
Friday, June 26, 2020

Hittite Javelinmen x2

Today, out from the painting desk, sees two units for the growing Hittite project.  This time, two 12-figure units of javelinmen.  For those readers keeping count, the addition of this pair of units brings the total to eight of the planned dozen units.  Figures are Wargames Foundry.   
What remains in the painting queue to finish off the first dozen units?  Well, I see one more unit of javelinmen and three more chariots.  Once the initial twelve are completed and if tempted by expansion, The Lead Pile holds five more chariots, two units of spearmen, two of javelin, and two of archers.  Still plenty to field if I want keep focus on Hittites.  Of course, plenty of other projects are seeing action at the painting desk too including a few projects not seeing work in a long while.  When the first dozen Hittites are finished, expect projects to return to a more typical, mixed rotation at the painting desk.     
One item often overlooked until almost too late is my supply of Litko bases.  A few of the bases used in my various projects are running low on inventory.  Of particular concern are the Impetvs/TtS! size bases including the little raised label holder on the trailing edge. Looks like I need to make an order this week to resupply before the painting production line grinds to a halt.  I wonder if Litko is having a July 4 sale this year?  Off I go to check...


  1. Great work Jonathan - more than halfway through the army!

  2. Two lovely units once gain, with the shields adding nice variety to the units. Looking forward to seeing the 12 units all together soonish:)

    1. Thank you, Steve! Yes, the Dirty dozen will gather together for a photo shoot soonish.

  3. Lovely unit, in a very obvious attack stance. Are you saving the chariots until last as your painting reward:-) (even though I know form a painting point of view, they are a lot of hard work).

    1. Glad you like them, Norm! Two chariots are already on the "Finished" side of the ledger with three more in work. I try to mix it up on the painting desk between chariots and infantry. Next up for a photo session is Chariot #3.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you, Scott! Long time, no hear! Hope all is well with you.

  5. Impressive work again, Jonathan. You're certainly pumping these out at an amazing pace.

    1. Thanks! The Hittites seem relatively quick to field.

  6. Very nice work indeed Jonathan and as always, I am in awe of your amazing productivity rate!

    1. Thanks, Keith! The Hittites are moving through the painting queue at a very good clip.

  7. There's a terrific, aggressive feel to those. I'd hate to be on the receiving end.

  8. You're on fire Jonathan, the way the figures are rolling off the production line. Well done mate. Cheers Greg

    1. Greg, the Hittites are moving across the production line ata very good pace. Thank you for your encouragement!

  9. your productivity is really scary Jonathan at this rate the Hitites will be fighting in the heat of summer !

    1. Fielding a Hittite army in the heat of summer looks a definite possibility. The recent painting focus on them is paying dividends. Thanks for your comment!

  10. They look great beautiful painting

  11. It seems that each unit is even better than the last Jonathan, which is no mean feat.
    They really do have character-filled faces don't they?

    1. James, you are very kind! The Foundry Hittites have a lot of facial character.

  12. Great work Jonathan, I too have an urgent need to order more scorched MDF :)

    1. Thanks, Paul! You think you have enough bases until you don’t!

  13. Terrific work Jonathan, and the assembled group will look amazing when you have finished. I think your choice of colour palette really suits this army, and yet is quite distinctive.

    1. Your encouragement for the Hittites are most welcome, Lawrence! I will give the army a parade once I bring the army up to twelve elements.

  14. Great job JF! On and on they come.
    Until you run out of bases. I’ve done that before and had to content myself and work on some other less exciting project bc the thing I want had no base. 😀

    1. Thanks, Stew!

      If I run out of bases for one project, I simply switch to another project using a different basing scheme. Not having a universal basing scheme for all projects is occasionally useful!

  15. Fantastic looking Hittite Javelin elements. Seeing these makes me question my decision to rebase all the Impetus based figures I had to 60mm fronts.

    Cheers, Ross

    1. Thanks, Ross! Good looking and varied units can be built upon the 120mm frontage but 2x60mm looks good too.

  16. Fantastic looking Hittites! They look great and are very dynamic too!
    Best Iain

  17. They look great, Jon... not to mention aggressive and a bit hungry! Drive to complete a set project usually helps spurs my production!

    1. Thanks much, Peter! Yeah, they look a little scrawny and battle-hardened. Hope they have the strength to fight!

  18. I really like these lot! A nice looking base of figs for sure. What are the tabletop looking things if I might ask?

    1. Thank you, Sir! The raised cleat on the trailing edge is used to affix a label displaying a unit's game stats.

  19. Perfect infantry! Eager to see a full army.
