
Saturday, January 21, 2023

Year in Review: Figures Painted

The counts are in for the 2022 Painting Campaign.  While the total figures painted were fewer than in 2021, the totals were not much less.  2022 total figures painted clocked in at 1,055 while 2021 saw 1,103.  Seeing consistency is good. 

While I did not proclaim a figure count goal for 2022 (I avoided the same pitfall in 2021 too), I expected a total of near 900 figures would be a reasonable objective.  Given an expectation for a continued stream of remote gaming to keep my hobby time occupied, an average of 75 figures painted per month seemed attainable.

In the 2021 Painting Log recap see: Painting Log 2021), I set out for myself the following goals:

  • Finish enough Sumerians to field two armies.
  • Build a SYW French army in 18mm to complement my Prussian and Austrian armies.
  • Expand the Biblical armies with additions to Hittites, Egyptians, and Babylonians.
  • Expand the Samurai armies to include foot and mounted Samurai bowmen.
  • Given the figure size mix from 2021, try to paint more 15/18mm figures than 25/28mm figures. 

Let's see how I did!

Figure 1

When looking at painting production by era, Figure 1 illustrates that SYW and Biblicals did see most of the attention at the painting desk.  The SYW project did see the mustering of a new French Army.  I even got this army into battle more than once.  The Biblicals were concentrated in the Sumerian project.  On the 2021 goals, WotR and Feudal Japan projects also saw gains.  No additions to the Hittites, Egyptians, or Babylonians, though.  Good additions to the 30mm ECW project too.  That was a surprise.

Figure 2

Breaking painting totals down by scale, Figure 2 shows that 15/18mm projects dominated my efforts.  One of the 2022 goals listed above highlighted changing the figure mix from 25mm/28mm to 15mm/18mm.  In this regard, I stuck to plan having 70% of all figures painted falling into the 15/18mm bucket.  Another success!

Figure 3
One goal of time spent at the painting desk is to even out the fluctuations in monthly output.  Figure 3 illustrates that my monthly painting production maintains a seasonal tendency or pattern.  Notice that SYW painting dominates most months' painting output.  I have examined this before (see Seasonality in Painting Production 2020).  Perhaps, I should update this analysis to include the most recent two years of data? 

What can I expect on the painting front in 2023?  Where should I spend these efforts?  Below are a few of my thoughts for the New Year:

  • Continue expansion of the 18mm SYW/WAS project to include more armies.  In addition to Spanish and Piedmontese, field a British/Hanoverian army.
  • Build a 15mm Prussian Army to allow expansion of the Franco-Austrian War collection to the Austro-Prussian and Franco-Prussian Wars.
  • Continue work to expand the 25mm Biblical armies including Sumerians, Hittites, Egyptians, Assyrians, and Babylonians. 

While there are other projects contending for my time at the painting desk, the list above will help to provide some focus.  This exercise seemed to work well for 2022.  I ticked off a number of the 2022 goals.  2023 looks set to be another year of concentrating on 15mm/18mm projects.  A potential 25mm Trojan War project still lays in wait ready for me to begin.  Maybe 2023 will see the start of this project?

What are your painting plans for 2023?


  1. A great achievement getting over 1,000 figures painted. I'm aiming this year to get more 10 and 15mm figures done to try and save on storage space

    1. Thanks, Neil! Storage space can become an issue...eventually.

  2. Your Trojan War project sounds interesting. I will look forward to seeing those photos. I hope to complete a couple of fantasy armies this year.

    1. The Trojan War project would be interesting especially if I ever get around to kicking it off!

      Fantasy armies? Tell us more!

  3. A painting output that puts most of to shame I'm sure, given you consistent quality and varied periods. Nice to see a move to the smaller scales too.

    In the past I did make plans, but never got anywhere near close to them, so in the end ditched them. This year I do hope to paint more, but given recent years frankly that wouldn't be too difficult!

    1. Steve, thanks so much. I do not know about out-painting others. There are many who churn out much more than I. 1,000 figure a year seems to be standard fare for me over the years. One year, perhaps, I will drop the output but not if I keep buying figures.

      I hope you find time to get a bit more painting accomplished in 2023.

  4. That is a lot of sojers. And all beautifully done Jonathan.

  5. 1000 figures. I stand and salute you sir.
    Funnily I find that your seasonal variation of output matches my own. I suppose we all want to enjoy more time outside when the weather permits.

    1. You are too kind, Richard. Yes, we all enjoy more time when the weather is good and yard work beckons.

  6. Very impressive numbers as always Jon - some may paint more (our buddy Mark for example) but not too many I would not think. Maybe I will scan back through all my posts and work out my numbers for 2022, but I dont keep any kind of records and like Steve, dont usually make plans as such. I expect I will add some more stuff to the 20mm SCW collection, and possibly to the Pulp Project too, and I also still have a half plan to create a Three Musketeers type collection, but we will see how that goes. No large-scale new armies are on my horizon - I think between our group, we have most periods covered, which reduces motivation to start something else - plus, the storage issue is a genuine problem for me already!

    1. Thank you, Keith! For me, it helps to track the number of painted figures and my painting progress over time. Since I have been tracking output since 1994, this activity is really second nature. Not doing so would be unnatural.

      I look forward to see what you create in 2023.

