
Monday, June 29, 2020

A Pair of Hittite Chariots

The twelve element Hittite project is in the home stretch now.  Off the workbench this weekend are two chariots and supports.  This brings the total for the project to ten of the twelve planned BMUs finished. 

Up first is Chariot #3 in the project.  The chariot and crew are Wargames Foundry.  The runners are from Newline Designs.  While the earlier Newline Designs' Hittite chariots maintained three figure crew, the Wargames Foundry chariot carries a two-figure crew complement.  
Foundry chariot/Newline runners

Foundry chariot/Newline runners
Up next is Chariot #4.  This stand features Wargames Foundry chariot with Foundry runners.  The Foundry Hittite chariots are slightly smaller than the Newline Designs' chariots.  The Foundry chariot team is slightly smaller too.  Given that the Newline Designs' chariots allow a crew of three vs a crew of two, it seems reasonable that the Newline chariots would be slightly larger.  On the table, there is little difference. 
Foundry chariot/Foundry runners
Foundry chariot/Foundry runners
What is left to round out the dozen BMU Hittite Army?  One more chariot and one more unit of javelinmen are all that is holding me back from declaring victory on this 2020 goal.  Both units should be mustering out from the painting desk soon.

Even before putting the finishing touches on the last two units, thoughts have already turned to expanding the Hittites.  One unit of spearmen is in queue with construction beginning on three more chariots.  Enough archers are present to field one or two units of Neo-Hittite archers.  If I stick to those plans, the Hittite army will see a 50% increase in size over my original goal.  Perhaps an 18-BMU Hittite Army ought to be a revised 2020 objective?

Before tackling more Hittites, a number of other projects see additional units winding through the painting queue.  Some of these include Afghan/Pathan warbands and Russian artillery for the 19th Century Great Game, ACW Federal infantry in 28mm (finishing off the last of a Federal brigade), and two regiments of French for the FAW in 18mm.  I bet a few more items are in work too.   


  1. These look absolutely brilliant, Jon - lovely job.

  2. Two more eye candies Jonathan, congrats!

  3. These Hittites are coming of the painting line and a good rate and as you say, you've nearly reached your 12 unit goal. As always they look great and the 2 or 3 man chariots make a nice visual difference on the table. Have they got opponents yet as I can't remember!

    1. Thank you, Steve! Yes, this project is coming along at a good pace and will soon reach the goal. I will be hardpressed not to continue adding units.

      As for opponents, Assyrians and Egyptians in are waiting.

  4. Great work again Jonathan - I am sure that the Hittite Empire was extensive enough to allow for more than one design of chariot to exist! I have never really understood the concept of chariot runners - not a job I would fancy, unless the chariot horses were restricted to a fast walk/slow trot...keeping up with a cantering horse would not have been an easy task!

    1. Thank you, Keith! For me, adding chariot runners to the base is a way to avoid fielding two chariots on each large base and adds some interest. As for the runners role, that depends upon how you view chariot combat in Biblical times. Are they mobile firing platforms, shock troops, or transport?

  5. Absolutely top notch Johnathan. Your painting style is perfect and your bases so neat What I find really annoying is the consistency of your painting style.Well done.

    1. You are very kind, Robbie! With only one painting style that seems set in stone, it is difficult to vary from it!

  6. Lovely, do you have enemies for them?

    1. Thank you, George! Yes, Assyrians and Egyptians are ready and waiting.

  7. Why do the crews not have bows? The Hittites did extensive training for shooting from their chariots.

    1. Why no bows? Foundry produces chariot crew with more pole arms than bows. The next batch of Foundry chariots will be armed with bow...

  8. Great looking chariot Jonathan, Love the runners as well. What a crap job that must have been!!!

    1. Much appreciated, Ray! I am sure most jobs during this period were crap jobs unless you were lucky enough to be king!

  9. Great additions to your Hittite army - love the runners on the bases they make each chariot a little vignette in its own right. Cheers Greg

    1. Glad you like the base composition, Greg! Thanks for your comment!

  10. Lovely bases, capturing a desert look nicely.

  11. Very nice bases full of action and character!

  12. Good stuff Jon. Even a little smaller I bet they mix in just fine

    1. While the Foundry chariots are a little smaller than Newline, there is no difference when viewed from the table. Thank you!

  13. Impressive work Jonathan and I am more amazed than ever at your productivity at working through the units.

    1. Thanks, Matt! My recent productivity could be driven by the simple costumes of the Hittites. Napoleonics do not proceed so quickly.

  14. I really like the way you have done these again Jonathan, they really are like stand-alone dioramas. Beautifully done.

    1. Thank you so much, Lawrence! I am pleased to see that you enjoy the diorama-like presentation.

  15. Nice additions, and definitely go for the 18 BMU's this year! I imagine we have limited useful information, but the Hittites don't seem to be much for decorating their chariots!

    The eternal question of exactly how chariots were used in warfare of the Biblical era remains intriguing; it may well have been components of all three, and likely varied by nation and over time.

    1. Thanks, Peter! I will take your endorsement for 18 units under advisement. It should be doable unless I get distracted.

      I think your assessment for chariot usage is spot on. I would enjoy time traveling back to this period to see how they were used in battle.

  16. Lovely little vignettes! Super looking chariots and runners all going together well,Newline and Foundry looking great alongside each other!
    Best Iain

  17. I can only echo everyone else and say how cool the chariots look. Great job! 😀
    I’m having a brain lapse; can you remind me what BMU stands for a again please?

    1. Thanks for your encouragement, Stew!

      BMU = Basic Maneuver Unit. This is the smallest size unit that can act independently on the gaming table. For example, Impetvs or TtS! has 1 stand = 1 BMU. For some of Neil Thomas' rules, 4 stands = 1 BMU. For Fire & Fury or RFF, a BMU can have a variable number of stands.

  18. Great looking chariots and runners Jonathan. Keep up the excellent work as the target is in the cross-hairs.

    Cheers, Ross

    1. Thanks, Ross! The target may be moving out a little do I may not be done quite yet.

  19. Excellent and hope to see some army shots of these once done! :)

    1. Thanks! Two more units to field and then a parade review.

  20. Good to see the Hittite project is nearing to a close with these two splendid chariot stands. Your future plans are both ambitious and amazing!

    1. Getting close, Mike! Glad you enjoy seeing the Hittite army grow.

  21. Nice work on these Jonathan, quite the collection of Hittites coming together. Looking forwards to a review of the completed force.

    1. Thanks! The Hittite army is making good progress. I look forward to an army review too!

  22. Your Hittites are coming along in style now Jonathan ...
    These are going to make for a very nice parade...

    All the best. Aly
