
Friday, February 11, 2022

On the Table Today is...

the Battle of Koriyama Castle in 1540.

The combination of Samurai Battles' scenarios and Basic Impetvs (BI2.0) continues seeing regular action on the gaming table.  Today is no exception.  With a start time of 0700 PST to fit in with my UK-based opponent's schedule, the gaming day begins early.  Rather than umpiring the game only, I face off against my opponent in a remote, two-player contest.  While my opponent has two games under his belt with my adaptations to BI2.0, today's contest is a chance to reinforce some of the game elements without a virtual room full of players and competing demands.

Koriyama Castle introduces (to me and my collection) a new unit type in Samurai foot archers.  Without any such units in the collection, I needed to make quick work in fielding the two required BMUs for this battle.  Luckily, the recent Museum Miniatures' order had enough figures to field two such units.  Oh, I also managed to slip one more order under the wire during the January sale.  A month ago, I thought this project finished.

Off the painting desk today and just in the nick of time to see action in today's game are two Samurai foot archer units.  Each unit has 14 figures.  As with the Samurai horse archers fielded earlier, these foot archers are superb looking sculpts.

Anyway, with an early start time, I better get some rest.


  1. 0700 hours! that calls for some coffee reinforcement!

    The Museum Miniatures sculpts are looking very nice, I like their bow, from memory, these miniatures use quite a hard metal.

    1. Early start, for sure.

      The metal in these MM figures is very hard. If there was much flash, it would be hard to remove. Luckily, the figures are quite clean.

  2. Great looking Samurai archers!
    Best Iain

  3. Frantic wargaming times with early mornings and last minute painting.

    1. Yep!

      When you and I game, the situation is reversed with you having the early start time.

  4. Nice units Jonathan, and we all know, it never ends.

  5. Super units Jonathan, this scale us certainly the way to get the feel of a mass Samurai set to.

    1. Glad you like them, Phil! In 15mm, you can get a lot of units and figures on the table.

  6. Very nice work once again Jon. Looking forward to seeing another Samurai battle report too!

    1. Thank you, Keith! I am falling dreadfully behind in chronicling battle reports...

  7. Nice work on the archers! Quite an early start to your weekend!

    1. Thanks! With retirement, many days seem like a weekend.

  8. Hope the battle goes well despite the early start! Great that you were able to get the extra units ready in time for the game. And as you say, with retirement each day does feel like the weekend...

    1. Well, the Mori under my command went down in inglorious defeat. I need to think long and hard how I lost this battle...

      Isn't it funny in that no matter how many figures are painted, one often still needs a unit or two for a game?

  9. Great Samurai archers Jonathan and beautifully done. The only flash I found on the Museum Miniatures I painted was on a couple of figures with curved arms and was very thin and easy to remove. Otherwise they are very clean sculpts and I think paint up a lot better than the pictures on their website indicate.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence!

      The MM Samurai figures I have show only minimal flash if anything at all. Easy to remove, as you say. I also agree that the figures (even bare metal) look better in-hand than on the website. Actually, they look nearly as good as the new 'Z' sculpts to my eye. Brilliant sculpting and casting. Fun to paint too.

  10. Those Samurai archers look very nice

  11. 0700 isn’t that early but I guess it depends when you are used to getting up. Still as it’s a remote game; all ya gotta do is roll out of bed and turn the computer on. Don’t even have to brush your teeth. 😀

    Great job getting your special units done and onto the table. Now you truly are finished!

    1. You are right, Stew. 0700 is not that early for early risers. It is a good thing that the game room is two floors below the bedrooms so that I do not wake the whole house when battle commences.

      Truly finished? I just received more Samurai reinforcements!

  12. Very nice additions indeed Jonathan…
    Ever time I play a game I come away with a list of new figures I really neeed… Mind you every time I look at a game… I also come away with a list of things that I really neeed 😁.

    All the best. Aly

  13. Nice work Jon, the collection is certainly getting some heavy fighting, which is good news given the effort of putting it together of course. 07:00 am is a little too early for gaming in my view but needs must 👍

    1. Thanks! The collection is certainly getting some heavy fighting with more to come.

      If you stated a game at 0700, think how early you could get started on your mid-game refreshments.

  14. Wow those are some nicely detailed sculpts with some good clean paintjobs.
    Samurai with those long bows are pretty iconic, am surprised you didn’t have them already mate.

    Looking forward to that report!

    1. Thank you!

      When I first started the project with Zvezda's Samurai Battles as inspiration, there were no Samurai foot or horse archers in the troop mix, only Samurai foot. Some of GMT's Samurai Battles' alt-scenarios include these troop types. Now, I must too.

  15. Enjoyed the AAR- thanks for sharing! I might try the HEX battlefields one day!

  16. New recruits heading into battle fresh from ..."training" this could make a reputation for them, for better or worse.
