
Saturday, January 13, 2024

Almost Back to Normal

After a lingering illness and the last game played way back on 14 DEC, gaming life may be returning to normal.  Still, there has been some action at the painting desk.  Finally, I have a game on the schedule for next week as we see a return to the WAS and the Battle of Madonna dell'Olmo. 

The game table remains as it was back in December.  The only difference is that the two armies have been reset back to their starting positions.
The War Room
Armies arrayed for battle.
Not only have I seen illness conspire against my plans but now the weather has placed its thumb onto the scale.  With an arctic blast covering the northern parts of the US, the thermometer showed -10F this morning.  With wind chill, temps drop to -25F.  Brrr. 

What this extremely cold weather does is that priming figures outdoors is not possible and even applying a coat of Minwax stain is not possible in the frigid garage.  Forecasts suggest a general warm-up by the end of next week as daytime temperatures finally climb above freezing.  

This Big Chill is putting a chill on painting output as painted figures begin to stack-up waiting for staining, matte varnish, and basing.  Before the Deep Freeze descended, I did manage to complete two more Piedmontese regiments of cavalry.  

Off the workbench today are Piedmont dragoon regiments Piedmont (white facings) and Sardinia (yellow facings).  Figures are Eureka Miniatures.  Another two dozen cavalrymen to add into the rosters.
Hopefully, operations return to normal soon.

Until they do, I have a game to look forward to on Tuesday.


  1. Good that it appears you have beat the lurgy into a retreat and hopefully a full rout. Splendid cavalry turned out again.

    1. Thanks, Phil! Retreat or full rout would be great.
      Being out in the cold last night may have set me back a bit.

  2. That is quite a while since the last game Jonathan. Glad to see you have one ready to go. A lovely unit beautifully done. Those Eureka figures are always very nice. Humidity is my enemy at the moment, and there is always some trepidation when spraying on the Testors Dullcote.

    1. One month between games seems very irregular and will set me back on the goal for games played in 2024. The Eureka SYW cavalry are my favorites. While I use other manufacturers for infantry and artillery, only Eureka cavalry grace my table.

  3. Glad you are recovering. Great work on the Peidmont dragoons

  4. Fingers crossed you are now back to near full health. As mentioned previously, the cold doing the rounds here is lasting for 3-4 weeks, which is not good as you've discovered.

    We are due a blast of Artic air this week, but it seems sultry compared to the rather scary temperatures you will be facing! One advantage of hand painting primer and lacquer is that it can be done indoors. However I still prefer to spray prime my vehicles as it adheres much more.

    Nice work on the cavalry as always and good to see the game reset and a bit of a view of your games room too:).

    1. I still don’t feel back to 100% but I had my 65th birthday a couple of weeks ago. Perhaps this is the new normal.

      Glad you like the cavalry. Yes, you get a partial peek at the working end of my game table and game room. The table is 12’ x 6’ with a large screen TV at the far end for monitoring remote games.

    2. A belated Happy Birthday Jon! Some days I certainly feel my age, especially when my back, knees and shoulders are playing up in the damp weather. As you say this is sort of the new normal and I've learnt to work around it, which can be frustrating at times.

    3. Thanks, Steve! Growing old is not for the faint of heart.

  5. Good to see that you are on the mend, and some nice troops as well.

    It is not quite so cold over here, but cold enough 15ºF over night

    1. Yes, very good to be feeling better! 15F is cold for your side of the state.

  6. I'm glad to hear you're well ion the road to recovery, Jon. The new dragoons units look wonderful. It was 50+ degrees here in Southern New England this morning, but forecast to drop to 15 degrees by morning, and about 10 degrees F later in the week.

    1. Thanks, Peter! 50F seems quite strange for the middle of January. Enjoy the balmy weather while you can.

  7. That certainly is a big gap between games by your standards, Jon - hopefully you have finally overcome your illness too, which seems to have hung around for a long time.
    We saw a new report last night here that 40 million Americans are under some kind of severe weather warning, 2000 flights cancelled and the lowest temp mentioned was wind chill of -50c! I think that was in the middle up near the Canadian border though; the Pacific Ocean keeps your temp in Washington a bit balmier! (he said, sitting in 26c/79f heat!)
    The cavalry as always look great and look forward to seeing the refight of M d O shortly.

