
Monday, February 28, 2022

French Regiments Provence and Cosse'-Brissac

Despite a flurry of games, activity at the workbench continues albeit more slowly.

A large box of hexes arrived on my doorstep this week.  Contained therein were stacks of five-inch hexes.  Do I not already have enough flocked hexes to fill a table for battle?  Yes but those were four-inch hexes for use with 15mm figures.  To adapt my 120mm frontage, 25mm armies to hex-based Basic Impetvs battles, larger hexes were needed.  Once weather improves, I will be outside preparing a second set of hex tiles to accommodate the larger 120mm bases.      

Two more French infantry regiments muster out from the painting desk today.  The two latest, 23-figure regiments are both faced red with yellow trim.  Figures are 18mm Blue Moon with a Eureka mounted officer.  Flags by Not by Appointment.

Cosse' Brissac saw action at Rossbach.

Provence saw action at Hastenbeck, Rossbach, and Krefeld.

Cosse' Brissac
Several more French infantry regiments are making their way through the painting queue.  Perhaps there will be detours to field more Sumerians along the way?

Kevin and I set down on Friday for a F2F session of Commands & Colors Ancients with my 6mm Punic Wars collection.

For this action, I picked a battle unfought by us.  On the docket was the Battle of Caralis in 215BC.  At first glance, Caralis appeared to offer an interesting battle featuring large armies.  On paper, the armies looked well-matched.  On the table, the armies were very well matched. 

We had time to play the battle twice.  Kevin chose to play the Romans in both contests.  In Game 1, Carthage took the victory 8 banners to 7 banners while in Game 2, Rome took the victory 8 banners to 6 banners.  Two very close games that went down to the wire.  Excellent stuff!  Caralis may be my new favorite battle.

Matt and I faced off on Sunday for another in our long-running Rebels & Patriots AWI campaign games.  On tap was a recreation of the running battle of Millstone in 1777.  I save details on this excellent action for another time.  

On the gaming table today, I face off in a remote game recreating the SYW Battle of Moys.  This will be David's introduction into both remote wargaming and Honours of War

Off to prepare for today's game.


  1. nice splashes of colour in the regiment, the white gives a good 'canvas' for that. I think the 5" hexes overall will be more useful, not only for the 120mm bases, but for smaller scales needing more room to breathe, especially in settings where terrain is quite dense.

    1. Thank you, Norm!

      The 5" hexes may be more useful because I have so many 25mm projects mounted on 120mm bases. For collections mounted on 60mm or 90mm bases, the 4" hexes worked very well.

  2. Great French regiments, Jonathan! The mounted officer in the center is very good. We need to adopt this practice. I see you preferred Eureka to Strelets.

    1. Thank you, Valentin! I have used this practice of mounted officer for 15mm foot bases for a long time. For me, it works. Hopefully, you will like it too. As for Eureka rather than Strelets, I am somewhat of a metalhead.

  3. A busy man Jonathan, just adding a German battalion to my own French, love the diversity in the French.

    1. Yeah busy, for sure. The French do provide lots of interesting foreign regiments to give some color to the army.

  4. Wow you really have had a full on week Jon, it's just as well you are retired, you don't have time to fit in work as well! Looking forward to seeing your latest AWI with Matt.

    1. No time for work, for sure! sometimes, I feel I replaced one FT job with another.

      Matt will likely get his spin on the battle up before I have a chance...

  5. Nice work Jonathan, and that Battle of Caralis is certainly an interesting side note to the Punic War. I have read a few accounts including Goldsworthy which I found very good, but can't remember much mention of it. Interesting that it allowed Carthage to resupply Hannibal with a few thousand Numidians and 40 elephants.

    1. Caralis is a very interesting battle and the CCA scenario is perfectly balanced. I look forward to replaying this scenario.

      Which Goldsworthy has a battle account?

  6. Great looking units as always Jon! Your 'slow' painting output is still way faster than my tortoise like efforts. Good to see you are still able to get in some FtF games as well as remote ones.

    1. Thank you, Steve! With an increase in gaming, painting seems to come and go in fits and starts.

      Yeah, Friday's F2F game was a pleasant surprise.

  7. Nice units Jon…..and larger Hexes too 120mm is big ! Are you going base map or fully hex ? Two command and Colors battles is good👍Will try and load Millstone soon

    1. Thanks, Matt! Yes, the 5" hexes will work well with the 120mm frontage 25mm collections. That will open up a whole expanse of possibilities for gaming on a grid with my Impetvs based figures.

      My plan is to have the table fully hexed. Weather must improve before I can tackle that job.

  8. Good job on the regiment. It looks good.
    One of the best things about C$C is that you often can get two games in during a playing session. 😀
    Good luck with your game of Moys.

    1. Thanks, Stew. There are actually TWO regiments here!
      Yes, getting in multiple games in one session is a big plus for CCA. As an extra bons, the game is simply a lot of fun to play and the outcome is often in the balance until the last banner is taken.

      Day 1 of the Combat of Moys was good fun with the Austrians making good progress. The Jackelsberg has fallen with great loss to both sides.

    2. Those French look terrific. :-) And I'm very much looking forward to the 2nd Moys session next week too.



    3. Thanks, David! I am looking forward to Session #2 on Monday.

  9. Impetus Hex soinds really interesting.

  10. (Second time trying to comment… my phone is annoying)

    New French are very smart looking!

    As with last year I am envious of all the games you get to enjoy Jon! Loving vicariously through you sir

    1. I appreciate your persistence!

      2022 is beginning as a continuation of non-stop gaming from 2021. Glad to have you following along!

  11. I can'r keep up with your painting and gaming! Envious here ;-D I like the use of 6mm figures on the C&C board!

  12. A couple of great looking units, Jonathan. I love that Cosse' Brissac standard!

  13. I try to get CC Ancients - maybe to use the rules for my 1/72 Ancients collection.

    Your new French regiments are very nice. The flags by NBA are perfect. I love to use them for my French regiments. I made 2 bn.s for larger regiments such as La Marine or Artois.

    1. CCA is a terrific game whether playing with blocks or miniatures.

      Thanks on the French units. Daivid will appreciate the comments on his flags. To begin, I am starting by fielding one battalion French regiments. Over time I hope to go back and field a few second battalions.

  14. Great pair of units Jonathan.
    I've played CCA a lot fewer times than I've played CCN but recall it gave some great games.
    Looking forwards to the battle report too.

    1. Thanks, Paul! While I have played CCN, CCA is my favorite with Samurai Battles a close second.

      Battle report may be a ways off. We still have Session #2 to play.

  15. A very fine regiment there Jonathan you have bought those little chaps to life. Interesting CCA game too.
