the close order basing as in the battalion above, this time I base the grenzers as an open order or skirmish base.  Again, super sculpting on the figures and something unusual to field.
I tend to be ever so slowly working down The Lead Pile for this project.  Really but ever so slightly.  Piles of French and Russians to go but a dent in the pile of Austrian infantry is now noticeable.
Before I make the switch to painting Biblicals, the first unit in a new project will be coming out from the painting desk next.  That new project? War of the Roses in 28mm plastic. Already the first Battle of 52 figures is finished and awaiting its turn at the photo booth.  You know what? Putting the multi-part figures together was enjoyable.  Now, I await the arrival of a seemingly long lost order of reinforcements from Caliver Books. 

On the gaming front, this week looks to hold two or, perhaps, even three games.  Monday and Tuesday will see a return to Graham's Spanish Civil War playtesting while Saturday may see another F2F Culloden game with WoFun flats.   


  1. I do like these grenzers very much, especially those with the rifles supported on the spears.

  2. The Grenzers really stand out due to the spear rifle supports. Glad to see you're still getting in a good amount of games, ditto the painting. It's been too cold here to paint but now it's due to warm up, so hopefully things will move along again.

    1. Steve, I am gaming more than at any time in my life, I think. This has been quite a switch up from mostly painting with an occasional game. Reaching twelve games a year was a rarity. Of late, I am getting in two-three games per week. Incredible really.

      The weather has been darn cold here, too, with temperatures in the low teens F at night. Not too cold to paint but too cold to spray outside.

  3. Nice looking unit .....we really do need more french not Austrians ! Will be playing some of Molina through today 👍

    1. Thank you! There are plenty of French in the box but not at Rivoli. I feel your pain.

      Looking forward to seeing drops out of your Reconquista battle. Hopefully, it will not be my command that is dropping out!

  4. Nice job Jonathan. I am increasingly liking the mounted command being placed within a unit and the Grenzers with their muskets on rests are a very interesting distraction for a base.

    Really pleased that your WotR are moving along nicely and giving a positive vibe.

    1. Thanks on both the figures and basing, Norm!

      My intention for WotR was to build only one battle as an aid for the semi-regular WotR playtests with the group in the UK. now, i am thinking of expanding such that I could field my own armies.

  5. You seem busy both wargaming and painting at the moment.

  6. handsome Grenzer, Jon, but a couplie of battalions of French combined Grenadiers would be very handy at the moment! :-)

    I have several more units of Grenzer my self as part of the "300 Austrians... almost 100 of which are now painted).

    1. French reinforcements at Rivoli would be most welcome, I wager. Some help is on the way but don't tell the Austrians!

      You have been quite busy producing Austrians, Peter. What is on the workbench after 300 Austrians?

  7. Looking great as usual, Jonathan! Expect some single stand Napoleonic units to roll off my workbench this year!

    1. Thanks, Steve! I look forward to your single element Napoleonics in the New Year.

  8. Have to agree those grenzers stole the show with their musket supports. But very much looking forward to your WoTR project. And to Rivoli of course!

    1. Glad you like them, Mike! Both Rivoli and WotR are in work. Well, WotR is stalled until new recruits arrive. As you see Gonsalvo above, he wishes for for French recruits at Rivoli.

  9. Excellent!

    I always did my Grenz in brown coats, for a break from white if nothing else!

    1. Thank you! Some regiments wore white jackets and some wore the brown. On the battlefield, a mix is often seen. Well, at least on my table!

  10. The AB figs are always fantastic, and you've done them up well.

  11. Splendid looking grenzers and I'm glad that building the Perry plastics hasn't been terrible!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! I find the sticking bits together part enjoyable.

  12. Wonderful painting on an unusual unit, Jonathan - spears supporting muskets looks so cool.

    1. Glad you like them, Dean! The grenzers do look cool.

  13. Great stuff Jonathan, and another vote for the Grenzers with the musket rests. I hadn't noticed that AB sculpt before, and have a pile of AB Austrians myself. Nice to see you enjoyed gluing together the multi part figures, which is something I find very frustrating. I suppose you can't beat the variety the finished items give you.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence! Sticking the pieces together was much more enjoyable than expected.

  14. I look forward to seeing your Wars of the Roses units Johnathan. I know they will be top quality.

    1. Robbie, you set the bar very high with your recent WotR works. I doubt I can top your efforts.

  15. Lovely work on the Austrians and sounds like the virtual gaming situation is paying huge dividends...when did you last play three games in one week?! Bonus too that the third may be FtF.

    1. Thanks, Keith! Remote gaming is very active at the moment. Playing three games in one week before now? I don't recall the last time that happened. Probably not since a convention many years ago. How about gaming four days in a row? I have never done that before now. Three games on the slate for this week again.

  16. Great job on these units JF! You are having a good time in the hobby right now and I’m a little envious. 😀
    WoTR? Is that a totally new period that you just caught the bug on? I blame those other blogs. 😀

    1. Thanks, Stew!

      WotR is totally new period for which I only recently caught the bug. I have been enjoying playtesting a set of rules and reckoned I ought to have some figures of my own. Impeccable logic, no?

  17. Those are gorgeous man, great brushwork!


    1. Thanks, Jack! Your latest BatRep is earmarked for my bedtime reading tonight.

  18. These exotic troops are looking excellent.

  19. Interesting to see the Grenz from this period, great to see more earlier era troops coming! :)

    1. The FRW 1795-1800 campaigns have become some of my favorites. More troops and more battles to come.