    1. It certainly is a big gap between games, no doubt. I need to get to work to get my schedule back onto the rails. The plague hung around for far too long. Still back to 100%.

      The Pacific only keeps Western Washington mild in the winter. We are 300 miles inland and near the Canadian border and up against mountains to the east. Winters can be cold! Windchill was -32C at the house this morning.

      Glad you like the cavalry! I look forward to getting back to the table next week.

  8. Nice dragoons. I'd like to add more Eureka figures but cost precludes. I have plans for a couple of Modena regiments though.

    1. Thanks, Andy! Perhaps adding a few Eureka cavalry at a time is doable?

    2. Maybe. I have some of their dismounted dragoons to do and need a few more. And I'm hoping to make Salute in London in April so may treat myself... As you do...

  9. Glad you are feeling like your illness is nearly over Jonathan. A very long time to be sick and no doubt extremely frustrating and a bit worrying.
    I wouldn't mind a bit of a chill here. I went for a swim yesterday and the pool was 30C - very warm 😁
    I hope the weather improves for you and you can get some priming and Minwaxing done.

    1. Nearly back, Ben. Three weeks is a long time to be down and out. Not expected to get above freezing until late next week.

  10. Glad you’re back at it and feeling a bit better Jon. Those 2024 targets aren’t going to beat themselves!

    1. Thanks! Starting the New Year already behind schedule is no way to begin. We may have to accelerate the gaming schedule.

  11. Great cavalry Jon. Take it easy and recover fully.
    Happy belated birthday.

  12. Jonathan,
    Still impressive painting output!
    Keep warm and well!

    1. Thanks! Trying to stay warm, for sure. We were out last night attending a film fest and it was -18C without accounting for windchill. Brrr.

  13. Great to see good news from you Jonathan!
    Beautiful work sir.

  14. Good to hear you’re on the mend Jonathan…
    The cavalry look lovely…
    I think the wisest place to be when the weather gets to such a ridiculously low level is in a warm hobby room painting and playing with toy soldiers…
    Keep well and warm…All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks, Aly! You are absolutely correct. A warm hobby room is the perfect place to pass these cold winter days.

  15. Good to hear of continued progress on the health front. And a belated 65th birthday Jon! 65 used to be a landmark birthday here, as it was until recently the state pension age for men. It's rising though for subsequent age cohorts.
    I like those dragoons. I wonder if their commander will have such an impressive moustache on Tuesday?

    1. Yes, making progress but it seems slow going. Tuesday's game will be a test of the state of my gaming stamina and recovery.

      The dragoons all have impressive mustaches.

  16. Good looking cavalry units. Nice to hear your on the road to recovery. Stay safe and warm and enjoy the next wargame. 65 eh? 72 here and counting. BTW 4 GAMES IN eight days. And another tomorrow.

    1. Thanks, Joe! Four games in eight days? You are really pumping out the games. It may get above freezing here by end of week.

  17. Keep on the mend. After your long gap in-between games (lol, a month isn’t that long) I’m sure you’ll make up for it later on when you have 2 weeks nonstop games. 😀

    1. Time will tell if I can catch up on the missed game opportunities and get back on track. I do have two games on deck for this week so that is a start.

  18. Sorry to hear you've not been well, but glad you are on the way back. The enforced absence will no doubt make the next game all the sweeter!

  19. I love your new Piedmont units. I worked over my Parma-scenario. I still like my old one to have a faster game. But I revisited the scenario and included more Piedmont, French and Austrian troops. There are so many maps of the battle. I hope that you will like my new attempt. I recently wrote about a military hospital of 1734. Maybe of a small interest for you. Cheers!

    1. Thank you, André! I will give your Parma scenario a look. Of course, I will catch up on your blog too.

    2. André, where do I find your new Parma scenario? I have Madonna dell'Olmo om the table for a game this week.

    3. I'm still working. But I can send you an e-mail. Please just write on my adress. I will respond as quickly as possible. I will show the scenario in June on my blog but you can use it before. Cheers!

  20. Glad life is getting back to normal again Jon. Love the new cavalry and I like the look of the game too!!!

    1. Yes, returning to normal. The road back has been slow.
