
Wednesday, January 10, 2024

The Road Ahead in 2024

While I have not put down a formal prospectus for my New Year's goals for several years, I figured this year I would make an exception and return to an old tradition.  Having thrived on vague objectives in the past, I offer a little more clarity on what 2024 might hold on the wargaming front.

Battles to Fight
On the miniatures' gaming front, 2023 saw an unprecedented number of games played.  The final count reached 103.  Certainly, the most gaming in a single year for me but not too far ahead of 2022's 89 games or 2021's 97 games.

Playing more than one hundred games in any year is a big undertaking.  With this volume, other hobby areas suffer.  For 2024, I ought to dial back the number of games played.  What is a more sustainable number?  Since gaming emphasis has seen a shift to more hosting and game preparation takes extra time and effort, I put down 70 games played as a target for the year.  That works out to a little less than three games every two weeks.  I am already off to a poor start since no games have seen the table thus far in 2024.

2023 saw the fighting of large, historical battles multiple times with a variety of different teams of players.  2024 will continue this trend.  The 1744 WAS Battle of Madonna dell'Olmo remains out on the table for more replays once I have returned to full strength.  With one playing in the books, I can see this battle being refought a few more times before packing it away.  After that wraps up, there will be more battles to plan and field.  Thoughts of fighting an operational campaign with remote players has been a recurring thought.  The campaign would feature PBeM for the operational aspects with major battles resolved on the gaming table in miniature.  Top of the list is the notion of refighting the 1796-1797 Napoleonic campaigns in Northern Italy.  We will see if I make any headway or find interest in this venture.   
What other periods to consider?  Having many collections, sifting through all of the available options is difficult.  Narrowing choices down to a few periods and rules is a challenge.  While a number of my collections saw action in 2023, still, several did not.  Perhaps an attempt at working some of these overlooked collections into the gaming rotation would be good?  With SYW/WAS painting still going strong, expect more battles in these periods to hit the table.  Napoleonics were neglected in 2023.  Having three distinct Napoleonic collections, perhaps, at least one of them can get to the table.  I have been looking forward to getting my FRW collection out on the table, perhaps, this is the year?  The notion of a campaign game as mentioned above would tie in nicely and kill two birds with one stone. The Great Italian Wars collection has not hit the table in more years than I recall.  I need to rectify this situation in 2024.  Getting my untested WotR project out on table for its first battle would be fun too but whaich rules?

Despite making an effort to bring some of these neglected collections to the table, expect to see Ancients coming to the table in regular rotation whether that is in the form of Sumerians, Biblicals, or Punic Wars.  The Basic Impetvs games in 2023 were a blast.  I want that fun to continue.  The BI games are quickly brought to the table without a lot of preparation and research.  Maybe another ACW battle will be singled out for study?  I really am spoiled for choice.  Looking at the boxes of figures, I do not even remember the last time my French & Indian Wars collection saw action.  Same goes for the WWII collections.   

Figures to Paint
2023 saw an expansion of the SYW/WAS projects.  The French were begun in 2022 with Spanish, Hanoverians, and Piedmontese mustering out in 2023.  Plenty of work remains on building up these armies.  Expect more 18mm SYW/WAS units to march out in the New Year to continue filling in the ranks.  In addition to the armies mentioned above, perhaps British or Jacobites could slip into the production queue?

Biblicals (and Sumerians) will continue to see action at the painting desk.  If I could make a sizable dent in The Lead Pile on these fronts, maybe I can reach the Trojan stratum in 2024?  Maybe.  Still plenty of Assyrians, Babylonians, Hittites, and Sumerians remain to be painted.  The planned expansion of the Franco-Austrian War project to include the Franco-Prussian War has remained stalled for several years.  In anticipation of launching a Prussian project in 2023, more figures came in house.  With an ample supply of figures, I really ought to get serious and get on with painting Prussians.

Now, not all of these plans can be fulfilled in 2024 especially since other units tend to slip into the painting queue to help break up any monotony.  Making a start on at least some of these would be a good step forward.  One goal I would like to tackle is shifting to a more equal mix of 15/18mm and 25/28mm figures.  2023 was decidedly geared towards fielding 18mm units.  I would like to see that mix shift to include more of the larger figures.  

For number of painted figures to target, I had trouble reaching 1,000 figures in 2023.  Given that, I may dial that goal back a bit.  Reaching 750 painted figures especially with a redirection toward 25/28mm seems doable.  I can reassess at midyear and see where the counts stand.  That goal may move back up.

One goal never made before is to actively attempt to shrink The Lead Pile.  While placing a moratorium on figure purchases is unlikely (especially if Newline Designs offers the regular January sale), let me see if I can manage to paint more than I buy.     

