
Thursday, February 24, 2022

French Regiment Poitou and Moys Update

There have been rumblings since the start of the New Year that I planned to expand my fledgling SYW French army.  Nothing to show of any progress until today. 

In the first of (hopefully) a steady stream of French units marching off the painting desk is Regiment Poitou.  Figures are 18mm Blue Moon.  Flag is by David from Not By Appointment.  At least four more infantry battalions await their turn in the photo booth.  Actually, that would be regiments since I am fielding one battalion regiments to start.  A follow-up pair of infantry regiments are on the workbench now.  After those two battalions muster out, expect a half-dozen artillery pieces. 
On the unnamed SYW battle shown in earlier posts. Matt was the first to correctly identify the battle as the Combat of Moys.  Now, a "combat' to me suggests a smaller action but once the troops were deployed upon the table, Moys looks anything but small.  Below is the Moys battle map with details filled in.

Combat of Moys
Moys is the battle David (from Not By Appointment) selected as his introduction to both remote gaming and Honours of War (HoW).  Once we get our schedules aligned, we plan to give this a try.  Have we bit off more than two players can chew?  Perhaps not in multiple sessions.  By the time we are finished, David will be very familiar with both remote gaming and HoW!  

Wish us luck.

Since I expect to have Moys out on the table for an extended time, if anyone is interested in joining for a replay, drop me an email.  Moys presents an interesting solo puzzle.  I plan to give solitaire a try too.  Scenario details will be presented when work is completed.


  1. Great looking SYW French, Jonathan. I love the gris-blanc uniform of the period; one of the first miniatures I painted way back when was a 54mm Imrie-Risley SYW French Royal Rousillon Regiment infantryman (still have the figure). Also, very impressed with Matt's astute observation!

    1. Thanks, Dean. Matt did his homework to identify the battle as Moys.

  2. Lovely looking French there Jon, plus good that David will get to play and see his flags in action. Let's hope he enjoys HoW as I think they are a great set of rules, but then Keith is my friend!

    1. Thanks, Steve! I think HoW is a brilliant set of rules. I hope others enjoy it as much as we do!

    2. Yes, I am very much enjoying HoW. And thsoe French look wonderful too. :-)



    3. Good to see that HoW is working for you, David, and that you like these French. More French to come.

  3. This unit looks superb Jon - great to see that HoW is back online. Count me in if you're needing players.
    I believe Steve is also looking a re-match ;)

    1. Glad you like the regiment, Darren! Your name is down on the list.

  4. Nice work on the French regiment Jonathan. There's nothing quite like the sense of anticipation that comes from looking at a great layout like this, with all troops deployed and battle ready to commence.

    1. It is fun to set up the table and enjoy the display even if a die is not rolled in anger.

  5. Lovely french! Liking those bright clean uniforms.

    Moys looks like it will be a fun one too. Looking forward to the write up!

    1. Thanks! The uniforms are not that clean. I dirty them up with a stain to give them that "lived in" look.

      I am looking forward to giving moys a re run-out too. It has been several years since either HoW or SYW armies have been on my table.

  6. It’s a nice looking unit and table. It’s awesome to be able to set up a big battle and leave it up for multiple sessions. That should be most enjoyable.

    I’ve never heard of the battle of Moys. It definitely looks bigger than a combat. 😀

    1. Thanks, Stew! Before David suggested Moys, I was unfamiliar to this 'combat' as well. Certainly looks bigger than a combat to me too.

  7. I had to read about Moys as well; certainly looks like a Prussian defeat on the table!
    I too like the simple elegance of French SYW infantry uniforms and flags!

    1. Historically it was a Prussian defeat. We will see if these latter-day Prussians have much hope in holding off the White Menace.

  8. Beautiful looking minis alway looking great at Battlefield!

  9. Lovely look regiment. Can't wait to see the AAR of the battle

    1. Thanks! First battle attempt is scheduled for Monday.

  10. An excellent addition. I agree HoW is a very good rule set.

    1. I think so too. One 2022 goal is to get enough French painted to take to the field.

  11. A fine looking unit there and a grand looking table that will present some spectacular games I am sure.

    1. Thank you, Phil! Hopefully, I can get some enjoyable games out of this battle before packing it away. I have not played HoW in a very long time. I will need to come back up to speed on the rules.

  12. The French look great. I really like David's flags, they make the unit look even better.

  13. Yes, he's the go to guy for flags. A very nice looking unit Jonathan. Good luck with the game I look forward to reading about it.

    1. David's flags are great! Reasonably priced too!

      The game will be David's introduction to both remote gaming and Honours of War. Hopefully, it is an enjoyable experience for him.

    2. Positive comments on my flags keep me going; thanks! :-) And yes, I am indeed enjoying the game, although as I haven't wargamed for ages it feels very much like giving the latest joined junior subaltern a whole army to command - yikes!



    3. I see several gamers adding your flags to their regiments especially French.

      As for the battle, you are more than holding your own. The Prussians have already lost the Jackelsberg. Can the Prussians retake it? They will try!

  14. A nice looking addition Jon and as I mentioned somewhere else recently, the flags on Not By Appointment are a string temptation to consider a SYW project!

    1. What is holding you back? Time for a new project!

    2. Absolutely! I really like to see my flags in action so thr more the merrier... :-)



  15. Lovely stuff Jonathan. I must confess that having recently completed a couple of French units for the AWI, which are very similar to the SYW uniform, the inner magpie has been looking at the SYW with interest.

    1. Thank you, Mark! You, of all people, always have room for another project at the painting desk. Go for it!

  16. A lovely new unit Jonathan…

    That’s a grand looking table… I look forward to seeing how it plays.

    All the best. Aly

  17. Lovely and elegant French unit for the Seven Years War, I've got a geriatric Blandford on it on my shelves in English and for some reason German, nice period!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! "Geriatric Blandford?" Does that mean it is simply old or in tatters?

    2. 30 years plus,think they're sturdy hardbacks!
      Best Iain

  18. Lovely looking unit and I'm very exciting to see you gaming with David.

    1. Thanks, Andrè! Very exciting to get a game in with David. Our session #1 went successfully, I think.

    2. Yes, I agree it did and I'm trying to think of some fiendishly clever moves for the next session... ;-)



    3. I will be on the lookout for your trickery.
