
Monday, May 15, 2023

Piedmont Saluzzo Regiment

Another Piedmontese regiment musters out close on the heels of the previous regiment.  This time, Saluzzo Infantry Regiment presents itself for service.  Like Monferrato before, Saluzzo is yet to be presented with its flag.  One day.
Saluzzo's 23 figures are composed of Old Glory foot and a Eureka mounted colonel.  By my count, this is the fourth Piedmontese infantry regiment to join the ranks of the slowly growing Piedmontese contingent.  In work are grenadiers and guard.  These two will be followed up with a few batteries.  Progress!

On the cycling front, mileage week before last was good but weather dampened (literally) mileage.  Before a string of thunderstorms brought a fair amount of rain, I snapped the following photos of the Bowl and Pitcher rock formation straddling the river below.

On the gaming front, the table has been cleared of ECW armies.  Next up may see a return to ACW in 10mm.  First, I need a scenario.  Research begins.


  1. As usual another fine looking unit. What is driving you to build a Piedmontese force?

    1. Thanks! The drive for fielding Piedmontese is the War of Austrian Succession in Northern Italy.

  2. Another great unit to add to the collection. Fine work Jonathan!

  3. You’re certainly racking up the AWS/SYW forces as well as the miles! Putting us to shame on both counts!

    1. Lots more WAS/SYW units in the pipeline as well as many more miles.

  4. Another attractive looking uniform combo there Jon.

    So, you are back from your galivanting around the east coast, but your first post is not related to your trip.....interesting!

  5. Nice looking unit Jon and good to see the outdoor cycling going well 👍

    1. Thank you, Matt. Well, I am missing a week plus of perfect cycling on the Palouse while away. Hopefully good weather remains upon my return.

  6. Good looking unit, Piedmont units are an interesting choice, especially if you have more than a few. Pity the weather slowed your cycling. Quite the shots of water in various locations as you cycle.

    1. Thanks, Joe! Once I tackle cycling around some of the nearby lakes, there will be water photos.

  7. And still they come, very nice. We are also getting decent weather I hope it continues.

  8. I am not anonymous Jonathan, just Blogger seems to think so, sigh.

    1. George, I am happy to see a name unmasking your anonymity! Good to see weather is agreeable in your part of the world.

  9. Another grand additions to the ranks there Jonathan. Grand outdoor shots too.

  10. Amazing paint job Jonathan. I'm enjoying your rides, thank you.

  11. Another fine regiment added to the collection. Great photos of the countryside

  12. Lovely looking Piedmont infantry!
    Best Iain

  13. Lovely stuff Jonathan. A simple uniform, but striking.

  14. Another fine unit there Jon and shame that the weather has dampened your cycling activities. Wesencrafts Pike & Shot rulebook has a very good selection of scenarios IIRC.

    1. Thank you, Steve! The weather may have curtailed outside riding but I was able to fly cross-country for continued outdoor adventures.

  15. One more very nice Piedmont regiment. I'm so much excited to see your regiments with flags and then in battle. Did you noticed my last battle report? Cheers!

    1. Thanks! I have been away so have not kept current on all of the blogs I follow. I will catch up with your battle report soon.

    2. Thank you for your kind answer. Great work nevertheless. Sometimes I'm on something like an island too when I'm busy with my hobby and can not check mails or blogs. See you!

    3. André, I have been away for a week of battlefield explorations. We have had long days and short nights...

  16. Yeah, get that ECW stuff off the table and break out the real beauty of an ACW battlefield! The fences, the fields, the rolling hills, and units with names that I can pronounce. 😀
    Nice looking unit as always though.

    1. The ECW stuff was cleared away before I left. I am afraid that when i play on hexes, my terrain will not match the beauty of your table. Still, my table is functional and works fine for me.

  17. When will we see these chaps in action? And if it's remote, may I be on the waiting list of potential players?

    1. Not sure when these Piedmontese will next see action. I think ACW will be next up on the gaming table. Of course, you can be on the list of players. Having fought at Brawner’s Farm (without looking up, I think that’s the battle in which you took command) a couple of years ago, does ACW still interest you?

  18. Another lovely unit Jonathan…
    And grand scenery as always.

    All the best. Aly

  19. Liking the reds on those guys and wow, that's some gorgeous views you guys get to enjoy up in the north!