  7. Congratulations!
    All your painted minis are eye's candies. Love SYW, Biblical stuff and Japan projects.
    Best regards

  8. Impressive numbers and more particularly so when taking into account your significant increase in game prep and play.

    My favourite would of course be the Wars of the Roses stuff, which as a single example of your productivity is impressive.

    1. Thanks, Norm. Glad you enjoyed seeing the WotR collection grow. Time those armies make an appearance in their first battle.

  9. Splendid stuff Jon and clearly massively impressive, both in number and quality. In fact impressive that you have the time to analyse the data ! Of course I don’t keep a record of the figures I have painted. Plans going forward are very loose….Peninsular war is close to the top 👍 but I keep getting distracted

    1. Thank you, Matt! I know that you do not track such things. Without measurement, I wonder how you manage it all. Seeing your Peninsular armies in their first battle is an even to which I look forward.

  10. Paint and play, two activities that you have masterfully reported for the year. Hopefully 2023 is a good year for your production schedule and game playing. I hope the weather cooperates with your painting and cycling efforts this year.

    1. Thanks for your encouragement, Joe! On the weather front, bad weather is good for painting and good weather is good for cycling. Somewhat of a ying and yang. More snow overnight so more shoveling today.

  11. I always enjoy these posts. I think not setting a specific goal avoids any stress, makes painting fun and leads to a higher production.

    1. Dan, pleased to see that you enjoy these reflective posts. I find it rewarding to look back and see what has (or has no) been accomplished in the year passed.

  12. Sounds like it was a good year. I will definitely look forward to you expansion of both the SYW, and the biblicals.

  13. That was a bumper year Jon! You have my greatest respect!

    As for my future programme, the plan is no plan, as always.

    1. Much appreciated! For some, no plan is a good plan.

  14. Well I painted 1600 miniatures last year myself. Wait, that's not right, there's an extra 0.

    You've had quite an accomplished year of painting. I honestly can't fathom how you do it or that you have anything left to paint at all. :)

    1. Thanks, Stew! How do I manage this output? I do not have four young kids and a job.

  15. That was a great result, and I remember all those projects vividly. It's not just the quantity, but your output was invariably of the highest quality. Mixed in with all the gaming you did it was a very productive year.

    1. I keep plugging away at a steady pace and eventually the numbers show. I figured production might drop with the number of games played but I am hanging in there.

      Thanks for your encouragement!

  16. If it's my fault or not - I'm very happy that you prefered to paint SYW-troops (or better to say WAS-troops ;-) ). I'm looking forward to more output.

    1. André, you and your many interesting WAS battles provided inspiration to me for fielding a French army. I thank you for that!

  17. What can one say Johnathan, you are simply a painting monster, well done.

  18. Such production would need to be measured across decades for me (and still I don't think I'd come quite up to the 1,000 mark). And your gaming activity is impressive as well. Anytime I feel my hobby mojo lagging, I visit here and draw off a bit of energy!

    1. Ed, seeing that you visit for a little inspirational pick-me-up is terrific! I will relay to my wife that I provide a useful, public service to many an isolated and wayward wargamer.

      Next up on my table is a period of interest to you. I plan to refight the 1859 Battle of Montebello.

  19. Another good year on the painting front, even with the expansion in gaming, I have noticed you've changed your byline which makes total sense! I think I'm still painting mainly Napoleonics for a while but I think I will add something else in just for variation!
    Best Iain

    1. Yes, I changed the byline a while ago after being challenged on my "rarely getting troops to the table" note. Glad you approve of the latest iteration.

      We all need some variety in our painting.

  20. Jonathan it is great reading these summaries that you put together. Good progress on many fronts - it did soiund like a stretch to get work done over four biblical projects. May the variety and throughput continue.

    1. Richard, good to see that you continue to find interest in these summaries. With the Sumerians mostly finished, maybe I can turn attention to some of the Biblicals in 2023?

  21. No plan for myself (given I'm mostly using paper and Wofuns) but an increasingly ambitious plan to play and paint at work. I have the free Games Workshop library/school kit on order...

    1. Sounds like a solid plan for the New Year. Painting and playing at work; such luxury!

  22. I am having trouble wrapping my head around painting 1000+ figures. Even when I was painting 15mm figures, I don't think I ever knocked out more than 100 or so. 1000+? My mind boggles! I started this year intending to paint very few figures even compared to my usual modest/minimal output. We'll see if that sticks or not!

  23. A thousand figures is an impressive total Jonathan. My plans for the year were simple - finish the existing projects and focus on gaming. But these are already out the window with a new army started…

    1. Mark, your New Year's plan barely made it into the New Year!

  24. That's a lot of figures Jonathan! 1500 this year?

  25. Outstanding productivity under any circumstances, but when you factor in the amount of gaming you accomplished... "impressive. Very impressive!"

    1. Much appreciated, Peter! January is actually off to a good start on the painting front.

    2. Like you, January, February, and March tend to be every high productivity months for me!

    3. Yeah, we tend to begin the year with a bang. I fizzle out in mid-summer.

    4. yes midsummer is usually the low point of painting. First, in may case, I;m usually gamed out for a while after Historicon, and of course summer is the time for outdoor activities, especially in our northern latitudes, where summer is all too short!
