
Sunday, May 21, 2023

Freitag of Arabia

Peter (Grid Based Wargaming) returned to his WWI in Palestine campaign for another episode.  His battle account is available from the link above.  This time, Palestine is consumed in the Arab Revolt.  J.R. Freitag leads Arab forces in an attempt to thwart Turkish troop transports from reaching the front. 

Having mustered an armored car, two cavalry units, and three infantry units, Freitag must stop the train.  On the train are four units of Turkish infantry and an artillery piece.  The train is armed with a single machine gun.

Can Freitag and his Arab allies overpower the train and its cargo before 15 turns elapse?

Let's see...
As the train approaches, the Arabs barricade the track.
Poised in hiding on both sides of the track, the Arabs wait.
Arab AC emerges from the village to harass the enemy.
Arabs burst from their cover and move toward the train.
Arab machine gun provides cover from the hilltop.
Two Turkish infantry detrain as the train comes under fire.
The Arabs close in as their fire concentrates
onto the Turk in the open.
One Turk infantry destroyed!
Nearly surrounded,
 a second Turkish infantry unit is scattered.
The train lurches forward but is stopped at the barricade. 
Two more Turk infantry detrain along with an artillery piece.
The Arabs remain beyond the field of fire of the train's MG.
A coordinated attack by three Arab arms
destroys a third Turk infantry.
Jubilation is short-lived.
Taking fire from artillery,
the armored car is consumed in smoke as it stops, dead.
Freitag and his Arabs move in for the kill.
Turkish artillery scatters Arab infantry to its front.  
Overpowered, the Turk artillery is destroyed.
With the Game Clock tolling the 15th turn,
 the train's MG is taken out.
Freitag is Victorious! 
A fun and tense game that came down to a decision on the final turn. 

Early on, it appeared the Arabs would make easy work of the Turks.  Turks fell in rapid succession until casualties began to creep up for the Arabs.  Suddenly, Freitag's Arabs failed activation after activation only mustering enough strength to successfully attack the train's MG on the final turn.

I wonder if Freitag will be Knighted?   


  1. A grand sounding escapade there, nice to see something different from the WWI norm too.

    1. A grand escapade, for sure. The Arabs had great difficulty keeping up with the train and inflicting any hits upon its occupants.

  2. The game looked great - gotta love those scratch built models!

    1. Peter's scratch building is terrific. The armored car and train are scratch built too!

  3. That is very reminiscent of the scene from the movie and looked like a fun scenario to play. Just make sure you are a bit more careful on your bike than Lawrence was on his.

    1. Yeah, there was a bit of Hollywood mixed into this game with Arab cavalry swarming around the train. Very cinematic.

      On the bike, I am always careful. It is a dangerous world out there.

  4. Jonathan, you may wish to reconsider your moniker in light of my comments on Peter's blog!

  5. Thanks for an enthralling game - Freitag of Arabia!

  6. Freitag of Arabia! Certainly that should stick. Great looking game, and a tale well told. Thanks Jonathan.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the narrative, Joe! Peter sets a fine table.

  7. A great looking game Jon and congrats on the win. Lawrence got to the quip about bikes before I did...I was going to advise against racing any passing aircraft😜

    1. The game is all Peter's doing. As for the win, the Turks came darn close to outlasting the Arabs. No racing aircraft for me.

  8. Replies
    1. It was! After an Arab quick start, I was surprised it came down to the last turn.

  9. Потрясающе, Джонатан! Террейн пустыни великолепен.

    1. Thank you, Valentine! Peter set the desert terrain table for this battle.

  10. Sir Jon Freitag of Arabia? Ambitious, but sounds good to me………

  11. Very evocative opening with that poster. I have already commented on Peter’s blog that this game had a strong cinematic feel and that posster just adds to it.

    1. The game had high cinematic drama with the Arabs trying to chase down the moving train. Great fun as the Arabs swarmed the train picking off Turks as they detrained. Good fun!

      Adding the poster was an attempt to give the whole affair a bit of tongue-in-cheek hyperbole.

  12. Replies
    1. It was! Surprisingly, it came down to the very last turn before seeing a decision.

  13. Impressive gaming of an iconic era!

  14. Spiffing stuff Jonathan…

    All the best. Aly

  15. Nicely done Jon and I do see some similarity in the photo !

  16. After the start I would never have believed that this would go to the wire.

  17. Splendid looking stuff, I see you have defected from the Turkish side, a wise move no doubt!
    Best Iain

    1. Peter suggested I play the Arabs in this contest. He may have been interested to see if I could attack as well as defend.

  18. SIR Freitag! it's always fun to win on the last turn.

  19. Great game Jonathan. Did you yell out any movie quotes during the game? 😊

    1. Thanks, Ben! No movie quotes. I barely remember the movie. Perhaps I ought to give it a rewatch.

  20. Another fine game between you chaps and a close run thing for sure. Lovely when games go down to the wire, rather than being over before they've begun.

    1. Steve, glad you enjoyed another installment of Peter’s WWI in Palestine campaign. Another contest decided in the last turn is a satisfying result for both players.

  21. I hope as a nod to the film that you wore a tea towel on your head whilst the game progressed?

    Really interesting scenario and I liked how it all ran. Almost seemed like you were running away with it all.

    Could the train manage enough momentum to ram through the barricade at all?

    1. I did not! Lost opportunity to parade around with a towel on my head. Maybe next time?

      The barricade completely stopped the train from advancing beyond the blockage. I do not think the train could move in reverse either.

  22. Talk about nearly snatching defeat from the jaws of Victory.! A near run thing indeed. You need a Camel now, though!

    1. What started off with great promise ground down to a real fight. Yes, I am in the market for a camel.
