
Thursday, May 18, 2023

Piedmont Guards and Grenadiers

On the path toward fielding a Piedmontese army for the War of Austrian Succession, more Piedmontese march out from the painting desk.  This time rather than run-of-the-mill infantry, guards and grenadiers make an appearance.

In my earlier refight of Bassignana, both a regiment of Guard and a battalion of grenadiers were present on the day of battle.  Unfortunately, ersatz guard and grenadiers were needed to fill these slots.  Next time, the proper units will be present and available for duty.

Figures are Old Glory infantry led by a Eureka mounted colonel for the Guard.  Flag is from Not By Appointment.

Piedmont Grenadiers
Piedmont Guard
Piedmont Guard
Made it back from a weeklong exploration of several ACW battlefields on Tuesday.  It may take a bit of rest to recover.  A number of miles put into the legs tramping over battlefields.  No time to rest, though, Peter is hosting a continuation of his long running WWI Campaign in Palestine later today.  We see the first appearance of the Arab Rebellion.  I may be playing the role of Lawrence.

In a nod to serendipity, I have had my eye on a recently released book on the Battle of Assietta 1747 set during the WAS.

Fortune smiled upon me in a browse through a small bookshop in Gettysburg.  There I found the book!  A few other books made the trip back to Washington State with me as well.  My travel-buddy ended up shipping a box of books back to his home.

I leave you with a sunset taken from the observation tower at Pitzer's Woods looking west at Gettysburg.


  1. A splendid job on those Piedmont types. A particularly fine sunset shot too.

    1. Thanks! Yes, I thought the sunset particularly fine.

  2. Beautiful work as always Jonathan!
    Best regards

  3. Nice work there on the Guards and Grenadiers Jonathan. This must be the week for finding just that right book that'l give so much inspiration. Regards. KEV.

    1. Thanks, KEV! An unexpected book discovery can provide much inspiration. I look forward to diving into this one.

  4. Fine brushwork on those small fellows and a good book sniff too. The Gettysburg sunset picture is very evocative.

    1. Thanks, David! The bookstore recommendation came from a friend’s timely email while I was in Gettysburg.

  5. Great book and battle / table link up. Helion have some superb stuff. Nice figures and I spotted the single base, can’t recall you doing that before for this army.

    1. Thanks, Norm! With the exception of combined/converged grenadier battalions and light infantry, all foot are on single bases.

  6. Great, Jonathan! Grenadier battalion - consolidated unit?

    1. Thanks! Yes, the grenadier battalion is an amalgamation of several battalions.

  7. Lovely looking Piedmontese Jon and a great find on the book. The Gettysburg sunset in pretty special too!

    1. Thank you, Keith! I thought the sunset special too. I had to wait on the observation deck for just the right moment to snap the photo.

  8. Lovely is a good description so thanks for showing the new troops. And a book tie in! Gettysburg touring is an experience that has so many levels . Very good eye and timing on the sundown shot. Good luck as Lawrence.

    1. Thanks, Joe!

      To better understand how the battle unfolded in the manner in which it did, I recommend a Gettysburg battlefield walk.

  9. Great looking troops, Jonathan. Not a war I'm very familiar with, although I recall seeing a lot of posts on Jenkins' Ear on TMP back in the day :) Nice view of Gettysburg too!

    1. Thank you, Dean! Plenty more views of Gettysburg in the pipeline.

  10. Great looking Piedmontese, Jon. Gettysburg has a number of excellent bookstores for the military history fan, but that was quite the random find. Hellion is indeed releasing a number of amazing titles!
    Gettysburg is a very LARGE battlefield, as I am sure your feet can attest. Really takes 2 full days to explore most of it on foot!

    1. Thanks, Peter!

      Gettysburg is a very large battlefield. We spent three days on the ground and there were still areas I would have enjoyed spending more time. I did come away with a much better understanding of the terrain.

  11. Amazing units as usual Jonathan.

  12. I only got to visit Gettysburg once, when I was too young to truly appreciate it - but that was where my love of military history started, with the Golden Book of the Civil War that Mom bought me.

    I am hoping to visit my sister this summer, who's working at Yellowstone. Directly between me and her are the Chickamauga and Murfreesboro battlefields, and if I could get three weeks off I'd be doing a road trip too.

    1. Jennifer, I wonder how many others like yourself had Gettysburg as the catalyst that launched your interest in military history.

      I hope you make it out west this summer and enjoy Yellowstone and battlefields in between.

      I expect that ACW battles may see action on my table routinely over the coming months.

    2. Thank you. Please let me know if I can remotely join - would be happy to try either ACW or WAS.

    3. Any time that the time zone differences, and your schedule allows, you may join in. ACW will likely be up next with an extended run. Do you still have a vague recollection of the Brawner's Farm game? While those rules have seen a few changes, much remains the same.

    4. I’ve been to Murfreesboro/ Stones River. It takes about half a day ish to see everything. 😀

    5. Jon,
      I remember it, and I found during the convention I went to a couple weeks ago that a playthrough or two of unfamiliar rules really helps them become less arcane to me. I'd be happy to try it again and will keep an eye on your schedule up above.

    6. Jennifer, that is a good observation to keep an eye on the Scheduled Games tab.

  13. Exceptionally great looking troops Jonathan!

  14. I too was going to ask if the grenadiers were a consolidated unit. Lovely work Jonathan and a great find in the Gettysburg bookshop.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence! Yes, the different colored facings within the grenadiers are a giveaway to the unit being an amalgamation of several regiments.

      Very happy to find the book in Gettysburg.

  15. Lovely looking grenadiers and guard and great book find!
    Best Iain

  16. More lovely troops. My catch at Gettysburg was Dyers Compendium. You might have noticed I worked on that book you picked up.

    1. Thanks! Yes, I knew the mapwork was yours. Not to namedrop but I did mention I knew the mapmaker...

  17. Superb work on the new regiments. Nothing better thn seeing a guard regiment

  18. Very much liking the new additions. Different uniforms and so forth are fun and add flavour to the white coats of your regulars.

    That sunset is quite the view! Glad the trip was successful and you have returned with goodies too!

    1. Thanks! I agree that we need some non-whitecoated units to brighten the table.

      Yes, returned exhausted with a few goodies and a slight sunburn...

  19. Nicely done unit Jon, I’m sure you enjoyed Gettysburg as mentioned before I need to revisit as last time was only a fleeting visit.

    1. Thanks! A fleeting visit to Gettysburg is not enough. You must return one day.

  20. Well that sounds like a week WELL SPENT.
    hopefully I’ll have a trip like that someday, I haven’t been to Gettysburg in decades.
    I hope you’ll share some pictures in the future. 😀

    1. Stew, I returned with photos and inspiration to get ACW collection onto the gaming table.

  21. Great minis, book, and trip Jon! Would love to visit Gettysburg and a few other ACW battlefields one day. It’s high on my bucket list!

    1. Thank you, Mike! If you enjoy the ACW, you definitely want to plan a trip and make the trek.

  22. Not a subject I know much about, but interesting army and they are very smart looking, great job Johnathan!

    1. Thanks, Tony! Perhaps a period for future consideration?

    2. Well... I have some 6mm AWI, I do like the smart and colourful uniforms, nothing is off the table 😂

  23. Another fine unit as always Jon:). I look forward to reading about your trip and love the sunset photo.
