
Sunday, January 7, 2024

Bavarian Törring Cuirassiers

While I continue to fight through my Christmas illness and the gaming table has seen no action in three weeks, activity at the painting desk is beginning to slowly return.

Recent painting emphasis continues with mustering-out SYW/WAS cavalry as the Spanish, Piedmontese, and Hanoverian cavalry contingents come up to match the relative strengths of their foot brethren.  By my rough count, progress in painting through the massive August Eureka cavalry order has nearly reached the halfway point.  From arrival of the order at the end of August, 147 cavalry/mounted officers have gone under the brush.  Eyeballing the size of the pile remaining, looks like about another 150 horsemen remain.

Given that I use Austrian cavalry figures as a proxy for Piedmontese horsemen, the pom-pom and oak leaf on the hat are clipped off to make the unadorned Piedmontese tricorn.  During this procedure, I clipped off the hat accoutrements on a dozen Austrian cuirassiers before realizing the Piedmontese fielded no such cavalry with breastplates.  What to do became the next question.  Well, I decided to give my small Bavarian force a regiment of cuirassiers.

Out from the painting desk today is Bavarian Cuirassier Regiment Törring.  These twelve figures are Eureka Miniatures.
Following these fellows will be a small handful of Piedmontese cavalry regiments.  After those muster out, I shift gears to work some Biblicals into the painting mix.   A few Chaldeans/Babylonians are working their way through the production line.  A second unit of mounted infantry in cart will make and appearance as well.

One of my early 2024 thoughts is to paint my way down through the Biblical strata until I reach the Trojans. Will I be able to maintain a methodical approach as I work my way through multiple layers of figures or will I cut straight to the paydirt as Schliemann at ancient Troy?


  1. Glad to hear you are still on the mend Jon, albeit rather more slowly than one would want. This side of the pond the cold/flu/covid is hitting lots of people and taking ages to go too. At least you have managed some painting and even 'rescued' the small error you made, that is easily done.

    1. Recovery seems slow. Some days, it is two steps forward in the morning and then two steps back at night. Yes, this week feeling up to putting some paint on a few figures

  2. Jonathan,
    Glad to see the illness isn't impeding the painting progress.

    1. Painting slowed but not stopped. Without games, the urge to paint has ticked up.

  3. Glad to hear you're feeling better. The thought of painting 147 horses horrifies me. They look great though.

    1. Better but not well, yet. Two comments from you in a week? Is this a sign of things to come?

  4. Good to hear you are getting over the plague and also being able to turn out another splendid looking body of troops.

    1. Glad you approve of the cavalry, Phil! Many more to come.

  5. Ausgezeichnet! Formidable looking bunch of Bavarians.
    Don’t do a Schliemann! He cut right through the layers of the (supposed) period of the Trojan War.

    1. I will try to stick to the methodical approach but I may never reach the Trojan stratum.

  6. Glad you're on the mend.
    The cavalry looks great.

  7. Good to hear you are on the mend Jonathan. That is a grand looking unit.

  8. Glad you are recovering and those Bavarians look superb

  9. They look great Jonathan. Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery. I always thought I would be one of those who would bounce back in a few days, but like you first caught it last Christmas and it took me at least two weeks before I felt like painting.

    1. Glad you like them! Yeah, I’m on two weeks and counting. I can paint but only in short bursts.

  10. Great looking cuirassiers glad to hear your feeling a bit better I look forward to the Trojans!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! Digging down to the level of the Trojans may take a very long time.

  11. Hope you are recovering Jon, a nicely painted unit as always. Your approach to buy in bulk would be a challenge for me !

    1. My hope is that I am not down as long as you from your recent illness. The latest Eureka bulk buy was an effort to save on postage from Australia.

  12. Good to hear that you are improving… Even if it is slower than you would wish…
    This bug is a swine….
    Lovely toy soldiers as always… painting is one of the best medicines around.

    All the best. Aly

  13. Those Kuirassiers look good Jon! Sorry to read you are still a bit under the weather, hopefully you are back to full health very soon.