Rules to Design, Develop, Test
Having been playing Fields of Honor for a number of years with frequent outings on the table, 2024 may be the year that I work to move the rules from my revisions contained on QRS to a codified body of rules.  A coherent body of text with detailed design notes may help players (and me!) understand the design philosophy underlying the rules.  2024 saw the rules used in several settings including SYW/WAS, ACW, AWI, and FAW.  While all share a common game engine, each maintains its own feel.

Boardgames to Explore
Each year I hope to rekindle my enjoyment of regular boardgaming sessions.  Like prior years, it did not happen.  For 2024, I want to focus some of the slack gained from reducing painting and gaming output toward hex-and-counter wargaming.

One of my favorite types of board wargaming is refighting historical operational campaigns.  WWII operations top this list.  Games under consideration include some oldies along with current offerings.  Topping this list for further study include a return to MMP's Operation Combat Series, a first look at Clash of Arms' Winter Storm Series, and a return Jack Radey's Eastern Front Series but in a new setting.  Each of these games require a lot of study.  I would also enjoy giving MMP's Battalion Combat Series a try.  

Like clockwork, 2023 saw 120 posts yet again.  Updates posted ever three or four days remains a comfortable pace.  Still, I never want for material to ramble on about and I have yet to run out of material to publish.  I may reduce the frequency a bit in 2024.  We will see.  2023 saw a continuation of monthly analyses featuring the data crunching of the Great Wargaming Survey.  Expect more of the same in 2024.  Thoughts for January's topic are rolling around in my head.  I plan to examine gaming metadata.  Hopefully some of the findings will be of interest.

Enough rambling on vague objectives.  All of this is likely plenty to keep me busy in 2024.  Planning is an iterative process; expect change!


  1. A very full year on the blocks nonetheless Jonathan. I shall look forward to reading of your progress and planned games has the year unfolds.

  2. Always good to have a plan! Even if it's just to look back at and remind you what interested you at the time. I admit I had to laugh at your having trouble painting 1000 figures in 2023. I don't think I've painted 1000 figures total in almost 20 years of wargaming!

    1. Yes, always good to have a plan. Over the years, painting 1,000 has been just about average production counts. Some years a little lower and some years a little higher. I think it was easier to accomplish when I gamed (and blogged) much less.

  3. Jonathan,
    It will be interesting to see how much the plans reflect reality. I try not to make definite plans as failure to achieve is dispiriting! The best I can do is make short goals; the trick is to keep them achievable.

    1. Plans are simple a beacon for me to follow, Neil. If I achieve them, great. If not, there is always next year. I never get discouraged by not meeting my expectations. Besides, goals tend to change during the year. The trick is to keep goals within reach, for sure.

  4. Wow, you certainly are planning to be busy in the coming year will be great fun to follow along, so please don't reduce the blog output too much!

    1. Every year busy, isn't it? A blog post every three or four days is not too frequent? I sometimes wonder.

    2. Nope, I think that is just about right - I did not bother to mention it but I hit a new record high in 2023 of 135 posts I think - previous best was 132. So that is about 11 - 12 per month.

    3. Good! I used to post even more frequently like your 135/year but figured posts needed a little time to ripen in order to increase possible commentary.

  5. A consolidation with a slight pull back in several areas to fall in line with realistic prospect of achievement and liberating some time for boardgames sounds a very do-able and plan.

    I was amazed in 2023 that you managed such painting proactivity set against your very full gaming schedule, but perhaps it is simply unsustainable in the longer term and a dial back would offer a more enjoyable pace overall.

    1. I quite agree! One issue I may have with the board games is that maps cover a lot of real estate. Do I tackle these via VASSAL or carve some space from my Wargaming table to share space with the figure games?

    2. I don’t do Vassal, but do enjoy the tactile nature of the boardgame …. I think the right title will deserve some table space :-)

    3. I enjoy seeing the counters out on the physical map as well.

  6. Always a pleasure to visit your blog Jon - even though you completely trashed me with your painting and gaming output!

    The Battles of Madonna dell'Olmo series was particularly good. Seeing multiple iterations of the same scenario was thought provoking.

    Something that might help bring the older collections to the table would be a more rigid schedule for them. Perhaps pick one collection per month to bring back to the table for at least one game, more if the schedule allows.

    Looking forward to every post!

    1. Thanks, Greg! Good idea to squeeze some of these under-exercised collections into the gaming rotation. With the larger, multi-game battles out for weeks or months at a time, fitting in another game is tricky.

