
Monday, February 21, 2022

On The Table Today is...

still an unnamed battle.

In the previous post, I offered up a map with little information on the battle beyond a view of the general topography.

Today, the troops are placed onto the table in their initial deployments.  The period should be obvious by the armies and uniforms.  But the battle?

A few more pictorial hints follow:

Any guesses?

With near blizzard conditions outside today, this Presidents’ Holiday looks like a good opportunity for a meaningful painting session and to work on the scenario for this battle.  I hope not to get sidetracked from plan.  Of course, there is snow shoveling in my future.


  1. My Seven Years War knowledge (I have the era right?)is sadly less than it should be, so I’ll not be able to offer much on guesswork here. (In all honesty I know nothing of this time period)

    But I will say “wow” (!) that is quite the display of units. Impressive to see them all formed up in their regiments like that. Going to be a lot to keep track of for your generals and a report I look forward to reading sir.

    1. Dai, you pinpointed the conflict. This battle is set during the SYW. I think the display provides an impressive sight too!

  2. No idea what the battle is but it looks amazing

  3. My SYW knowledge is not the best so unsure of the battle. Looks a great layout though

  4. Lobositz by any chance? Whatever it is, it's an impressive sight for sure.

    No blizzards here but the end of the 3rd storm in 5 days, with another possibly on its way:(.

    1. There is a chance it is Lobositz but a very small chance. Another guess?

      I have been reading about your waves of storms. Hopefully, Tuesday's remote UK game will be knocked out on account of weather. We received five inches of fresh snow today.

  5. I can assume that this is the battle of Kolin or Breslau in 1757. Because I don’t see Russians and French. Only Prussians and Austrians. Leuthen was in winter.

    1. Valentin, both good guesses and you are close but not correct.

  6. Replies
    1. Ha ha! Having seen your reply to Ed, I think I’ll say something else. Just as soon as I figure it out. 😁

      There can’t be many other options with Prussians outnumbered and in field defences. Maxen perhaps.

  7. I can’t comment on the battle, but I can say that your table offers a fantastic spectacle that few could match.

  8. Like most of lour colleagues I have insufficient knowledge of the conflict - all I really know is it lasted seven years and spawned a sub conflict called the French and Indian Wars (do the French call it the British and Indian Wars?!) Its an impressive looking table though with a ton of lead on display!

    1. Keith, I am surprised that SYW battles are not better known. When I visited Montreal, French Canadians seem to refer to the conflict as "Guerre de la Conquête" but I may have misread the French text! French & Indian War seems acceptable to all.

  9. Don't know what battle it is but it looks bloody brilliant!

  10. Looking good Jonathan. I was looking for miniature signposts near the village, but no clue there.

    1. No signposts, sorry. They would not have been in English anyway...

  11. An impressive number of troops on your tabletop, which I am sure are painted to your high standards.

    1. Hi Peter. Yes, this display just about emptied the storage trays of Austrian infantry. This may be as many Austrians as I have ever fielded for battle. Hardly room to field them all. The Austrian General will have difficulty bringing this force to bear.

  12. Another great looking game Jonathan!

  13. Wow - you sure do go for spectacle! Magnificent!

    1. Thanks! Hopefully not too large to provide an enjoyable contest.

  14. Hochkirch? And it is splendid, whatever it is!

  15. That's an impressive display of troops Jonathan!


  16. If it’s not the French and Indian war version of the 7YW then I have no ideas of what is what. I’m guessing this isn’t FIW just by the size of the battle. Or I just put my foot in my mouth big time. 😀

    Impressive set up though. Looks cool. Have a productive painting session and don’t freeze in the basement. 😀

    1. Not FIW. Well, I did not manage to make much progress on the painting front today. Perhaps tomorrow? We do heat our basements up in the PNW so no freezing although I keep a small space heater nearby.

  17. Don't recognize which part of history is being portrayed, but in awe of the set up! Fifty degrees F out today, sorry for your weather.

    1. Pleased you like the setup! Lows tonight will be in single digits with brutal windchill. 50F sounds very nice.

  18. Most beautiful and impressive lines of battle...on this unnamed table!

  19. That is some setup Jonathan. I look forward to seeing the game. Hope the weather approves…to make you jealous it’s hot and humid here today…I observed 30 degrees C and 90+% humidity at one point!

    1. Hi Mark. Weather will not begin to warm much until the weekend. I am used to very low humidity here so your 90+% humidity does not sound that pleasing.

  20. Fantastic looking setup Jonathan , I didn’t recognise the battle and was forced to do some research. I’m plugging for the Battle of Moys 1757 ?

    1. Thanks! Matt, your research paid off! It is the Combat of Moys, 1757. Good eye!

  21. I'm not the SYW-expert but maybe Moys is right. I love these masses of white uniformed troops. Are they on a 1:1 ratio of troops.

    1. Moys is right. The serried ranks of Austrians do look good, don't they? The battalion count is one-to-one but the figure ratio is about 25:1.

  22. Beautiful grand scale gaming again, Jonathan. I hope this is the last gasp of winter too.

    1. Thanks, Dean! I hope this is the last gasp of winter too. With five inches of new snow on the ground and temperatures in single digits, Winter's Last Gasp may be a long one.

  23. Beautiful layout and armies! I just finished Christopher Duffy's two-volume history of the Austrian Army in the SYW, but no idea. What scale are the figures? Looks like two bases per regiment.

    1. Thank you, Jennifer! Finishing off Duffy's two-volume opus is quite the undertaking.

      Figures are 15/18mm with each battalion comprising 23 figures on one base. As you guess, each regiment is made up of two such battalions.

  24. Just remember, baby steps on the snow shovelling. Heart attacks have a way of interfering with gaming plans ;)

  25. Great looking game. Get a lot painted for me. :-)
    As for the snow removal, hire someone!

    1. Perhaps I shouldn’t say this too loudy but I enjoy shoveling snow.
