Thursday, November 15, 2018

Prussian Grenadier Companies 9 and 46

The Zorndorf battlefield, having taken up residence on the gaming table for the past three months, provided motivation to set to work on a unit for the SYW collection.  It may not be surprising that the long lines of Prussian troops, with their backs turned towards the painting desk, have compelled a mustering of one more Prussian battalion. That is, indeed, the situation. 

Off the painted desk today are the grenadier complements from Prussian Musketeer Regiments #9 and #46.  Historically, the grenadier companies from 9 and 46 served with other grenadier companies but today these two stands of grenadiers march off the painting desk in unison.  Figures are from Eureka Miniatures.
What might be next for the SYW project?  Well, with no SYW figures currently in the painting  queue, it might be awhile before that answer is known.  In the last resupply from Eureka, a couple of howitzers and crew for both Prussia and Austria were included so those are possibilities to work their way into the workbench.  So too are the dozens of Prussian cuirassiers waiting in The Lead Pile.  For something different, a Battle Pack of Lancashire Games' Austrian musketeers awaits attention.  With their slightly oversized tricornes, my thought is to field these as Bavarians.  The oversized tricorne and the distinctive Lancashire Games' sculpting would make a visual change from the sea of white-coated Eureka Austrian figures.  Having not painted this figure before, I am anxious to see how they look with a coat of paint.  Still many other figures ahead in the painting queue before a return to SYW is considered.


  1. Well done Jonathan - look forward to seeing who makes it to the head of the painting queue in your next update!

    1. Thank you! Next update will be something for Rivoli...

  2. Lovely Jonathan, I do like Eureka Figures although they are expensive. The Bavarians would make a colourful contingent although some authorities dispute the cornflower coloured regiments and state it was more a mid blue.But what do 'experts' know.

    1. Thank you, Robbie. The 18mm Eureka figures are competitively priced with AB so I am happy to pay the price. Eureka's 28mm figures seem expensive to me too.

      As for Bavarians, I like cornflower blue too but to me cornflower blue is a mid-blue anyway. Since colors were not as "fast" as in the modern era, color shades change dependent upon a number of factors. Who is to say what is correct especially when on campaign?

  3. Very nice Jonathan. I particularly like the officer on the left with red facings.

    1. Thank you, Mark! The officer on the left is a great sculpt.

  4. Not sure why, but I find SYW converged grenadier battalions particularly interesting--especially when so nicely rendered!

  5. Lovely work! Looking forward to your Bavarians!
    Best Iain

    1. Much appreciated, Iain! SYW Bavarians may be a long way off given the present state of my painting queue.

  6. Superb, they look beautiful and disciplined!

  7. Nicely toned down yellow looks very natural. Looking forward to your thoughts on the Lancashire Games figures.

    1. Thanks, Norm. The yellow is more of a straw color and with the addition of a stain, the result is a much subdued yellow.

      Lancashire Games' 15mm figures are some of my favorites for the Franco-Austrian and Franco-Prussian Wars. The French, Prussian, and Austrian foot are really terrific sculpts.

      I look forward to seeing how the Bavarians (ersatz Austrians) turn out.

  8. Thanks! The Zorndorf battle is a lovely sight!

  9. Lovely toys Jonathan...

    All the best. Aly

  10. Very nicely painted uniforms on these guys. They’ll make pretty targets...😀

    1. Yes, they will make pretty targets. Hopefully, not when under my command!

  11. More nice work Jonathan ......😀 I think I will be revealing my new project soon

  12. Fine looking Grenadiers Jonathan!

  13. Great looking troops again, Jonathan. I must say these tall mitre caps are the one thing missing from the Napoleonic era - save the one Russian unit.

    1. Thanks, Dean. If you go back a few year to 1800, Russian grenadiers still wore the tall mitre. You could get your Napleonic Russian mitre with a project in that era.

  14. a pair of lovely Grenadier companies with nicely contrasting colors. The idea of a Bavarian contingent is always appealing. In the Napoleonic era, the Bavarians were my first minor state troops... back about 45 years ago! :-)

    1. Thanks, Peter! Glad you like them! Bavarians in 15mm were some of the first Old Glory Napoleonics I painted about 25 years ago.