  7. After having thoroughly enjoyed your PbEm Rivoli game, put me down as one who will be interested in the Northern Italy campaign. From a reader's perspective I never find the frequency of your blog posting on the high side as there is always something interesting to read across a wide variety of topics. I do wonder how much effort it must take from your perspective though, and how you manage to keep it at the level you do.

    1. The Rivoli battle was really good fun. A campaign would put that battle into context. One wonders if in a campaign setting, Rivoli would again show its strategic importance. If I forge ahead, you will be on the list.

      Good to see that ten posts per month is not too many to follow.

      As always, I appreciate your continued encouragement!

  8. I'm happy to hear you will continue with more Basic Impetus gaming as I really do enjoy that.


    1. Christopher, the players seem to enjoy the fast play of BI too. It will continue to appear regularly.

  9. Good luck on your never attempted before goal of reducing the Lead Pile, or at least painting more than you buy. The math should be easy; if you're only going to paint 750 miniatures (LOL, *only*), as long as you only buy 749 then goal ACHEIVED!!!

    I usually desire to paint and pay more than I do, but I don't think I could do a year like you just had. It just sounds nonstop. probably inevitable to have some regression to the mean / dialing it back to the realm of just being exceptional and not demigod like. 😁

    As for playing games and genres; with whole collections and wide pool of players, it's really anything you want. look forward to see what you get into. I'd like to 'see' you again remotely too sometime.

    1. The main problem with the math of this inequality is that while I count painted figures coming out, I have never counted unpainted figures coming in.

      When you see a game come up and you have the interest and time, let me know and we can get a remote game onto the schedule.

    2. I'm assuming that you are only gonna keep track starting this year of figures coming in. How many purchases have you made in the last 11 days of this year? LOL
      The other way is to get a total of all the unpainted lead now, and see at the end of the year if that number has gone down.
      but that's probably a massive undertaking. 😁

    3. Yes, I will only count new, unpainted figures coming in this year. The current stockpile of unpainted figures is uncountable.

      Eleven days into 2024 and no new figures purchased! Of course, I’ve been sick…

  10. Love to see what's going to come up on your blog this year, since you always inspire me!


  11. Seems like very solid and realistic plans for 2024, Jon. I'd definitely consider airing out some of those long unused collections, and of course a big vote for some Napoleonic/French Revolutionary War action. I'm with Lawrence, the 1796 -17897 campaign definitely appeals. Rivoli certainly wound up being a focal point when we did that phase of the Campaign with Snappy Nappy a few years back as well!

    1. Good! Happy to have your approval.

      Another Napoleonic campaign I am pondering is the Spring 1813 campaign. With that, I could air-out a number of different Napoleonic armies that have not seen the table in probably a decade or more. The situation is quite interesting too especially with the attacking French short of cavalry after the disastrous 1812 campaign.

    2. Spring 1813 is the plan for the next Snappy Nappy Campaign in a Day event planned for the Fall of 2024 as well!

  12. A full year ahead for you Jonathan. Thanks for taking the time to post on your activities as it is always a great read.

    1. Thank you, Ben! Happy you enjoy my ramblings on what may lay ahead.

  13. An ambitious plan for sure. I am just hoping we can play a few more FtF games this year.

    1. Vol, we will get back to that table once I fully recover from my Christmas Plague.

  14. Looks like you will have a full year ahead looking forward to following your output

  15. You've put a lot of thought into what you plan for 2024 JF! I admire your forethought and discipline. I am just hoping to get some games in and paint as many figures ( probably WSS or GNW) as possible!

    1. Putting my thoughts down on what I would like to accomplish helps give my chaotic thoughts a little direction and focus. I look forward to following your WSS and GNW continued build-ups.

  16. PbEM campaign. Yes please. Consider me très intéressé.

    1. Excellent! Preference to either period or theatre?

  17. Jonathan, what a wonderful post. You're sitting on a good year wrap up and looking at an even better year coming. The frequency of posts is not an issue as yours are very useful and entertaining . If you can keep your schedule, and I bet you can, pick say a week out of every other month for your board game journey. Since we started our game of the month play, we get a more satisfying chance for each game being something done well.

    1. Thank you, Joe! Your suggestion of a boardgame week per month is a good one. My problem with sticking to that is these operational WWII games will likely take more than one month to work through as a I learn (or relearn) the rules and explore the full possibilities. Each of the games listed are HUGE too and require a large footprint if set out on table. These games offer more of a long term exploration. Maybe I can tackle one or two in 2024?