    1. Thanks, Keith! Hopefully I will be back to full speed soon.

  14. Great to see beautiful cavalry and hear comforting information about you.
    Warm regards

  15. The SYW period provides so much variety and wonderful unifiorms. A great unit to add to the collection.

    I will look forward to the campaign towards the prize of the Trojans - a coloutful army with great character / vignette opportunities.

    1. Thank you! The WAS is just as colorful and infantry tended to wear white gaiters rather than black. White gaiters add even more impact to the look.

      We will see successful the archaeological dig down toward the Trojans progresses.

  16. Glad to hear that the recovery moves forward, here there seems some kind of non-Covid lurgy that is hitting hard and lasting at least three weeks!

    Great to see figures now getting processed. It’s a shame that Eureka don’t have the similar sale to Newline to help with big bulk orders.

    is it my eyes / screen, or are your ‘whites’ brighter / stronger here than usual?

    1. Recovery moves forward but annoyingly slowly. Eureka due offer a 20% discount on large orders. Now, will Newline have an annual January sale this year?

      It may be your eyes or screen but I dipped into a new tin of Minwax stain recently so it may be a little less concentrated. It could be a camera setting change too. Whatever it is, you have a good eye!

  17. Good to hear that you are on the mend JF! Love the Bavarian Cuirassiers! My WSS Bavarian Cuirassiers have been responsible for some extraordinary stuff on the table- may that luck transfer to your boys!

  18. Good to see those splendid figures and good to hear you are on the mend. It can be difficult to predict the effects of Covid. It can take quite a long time to get over it. I have found exercise, painting and the discipline of writing about wargaming helpful for restoring ability to focus!

    1. Thank you! I tried getting in a couple of workouts on the bike last week and I think those set my recovery back. I have been getting in nothing more strenuous than some short painting sessions and a bit of writing.

  19. A fine conversion, indeed, carrying on the proud heritage of the "Blue King's" famous heavy cavalry. Sorry to hear that the COVID still lingers. Every anecdote from our various acquaintances tells of family or associates who have it or have recently had it. So far the wife and I have dodged it, but I suspect it will catch up with us sooner or later.

    1. Thank you, Ed! The plague had passed over this household until now. Attending the Winter Solstice Concert did us in. Seems it was a "super-spreader" event with many falling afterwards. I hope it continues passing over your household.

  20. Looking good!

    The methodical approach is fine, but sometimes a slight 'miscalculation' could occur and there's Hector and his friends...

    1. Thanks! Your suggestion has merit but once I cut into that layer, it opens an entirely new can of worms.

  21. Let me join the choir for being glad you are doing better. The unit looks good and the plan for the ancients is sound. Digging out from 8 to 12 inches yesterday. So maybe some painting today.

    1. Thank you! A foot of snow is a lot to dig out from! We are expecting blizzard-like conditions beginning Tuesday. Yesterday's weather report show up to four feet of expected snow in the mountain passes here.

  22. No action on the table for 3 weeks? who are you trying to be? Me?
    I'm sure you'll continue to mend and best wishes. I can't imagine needing 150 horses for anything.
    just for the trojans, everyone loves the trojans. 😁

    1. Yeah, three weeks between games is reminiscent of the Old Days pre-COVID. 150 horses are only half of the latest tranche. I still have 150 SYW cavalry to paint. That does not count all of the Napoleonic cavalry waiting for their turn at the brush.

      Hopefully, I can return to gaming soonish.

  23. The bulk buying to reduce postage costs makes planning ahead a must, reducing the impulse purchases. You ended up with a good looking unit after the unfortunate hat trimmings.

    1. If you saw the size of my Lead Pile, you might think I am not so good at planning ahead.

      Happy you approve of the Bavarians!

  24. Wow! These cuirassiers are looking so well! I'm very excited to see your versions of Simbach and other battles. Cheers!

  25. It is said that Necessity is the mother of Invention (or painting unplanned units), but these Bavarian horsemen are most gorgeous, Jon!

  26. Great looking Cuirassiers, Jonathan. Love the white coats and dark cuirass - a wonderful contrast.

  27. More great looking figures Jon! Keep up the fab work!
