
Tuesday, February 15, 2022

1st Azukizaka Triple Play

Recently, I hosted the First Battle of Azukizaka three times in five days via Zoom.  Game #1 was against Matt.  Today we take a closer look at that contest.  

The table arrayed with the two armies deployed.  Matt chose to take command of the Oda Clan.  I would command the Imagawa.

Armies arrayed for battle
Imagawa Battle Line
Oda Battle Line
Initial Deployments
Each army had a command tent on the battlefield with an intrinsic garrison.  If the tent is lost, two points will be deducted from Army Morale.
Imagawa Command Tent
Oda Command Tent
Oda advances but then is counterattacked on the right.
Oda archers are driven back with great loss.
Imagawa Samurai pursue.
Oda archers are destroyed on the right
while the Oda left erupts in fighting.
Heavy fighting on the Oda left.
Imagawa driven back on the left
and driven back in center and right.
Imagawa pushed back all across the front!
More heavy fighting on the Oda left.
Imagawa left has been breached!
Imagawa left collapses
In a series of attacks, the Oda commander, Nobuhide, turns the table on Yoshimoto.  Successful Odan attacks and failed Imagawan counterattacks force the Imagawan morale clock lower in big chunks.  Having driven in both Imagawan flanks, the Oda Army claims victory.  The battle was hard-fought but Yoshimoto saw his army pushed back all across the battlefield and he concedes the field.  

Excellent game!

For the second, First Battle of Azukizaka, please sees Graham's account at, Samurai Time-Slip.

The third, First Battle of Azukizaka, I leave for another time.


  1. What a great looking game. Initial disaster for the Oda Clan seems to have been quickly reversed and read like a relentless series of successful attacks thereafter.

    1. Thanks! Fortunes reversed quickly and it was over before I knew it.

  2. I am unsure of troop types and capability, but the opening looks like a balanced situation, is that a fair assessment.

    1. The situation is very balanced. Samurai Battles website shows this scenario split about 50%/50%. Even though this Samurai Battles' scenario is played under Basic Impetvs rules, I suggest that split looks about right.

  3. Looksca great game, with quite a divisive defeat for Imagawa.

    1. Fun game, for sure, Ray! Perhaps Matt grabbed victory from the jaws of defeat?

  4. I'm enjoying these samurai battles Jonathan. I can't recall seeing your samurai command tents in action before, and they look great on the table.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence! I am enjoying this too. This is the first time the command tents have seen action in battle.

  5. Great looking game and decisive victory for the Oda clan following a shakey start

  6. What a great hexy looking game Jonathan!

  7. Great looking see saw samurai game!
    Best Iain

    1. The battle could have gone either way. Well, at until it didn't!

  8. Looks really good, I do like those little flags.

  9. A splendid looking game Jonathan…

    All the best. Aly

  10. Great looking game. The way you present it is almost like watching a dance.

  11. Nice bit of back and forth Jon! Exciting game and a good result.

    How was it to play with your new ranged units?

    1. The game was quite exciting with much back and forth until Matt got his feet under him. Then, for me, it was mostly back!

      The new units added another dimension and thought to play.

  12. Thanks Jon for a splendid battle, as you know the initial probe against my right flank nearly had me running for the hills, I’m not really sure what happened after that everybody just ran forward 😀

    1. Yes, the initial active was successful but then you turned it around and pushed my army back all across the battlefield. It was my turn to run for the hills!

      Very fun game.

  13. Splendid stuff, a titanic turnaround by the Oda clan. The battle table looks very Ran like.

    1. Yep. Matt experienced an extraordinary turn around and wiped my army from the field.

      Glad you liked it!

  14. Really splendid looking figs and game--for some reason, I find the look reminiscent of Eastern Ren (another glorious looking period).

    1. Thanks, Ed! Perhaps the back banners lend the look of Eastern Renaissance?

  15. Looking good. It’s nice to get to see a scenario play out multiple times in a short time. Really helps you see what works and what doesn’t.
    The only thing I know about samurai battles is what I’ve seen in the movies. According to one; the only thing that beat samurai is a Gatling gun. 😀

    1. Thanks!

      I enjoy replaying scenarios multiple times for exactly the reason you give. Some do not like replaying the same scenarios but I am not one of them.

      Samurai v Gatling Gun? My money is on the Gatling.

    2. That was from the Last Samurai with Tom Cruz. Not a bad movie actually. 😀

  16. It is a period that I don't know. nice battle report thanks to share

  17. I enjoyed the account of this action, and Grahams account as well, now being a bit familiar with the rules and scenario.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the battle reports, Peter! I still have to make an accounting of our game before it is lost to memory...
