
Friday, December 8, 2023

The Gaming Week That Is

With the kitchen in tatters for a remodel, this week's gaming focused on the remote variety exclusively.  Thanks to a trio of generous hosts, three games were entered into the Log Book from the comfort of my office.  While three games in one week is quite a handful, it is all made much easier when another is hosting.  My gaming week is not over yet though.  Game #4 and the annual Christmas game and gift exchange takes place at Scott's on Saturday.  Looks like we will be revisiting Ilipa.

For the games played thus far, a brief recap follows with a link to each full battle report on the host's blog.  I may return later to pick up some of the details of the games but, for now, on we go.

Sunday - Battle of Cabra 1079
Matt hosted a return to the Reconquista using Basic Impetvs on a grid.  After seeing El Cid repulsed and flee early on in the battle, Christian heavy cavalry retaliated by striking deep into the enemy's left-center.  With the enemy battle line split, Christian heavy infantry slowly advanced into the center to engage the enemy's foot.  Missile fire weakened the enemy as an attack was prepared.  Before El Cid's army could wade into the enemy, Muslim cavalry cut a wide swath through the Christian Left.  Undaunted, the Christians struck in the center.  The enemy was sent reeling back upon its camp.  As pressure mounted, the enemy broke.  Victory to El Cid! 

Tuesday - Bloody Red Roses
On Tuesday, Graham offered to host another playtest of Blood Red Roses, a new set of WotR rules Phil picked up recently at the SoA convention.  While we made it through the first playing a couple of week's ago, the game mechanisms seemed more familiar this time.

Since I was the only remote participant, I took command of the Lancastrian Left Wing closest to the camera.  Graham commanded the Center and Right.  Having a preponderance of archers, my battle line was content to close within range of my immediate enemy and shower him with arrows.  My enemy was falling in chunks as missiles rained down.  While I engaged in a firefight, Graham took the fight to the enemy.  From a distance, it looked like Graham was not giving as good as he got.  As I was far from the camera, I watched as our Right Wing broke and ran away.  Luckily, the Lancastrian Center was making progress against the foe it faced.  While I was mowing down the enemy to my front, my adversary brought up reinforcements to bolster his line.  The situation looked dire but the enemy's reinforcements arrived too late!  His Right Wing broke before the reinforcements could be brought into play.  Victory to the Lancastrians!
Thursday - Battle of Willingby
Peter had his 25mm Hinchliffe ECW armies back out on the table for our Thursday/Friday game.  Peter prepared a battle briefing for my Royalist Army and rules for the game beforehand.  Having read my briefing and the amendments to his D3 OHW variant, I drew up my army through a series of random force generations.  Until we met on battle, I knew not what army I would face.

The battle began with our artillery exchanging shots.  Artillery focused on infantry targets rather than counter battery.  We each managed to destroy one foote regiment before the guns withdrew from battle.  After the gunners fled, the battle was taken up by the foote in the center.  The Royalist foote ran out of ammo early on and were compelled to take the fight to the enemy.  While the push of pike in the center continued, Royalist cavalry maneuvered two regiments onto an isolated Roundhead foote.  Fortune smiled upon the Royalists as one turn saw a succession of Royalist activations before the turn abruptly ended with no Roundhead response.  The next turn saw the Royalists return to action and the Parliamentarian Army crumbled.  Royalist victory!   

Great fun, all, and many thanks to my generous hosts.

If the snow does not fly on Saturday, expect Ancients action in a series of battles on Saturday.  If that comes to pass, that will be four gaming sessions for the week.  I may be over the 100 games in 2023 threshold.  I will know with certainty when the count is made.


  1. I'm envious, getting 3 games in a week. My gaming activities have been curtailed by work and a new role

    1. Neil, still one more game to go this week too. Hopefully you will have time to return to the table soon.

  2. Great stuff Jon and by my count, you are 3 from 3 in the weeks game tally!

    1. Yes but who’s counting?
      Game #1 was a solid victory. Game #2 narrowly avoided defeat. In Game #3, I got lucky with the activation draws. Peter and I were exchanging evenly until that string of Royalist activations cropped up.

  3. A great effort and some nice variety in there Jonathan.

    1. A lot of variety, no doubt. Three different periods, three different rules, and three different hosts.

  4. A nice variety of games played.

  5. A grand hattrick Jon. Well done.

  6. You did a fine job of holding on and then winning that flank. A notable victory for the true king.

    1. I seem to have been losing Cohesion more through my own actions than those of my opponent.

  7. You managed to get some fine gaming distractions in despite the domestic disruption.

    1. Yes, I did! Cabinetry work wrapped up on Thursday.

  8. I hope the reno's are going well Jonathan. Always a fraught process.
    Glad you have been able to get some gaming in.

    1. Phase 1 in reno finished. While it took longer than planned, results are good.

  9. A busy and enjoyable week for sure on the gaming front Jon! I'm hoping to get some games in from next week once a family friend has left after this weekend, as too busy entertaining at present.

    1. Indeed, a fun week on the gaming front. We have family descending upon us for the holidays in about ten days. We will essentially be running B&B for a week plus.

  10. You have been busy! Hopefully with no kitchen and all the gaming you've still been eating well? :-0

    1. Unfortunately, meal prep has really suffered. Normal service has resumed with the exception of no microwave oven.

  11. Impressive amount and variety of games in such a short time, Jonathan!

  12. They all looked like great fun. You lucky lucky man. What did you do, eat a salad of four leaved clover, to get such a brilliant week. I'm sure my better half might have had something to say about 3 games in 1 week.

    1. All great fun, for sure. I depart for Game #4 for the week in a few hours. Hopefully I can make the drive, game, and get back before the next snowstorm strikes.

      As for luck, many of these remote games take less time than a long lunch with friends or shopping excursion. Both activities Nancy does frequently.

  13. Three, or even four, games in a week? The thought alone makes me weak at the knees! I always enjoy following your exploits Jonathan, perhaps I will try to comment more often in 2024.

  14. Interesting that the camera position gave you the visual perspective of having a partial look at your other wing …. Rather realistic.

    1. Yes, it was also difficult to identify what I had on my wing too!

    2. so two hands tied behind your back, rather than just one! :-)

    3. Exactly! Fog of War on the table was never greater.

  15. Sounds like a great week so far , your on a roll , you just have to win the last one!
    Best Iain

  16. Another impressively busy week of wargames Jonathan…
    A nice variety of periods as well…

    All the best. Aly

  17. 3 games in a week!! I'm lucky to get that in a 6 month period. Now that's living!!

    1. I actually got in four gaming sessions and five games in the week.

  18. I'm in love with these gorgeous elephants!
