
Monday, December 11, 2023

Hanoverian Cavalry and Four More Games

After a momentary diversion into painting Biblicals, I am back at the painting desk working on more SYW Hanoverians.  This time, the Hanoverians receive new recruits in the form of two cavalry regiments.

Mustering out today are 2 x 12 figure units of Hanoverian horsemen from regiments Grothaus and Dachenhausen.  Figures are Eureka Miniatures.  Soon to join these troopers will be two more infantry regiments.  Following the Hanoverians, Piedmontese cavalry will be trotting out before year-end.  Hoping to field four Piedmontese cavalry units (48 figures) before the year draws to a close.

Scott's latest additions.
A pair of 28mm A&A Miniatures elephants.
Finishing off last week's gaming blitz saw four games of Commands & Colors Ancients on Saturday using Scott's beautiful 28mm collection.  Yes, that makes seven games for the week.  Battle on deck was a reprise of Ilipa that we fought a couple of weeks earlier.

Kevin looks confident in his plan.
In Game #1, I faced Kevin and the Romans.  Kevin got off to a quick start by driving both of my elephants back onto their supports causing chaos in the ranks everywhere.  A second turn of missile fire erased all hope of actually accomplishing anything positive with my nellies.  Just like that, both Carthaginian flanks were in tatters.  In the mid-game, Carthage advanced their heavy infantry into battle and hollowed out the Roman center to win 7-5. 

That was the only win for Carthage on the day.  Rome won the remaining three games 7-1 (ouch! Scott obliterated my Carthaginians in embarrassing style), 7-2 (Scott v Kevin), and 7-6 (Scott v Kevin).  Note that Scott won all of his games and finished the day 3-0. 
A parting short of Scott's newly minted elephants.
This week sees the first of the Madonna dell'Olmo battles on Thursday.  Looks like we will have reduced player numbers for the game.


  1. Great choice in picking Hanoverians Jonathan. They are a beautifully uniformed army. Well done.

    1. Thanks, Robbie! Hanoverians somehow picked me. As I expand my SYW/WAS collections, I saw a real "need" to field Hanoverians.

  2. Lovely elephants certainly a lure for Punic games..4 games are a lot in a day. Good luck on the painting goals.

    1. Scott is a great painter. CCA games go fast so four games in a session is quite typical.

  3. Given your various accomplishments and extensive network, my guess it that you are aware of the selection for Battle Day 2024. Given your numerous refights of Ilipa, either as participant or observer, I wonder if you will be submitting anything to the current editor of Slingshot about your experiences or take on the historical engagement? I think Battle Day 2024 is set for April, but I am not 100% certain.
    In your frequent refights, have you and your friends followed the C&CA deployments, or have you gone another way, or have you attempted a free deployment scenario?

    1. I think you over-estimate me on both of your first points!

      Yes, I am aware of SoA's Ilipa Battle Day coming up in 2024. Since we had been refighting Cannae routinely, we figure it was time to change up the battle. Ilipa seemed a reasonable contender since it is a bit like Cannae in reflection. In every battle, the traditional CCA deployment has been used with the Romans already out on the wings.

  4. Lovely looking Hanoverian cavalry and the only ancients I have apart from early Imperial Romans are three minifigs elephants, so I have a soft spot and these look great! You've easily hit your 100 games in a year target, hows the painting holding up?
    Best Iain

    1. Thaks, Iain! While I have not counted recently, I reckon the 100 games played mark has been reached. The jury is still out on whether I will reach 1,000 figures painted.

  5. Very nice Jonathan, You must have a lot of patience.

  6. Great looking cavalry again, Jonathan. The Ancients C&C game looks good too. I see the Romans are true to historical form, beating all others.

    1. Much appreciated, Dean! We have found the Ilipa is a tough one for Carthage to win using CCA and the scenario set up. Very difficult!

  7. Those Hanoverian cavalry look superb

  8. I like those cavalry in green facings!
    Clearly the refurb has not impacted the painting output!

    1. I like the white coat with green facings too. The kitchen work has slowed me down a bit. Trying to make up time before year-end closing of the Painting Log.

  9. Two fine looking units Jon, especially the green cuffed one.

  10. Beautiful Hanoverian cavalry Jonathan and that looked like a fun day of gaming. I have always liked the look of A&A Miniatures and particularly their elephants, but don't have any in my forces.

    1. Thank you! The gaming day out was good fun. I only bought A&A figures one time. Those were Numidian cavalry and they were dwarfed by the size of my behemoth Renegade cavalry.

  11. Grand looking Hanoverians and games there Jonathan you are certainly keeping the hobbies end up.

  12. Nice job on the Eureka cavalry and the elephants are of course spectacular. 100 games and 1000 figures, very impressive end of year numbers.

    1. Thank you! Playing 100 games is in the books but reaching a 1,000 figures is still at risk.

  13. Nice Hanoverians and a nice looking battle…I’m hoping for a C&C battle at Christmas with my son if I can persuade him ?

    1. I hope you can persuade your son to get in a C&C game or two. I always manage to coax at least one holiday visitor into trying CCA.

  14. Good choice on the Hanoverian units. Dachenhausen look very smart with the green regimentals. Think that was one of the units I chose purely on the basis of the green.

    1. The Hanoverian cavalry look smart even if the coats are white. I liked the green facings too. Still many Hanoverian horsemen in The Lead Pile.

  15. No es para menos la cara de satisfacción de Kevin!!!! Las figuras, el tablero y disfrutar un wargame es un enorme placer!

  16. Fine cavalry as always Jon and 7 games in a week is damned impressive! Now the house is quiet for a few days, I hope to get some small games in to remind me that I am a wargamer;)!

    1. Thanks, Steve! The four CCA games are really quick so, perhaps, not as impressive as it first looks. I hope get in a few games over the holidays.

  17. Excellent cavalry additions Jon and seven games in one week, wow, that must surely be some kind of record! Scott certainly seems to know how to lead the Romans in CnC!

    1. Thank you, Keith! Scott is a good, aggressive player and he gives no quarter.

  18. Seven games in a week is truly something! Those elephants look the job!

    1. Scott's elephants are impressive beasts. On the gaming front, this week will be much slower.

  19. Nice photos of our games, Jon! Thanks again for joining in. I always enjoy having you and Kevin over for some games and conversation. - Scott

  20. Four games in a day; making up for lost time.... as if your gaming tally were less than astounding already! :-)

    1. CCA plays quickly so it is not that difficult to fit four games into a four hour block of time.

  21. Nice choice - the Hanoverians. Not often seen on the table !

  22. The Hanoverians are so impressive. I'm looking forward to see your masses of white uniformed heavies.