  18. BTW, In no particular order, Great Italian Wars, 1813 Napoleonic campaign, GNW, SYW, WAS, French Rev games!

    1. Thanks! I don't have GNW (well, that I know of...yet).

  19. A solid plan. Goals help me keep from running off after the shiny new thing, or at least until I've given it some more thought and keeps me going to the table , painting or gaming, when I think I don't want to.

    1. Thank you, Dan! Planning is useful to me as well. Plans may not always see fruition, but the exercise is healthy.

  20. It sounds like you are facing another busy year of Wargaming activities and painting.

  21. Busy year, I enjoy your frequency of posting, I try and get to once a week but that slips! I've also enjoyed the multiple versions of the same battle with different commanders, it gives a more rounded experience I find, good luck painting more than you buy! I'd love to see your Italian wars out on the table, I'd quite like to see mine but I seem to be stuck in ww2/Napoleonics! Revolutionary or 1813 campaign would also be interesting? As ever I will tag along for the always entertaining ride!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! I appreciate your vote of confidence in carrying on as planned. I would enjoy seeing your Italian Wars collection out in battle too.

  22. Your activity levels continue to amaze, Jon. When you add in the work taken to prepare the remote games that you host, which takes a considerable effort getting a good balance between a playable game, historical setting and reasonable chance for both sides, it's even more impressive. That's before one even considers other activities like your cycling and 'real life'.
    I look forward to another year of entertaining posts from you.

    1. Thanks for the endorsement, Chris!
      Wargaming is a lifestyle commitment, is it not?

      We will return to the gaming table soon.

  23. Lots of interesting points--my favorite general statement is that you have thrived under vague objectives (I'll take that to heart as a mission statement, only my objectives would be vague and perhaps unstated). I always intend to get in some classic hex and counter gaming every year as well, but so far have not managed. Maybe this will be the year for me, too, to get some of my good old SPI titles out on the table: good inspiration there!

    1. It's a hobby, Ed! All of our objectives should be vague. I often want to get some of these boardgames to the table but, like you, I run out of time. This year will be different, right?

  24. Inspirational and Aspirational goals to be sure. I have been drafting and revising my own goals list for two weeks now as I try to return to some semblance of regular blogging. I haven't done a goals pledge since 2020, I used to enjoy the added incentive of keeping to goals I publicly stated. You seem to do quite well maintaining vague goals however. Cheers on the new year.

    1. Jake, I look forward to seeing what you come up with for 2024 plans. Vague goals I can maintain. Specific goals offer more of a challenge.

  25. You have certainly had a busy year…

    It’s always good to have a plan Jonathan…
    I regularly make plans and I plan to continue doing so…
    Unlike me I think your vague plans have a greater chance of fruition than mine.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Aly, vague plans are easier to accomplish than those set into concrete.

  26. Well you are certainly not going to be short of things to do this year Jon! A nice mix of stuff for sure and for one I'd love to see some WWII action from you. Whatever you do it will be entertaining as always!

    1. I am rarely short of things to occupy my hands and mind. The WWII collections have not seen the table in more than a decade, I wager. My 15mm vehicles will require some maintenance before hitting the table. I dropped the box of vehicles during a brief show and tell last summer. Most vehicles were dismounted from bases and a few show some breakage.

  27. on, your hobby output continues to astound - your 'reduced' targets put most of us to shame! Do you have a particular routine or modus operandi with the painting - do you paint every day, for instance, and how for how long?
    It's been a great pleasure joining your remote games in the past year, and of course reading this blog! Thank you so much.

    1. Thank you, David!

      My goal is to paint a little every day but that goal is seldom reached. If I can get a good session in four or five days a week that is doing well. One f two hours is a good painting session for me. Gaming and writing about gaming takes a lot of time.

      Having you at the gaming table has been a real pleasure for me as well. We will be back at the table very soon as my armies muster out from Winter Quarters.

  28. sorry that should have started with 'Jon' - of course!

  29. Wow - that is an impressive amount of gaming for a year - heck more than I've played my whole time in the hobby! Yet, you still had an equally impressive amount of painting done too. I hope to host more game this year - trying to use rules more of the local gamers are interested in - Rampant rules vs. anything Warlord Games (even though I like both).

    1. Yes, a lot gaming in 2023, for sure. I doubt I will hit that level in 2024. I hope you get to host more games this year.

  30. You are in for a busy year Jon let’s hope we can squeeze some battles into your schedule 👍

    1. I am counting on a steady stream of games with you.

  31. You did have a very busy year, I hope 2024 is just as fulfilling for you. I always think I need to make a plan for the year, but never seem to get around to it, but I have come up with 2 things that I must do while writing here on your blog.
    1. Play more games
    2 . Keep Breathing!
