
Friday, February 18, 2022

Sumerian Reinforcements Two Ways

With another three-game week in the books (two remote and one F2F), concentrated painting sessions were hard to come by.  I did manage to push out a twelve-figure unit of Sumerian spear.  These figures are Wargames Foundry.  I think there are enough of these figures in The Lead Pile to make two more spear units.

The front rank of spearmen carry the large shield with little else for protection.  the second rank don the heavy cloak.  Great figures.  Sticking with this project, three battle carts and support are in work.  Yes, I know I ought to be working on SYW French to stick to plan but progress is being made on that front too.

In the mailbox this week appeared a package from Newline Designs.  Of course, I could not pass up the annual sale.  Perhaps a second order may be in the works before the offer expires?  Perhaps.  I could use more Sumerian battle carts, I think.  Time is running out.  

The contents of this order were a mix of Hittite and Sumerian foot.  Many of the figures were archers to boost the missile arm of these two armies.  With an arrival of new figures, the temptation to push some figures into the painting queue straight away was too great.  Cleaning up the first batch of Sumerian archers in preparation for primering, I noticed a bit more flash on these figures than in previous orders.  A curiosity to note and something to keep an eye on. 
On the gaming front, it is time to move on from the recent run of Feudal Japan battles.  Finally, the table has been cleared of hex terrain and Feudal Japanese.  In their place is the makings for a new battle.

Any guesses?


  1. Nice work again and given their venerable age, the Foundry figures still look pretty good....a bit like us I guess! Nice reinforcements pack too ...I have just received a small parcel from Caliver ...fourteen day transit time which isn't bad long do UK orders take to reach you?

  2. Another great addition to a really interesting-looking army. I have some of the Foundry Aegean and Northern Bronze Age figures and I think they are excellent.

    1. Thanks! Foundry’s Bronze Age ranges are excellent, indeed.

  3. Well, you'll be busy till spring!

    1. I will and these are only two of the projects currently in work!

  4. Nice figures. That box is larger than my ‘lead mountain’.

  5. Another nice unit of spearmen and it's always good when a package arrives and the frissant of excitement as you open it up to see the figures in the flesh so to speak.

    I think the battle is SYW or Napoleonics, but can't quite put my finger on which period. I'm thinking the latter and sort of Borodino?

    1. Glad you like the spearmen, Steve! Having a package arrive on the doorstep is always a good day.

      Borodino is a good guess, but the battle is set in the SYW and in 15mm.

  6. 7 days for overseas post is very good. I am guessing that the battlefield is an AWI setting.

    1. Once shipped, turnaround time is quite quick from the UK for MOST vendors. There are some that are regularly slow to ship.

      The battle is 18th Century but earlier than AWI.

  7. Another excellent addition and plenty more new lead to keep you busy

  8. A very worthy addition, Jonathan. Foundries are good figures.

    1. Foundry Biblicals are superb. Thank you, Valentin!

  9. My, what long spears those Sumerians boast!
    That Newline box is huge; I shudder to think of the postage charges!

    1. Too long, you think? Perhaps. The camera plays tricks on the photo making the spears look longer than they actually are. Based on my readings, I went with a long spear of about 10-12 feet in length. Could be that I went too long but that decision and that boat have sailed away.

  10. Nice line of infantry with fearsome shields and spears. The box looks huge on the table but the contents not so much. Go figure. 😀

    1. Thanks! rough count on the new lead in this box is about 150. Enough to keep me busy for a month or two.

  11. Nicely done unit Jon and as others have said that is a rather heavy looking box of figures ! As to the battle I will need to look at some maps to pin it down ?

    1. Thank you!

      Good to see you take up the battle challenge. Hints from above are 18th Century but earlier than AWI.

  12. Aww, you gave it away at least partly - too quickly. I was going to guess the Sudan! :)

  13. Another lovely unit Jonathan…
    I do like the Foundry Biblical range…

    That’s a nice big box of lead… you are certainly giving the postman a regular workout.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks, Aly! I like the Foundry Biblicals too.

      One time, the postman brought a heavy box to the door. He asked, “what do you have in there, lead?” My response: “yep!”

  14. I agree with Aly that is a wonderfully sized box…always a delight to find that in the doorstep! Great looking unit.

    1. Is there ever a box of lead that is not wonderfully sized? I like them all!

  15. Another fine addition to the Sumerian juggernaut there Jonathan and that package is certainly of biblical proportions.

    1. Thank you, Phil! Good one on the "Biblical Proportions" comment!

  16. Those Sumerians look very much of the early/ancient era: nice (and I agree: that's a big box o' lead). As to the battle, based on the redoubt and it's configuration, I was thinking something SYW or War of Austrian Succession (ish).

    1. Ed, on the battle setting, you are in the correct periods. Which one?

    2. Well, I'll go for the less eclectic of the options and say SYW.

  17. Lovely work on the Sumerians. I don't have any Newline figures in my pile, but they do look very nice. Thirty pounds for postage doesn't seem too bad on a 150 figure order.

    1. Thanks! Newline Designs figures are terrific. With the currrnt sale, the discount neatly equates to free shipping.

  18. Every time you paint up Sumerians...I start browsing all the 28mm Ranges....sooner or later....Lovely figures and great brushwork!

    1. Hold onto your wallet, John. More Sumerians working their way through the painting queue.

  19. Yet more great looking spearmen! Always like seeing these being posted.

    No idea on the new battlefield, but it has my interest for sure!

  20. Great looking Sumerian spearmen, Jonathan. That's quite a lot of new figures you have too!

    1. Thank you, Dean! As fast as you paint, you would these all done in a month.

  21. Great looking Sumerians, I've got the Newline late Roman cavalry edging towards the painting tray that you got me,if they can get past all the Napoleonics! Always nice to get a hefty package!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Ian!

      I forgot about your Newline Cav. Looking forward to seeing them in the painting queue. With Napoleonics ahead of them, I expect delays.
